2. Tears

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Vish sat on a hard plastic chair studying. Her buttocks turning num and her hands whisking away at the papers in front of her. She needed to finish math, memorize the first to pages of a play, and start the english work that was due next Friday.

"Hey Vish." Carlos greeted standing by the doorway.

He had an apple juice box in his hand but it had blood in it. Vish raised her right hand and waved without looking up. Her left hand was writing on her homework and much too busy to stop. Other than the simple gesture, Vish ignored him.

"Come on, do you really need to work on that?"

Vish sighed loudly.

"I want to get into a good college! Is there a problem with that? I'm almost at a C in math! I need to fix up my grade! Now, please leave."

Carlos made a face, silently mimicking her.

"Geez." He whispered walking out.

He went to the living room and laid down on the couch. Normally, Carlos would've giving her a way harder time. Right now though, with her brother gone, he'd give her a break. He felt jealous yet, pity for Vish. Because she loves her brother so much and Carlos didn't have anyone to love. He was the only one in his family to turn into a vampire.

Carlos watched his whole family die, along with his friends. Vish had her brother until now. Now, her own family would be taken away like so many other vampires' families.

People think being a vampire would be cool, or mysterious. The truth is that it's torture. Everyone hates you for something out of your control and you can't even make friends without knowing they can't live forever like you.

Carlos heard sobbing from Vish's room. He went over to check it out and found her on the ground, breaking.

He was confused at first before looking over at her homework. There was a work problem around a dude named Ben. Sure it seems like no big deal, but she was struggling. Carlos had no idea how to cheer her up and decided to sit down next to her and hug Vish.

"I-I miss h-him so m-much! I w-want Ben b-back!"

Vish cried into Carlos's chest with her hand clutching his shirt. He just sat there awkwardly as his shirt was being soaked.

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