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Two months later...

"Welcome back to the news! After the Scientific Fiesta have been found guilty of murdering test subjects the AMIR group have been put in prison for life sentences and now-"

"It's like we're super heroes!" Carlos exclaimed!

Vish smiled and turned away from the TV.

"Yeah, super heroes..."

Ben had finally gotten around to catching up on all his schoolwork. He was in his bedroom and probably binge drinking blood. The poor teen had been sick from all the pains of the science experiments.

Now was a chance to confess. Vish's face had an awkward smile placed on it as soon the thought passed through. She glanced at Carlos, he was looking at the TV, which was now currently on a random show.

Maybe it could work? Only one way to find out.

"Hey, Carlos? Can I ask you something?" Vish called out.

The adult paused his show and looked at his friend. His face was full of confusion and a little bit of happiness. Vish shook all the thoughts away.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?"

His normally pale face turned as bright as a tomato. She wanted to mention it, but decided against it.

"Well, do you?" Vish repeated.

"Well... Uhhh..."

This wasn't going as planned. The teenager decided to roll with it. Perhaps it was a good thing that this conversation was unpredictable.

"I'll tell you my crush first?" Vish suggested.

Out if pure embarrassment, Carlos nodded, his face littered with sweat.

"My crush is..." She paused.

Should she actually tell him? Or leave the vampire in suspense until he eventually finds out himself? Meh, telling him would be a lot less painful in the long run. Even if it broke her heart.


The two sat in silence for a long period of time. No response from either of the vampires. But Carlos seemed to have a thought in mind. Vish couldn't physically think of anything other than her own panic.

Before she had gotten Carlos's reaction.

"I have a crush on you Vish." He whispered, very quietly.

Then, he kissed her on the cheek.


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