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This was not okay. It wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't, IT WASN'T!

Poor Sophie became gullible. She let her guard down, she stopped protecting herself, she let people get to her.

She thinks they're friends.

Old friends, the "old" was kicked out to her. 

Sophie's eyes were wide as she stared at the boy in front of her. A smile of disbelief crossed her lips, "What?"

My vision was going red.

The boy was grinning, "Yeah! It's me."

You, who had rejected her. You, who had drifted away. You, who had betrayed her.

Oh, but Sophie is smart. She knows what you did was wrong. She'll hate you. She'll reject you, just as you did to her. Especially in this public area of the front of the school-

My stomach dropped, my jaw tightened when Sophie jumped forward for a hug. She wrapped her arms around Tristan's neck, a smitten smile blossoming her blushing face. Tristan grinned and hugged her back.

I felt beyond ill. I couldn't hear as the two pulled away and exchanged words. 

Sophie, what're... What're you doing? Looking at him, appreciating him... Hugging him. And most importantly, what did Tristan think he was doing? She's mine, isn't that obvious? She's mine. Mine, mine, mine, MINE, MINE MINE-

"Are you okay dude?"

Ah, I broke my pencil.

I looked up to the girl who had noticed and nodded. After glancing at the pencil broken in two in my hands, I looked at Sophie and Tristan.

"I remember!" Sophie cried out with a smile, her cheeks red, "We used to-!"

"Play tag!" Tristan said, and Sophie cringed slightly. She was remembering that Tristan rejected her and turned his back towards her. Good Sophie, now turn away just as he did to you.

She tried to hide her thoughts by adding, with a smile, "And hide and seek,"

That was in Sophomore year. It was in Junior year that the two started dating.

I could never think straight since it had happened. 

My grades went down like a slope. Teachers kept me in class and asked what was the problem. Tristan was the problem. He took my life, and what was I supposed to do without my life? Everything was horrible.

It was hard to move. Each little movement, each little breath took a whole lot of effort. I felt like everything had slipped away, everything was black and white.

It had only made my stalking go higher.

I sat on my knees near Sophie's bed. My arms were folded on top of her comforters, my eyes shut, "Sophie..." I whispered, "Sophie, Sophie, Sophie..." My arm shifted and my hands kept moving, looking for something to grab. I found Sophie's hand, my fingers intertwining with hers, "Sophie-"

She let out a groan and shifted in bed. My eyes went wide, and my heart slammed hard against my chest. I wasted no time. I pulled away from Sophie and hid in the closest area: under the bed. I fell to my side and slid under.

I heard the bed creak. I heard Sophie's yawn. I waited for a long time, until I was sure she was asleep.

"Blake, right?" 

I looked up at Tristan. I sat on one of the school's benches in one of the quadrants, during lunch. Backpack on my lap, open and written on notebook over it. I nodded, my expression blank.

"Do you have a pencil? I just need to fill something out in that shitty handout they passed out in homeroom."

I nodded, slowly, and reached into my backpack. My movements were slow. I finally pulled out a sharpened pencil. "Thanks," He took it and walked off, "I'll give it back when I'm done."

He returned to Sophie's side on the school steps. Sophie wore a smile, her hair pulled back by a ribbon. Ever since the two had started dating, she seemed much more bright and, well, beautiful. She wore much cuter clothes, dress to impress - her sister had said, decorated her hair, smiled. Not that I have anything against that. If anything, I found this version of her to be much more attractive.

But dressing to impress Tristan? No. Smiling for Tristan? No. Being with Tristan? It makes my blood boil.

"Is it just me," Tristan questioned as he pulled out a sheet, "Or is that guy everywhere? I mean he's just... Pft, there!"


Sophie furrowed a brow, and then laughed, leaning back, "He's a bystander." She said, and I felt my cheeks getting hot. What? Sophie notices me, or did she just think of a response on the spot?

"Is he a loner or something?"

I could sense the sadness entering Sophie's being. Tristan keeps reminding her of her past hardships. Of her being alone, or him leaving her, of everything.

She sighed, "It... I guess, yeah. He's not really social." She looked down. My heart was starting to pound against my chest. Sophie knows me. She notices me. She turned to Tristan with a smirk, "Do you remember, though? He was in elementary with us, too."

My face felt like it was on fire.

"What?" Tristan blinked, "Really?" When Sophie nodded, he asked, "I guess we didn't talk or hang out, because I don't know. Did the two of you ever talk?"

... Did Sophie...? No. Or yes. I don't know. I never really wondered this deeply if she remembered me. Remember the boy she played with, the boy she made a promise to, the broken promise.

Hell, I didn't even know she acknowledged my existence.

Sophie blinked at first, but then a small smile crossed her lips. She lifted one leg over the other and looked right at me, I almost forgot to look down.

"Yup," She smiled, "We played tag once. He wasn't really reclusive at that time. He was pretty funny and energetic."

I couldn't breathe. My heart kept slamming and slamming against my rib cage, it was about to burst and explode. My vision was spinning, in one huge blur.


"Blake!" Tristan's voice was wavering, "Here."

Remembers me...

"Dude?" His voice was much closer to me. "You okay? You don't look so good."

The spinning blur was beginning to darken. It wouldn't stop. The spinning image just got darker and darker. My head was getting light.

"Blake?" I heard Sophie say. Sophie. Sophie said my name.

The darkness spun and took over the blurry colors. It fully took over, turning into a sea of darkness.


Everything was bright. Spotlights were everywhere until there was not a speck of grey. It was all just a piercing bright whiteness.

The girl in front of me was smiling. Her locks of caramel colored hair fell perfectly, soft and in curls. 

"We pinkie swore." Sophie smiled, "That we would play again, right? Remind me. Then, I'll have an excuse to. Tristan's getting in the way. So, please... Promise me that..."

I waited for her response. Everything started to fade to darkness again. Before the dark took over, Sophie rose her head. Her brown eyes were soft, her smile full of compassion.

"You'll save me."

My eyes shot wide open. My vision was a blur. though it seemed to be I was in a room of sorts. Laying on my back, looking up at the white ceiling.

"Goodness," I heard a woman say, "If you had been out for much longer, you would have been taken to the hospital."

My eyes were squinting, trying very hard to see.

"Oh, that's right. Sophie, be a dear and give him his glasses, would you?"

My heart leapt.

I turned my head in an instant to see the blurred image of Sophie. She had turned slightly to pick up something off the table near her, where she sat on a stool. She turned to me, and I swore my vision got worse.

She held my glasses in front of me. It took awhile, though I finally grabbed them. My ring finger brushed against hers. I sat up slightly and put them on.

"You just... Fell."

I don't really understand right now. I must have fell - yeah, she just said that. But, why was I in such a useless place? The school nurse? I guess they won't call an ambulance?

But Sophie was at my side. That was enough for me.

"Your guardians wouldn't answer the phone." The nurse said, "Are they working?"

Guardians? Oh, right. I nodded my head.

She wanted to curse, I could tell. She looked at me and spoke, her voice shaking very slightly, "Are you okay to walk? If so, we could just send you out and go."

Talk about hospitality.

I fully sat up, my elbows on the bed. I shot a quick glance at Sophie, who was looking away in discomfort. My eyes then drew up to the clock. Eighteen minutes past four. I looked back at the nurse, "I... I think - I'm sure I could walk home."

She gave me a wary look, "Are you sure?"

Oh dear, they would actually let me just leave. I had always wondered what would happen if someone were to pass out or get hurt. Apparently, you just stay in the nurse's office until your guardians pick up the phone.

"I'm sure."

The nurse's brow furrowed with a wrinkled forehead. But she nodded, "Your stuff is right there. We excused you from the remaining classes, fifth and sixth." She walked out into the attendance office.

How very compassionate.

My body went rigid upon hearing Sophie get up from her seat. I turned my head to look at her. She noticed - I didn't have enough time to look away. She gave me a nervous smile, "I wanted to... Come and wait - to check if you were okay."

I stared at her with wide eyes.

Sophie just... Spoke to me-

"Are you okay?" Horror filled her eyes, "Don't tell me-"

"I'm fine." I said, though my voice cracked. Sophie's eyes narrowed slightly at that, so I repeated, trying my best to remain calm. It was kinda hard, considering my heart was about to burst out of my chest, "I'm fine."

She stared at me in doubt. An awkward smile found her lips, "I, uh... If you want, I could give you a ride. I mean - I don't really have the car, my brother is coming right now to pick me up and..." She sighed heavily, not sure how to say what she wanted to say, "We could drop you off at your place."

I was gonna die.

"U-Uh..." I looked down, "Ye-... Yeah. I could, but..." My breath was getting short. Sophie was talking to me. I was talking to Sophie. Sophie. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie Sophie Sophie Sophie - I tried to snap back to the conversation, "Will that be alright?"

Her smile reached her blushing cheeks and to her eyes. My smile. "Yeah, I texted my brother and he said he doesn't mind."

"It was so mediocre." Sophie was pouting. We both sat on the bench in front of the bus stop. Of course, no bus was to be on it's way, it wasn't time for it. I looked at Sophie, blinking. She was scowling, "Just said they couldn't get you real help because your parents didn't answer the phone or whatever." She sighed, "It's so damn dumb."

"... Did you stay all throughout the next classes?" I asked.

"They wouldn't let me. Though I did, obviously, come once school ended. Just wanted to make sure you were alright... God," She gave me this irritated look. It reminded me so much of the day we played tag, where she was just irritable. "So, what happened back there? You got this really distant look, starting mumbling things and you just fainted."

My eyes were calm as I stared at my sneakers. I shrugged, "I don't know."

It was silent, the wind was the only noise there was.

I didn't speak, didn't try to. I was too busy. Too busy by thinking of a plan. I have to find a plan. A plan on how to save Sophie. I had to ask, though. Not really... My mind just - it just did it.

I reached over and grabbed Sophie's wrist. She jumped and looked at me with wild eyes. I could feel her shaking. I wasn't sure if it was just the cold, or her fear. I'd rather the cold.

"Sophie..." I said, my voice and eyes practically pleading. In the corner of my eye, I saw a car drive into view, "Do you remember me?"

The wind thrashed in our direction even harsher, it seemed Sophie's bow came undone, for it fell down in the tangled strands of her hair. Her eyes were even wider, and her body was now stiff.

... Why aren't you answering? I want to hear it from you, right to me!

"Ye-Yeah..." She sputtered out, and the car came closer. "We... Played tag once."

The car stopped right in front of us. My eyes narrowed upon seeing Sophie sigh and soften and what seemed like relief. Sophie...

She stood, and I followed her lead. Inside the window was Sophie's older brother, Leon twenty three years old. His hair was darker than Sophie's, his chin pointy with stubble. Just like I've seen him in the pictures and as he chatted with Sophie in the kitchen. It was different now that he made eye contact with me.

Sophie pulled up her bag and opened the car's back door. She slid in and all the way to the end, greeting her brother with a smile. My frown deepened, and I slid in as well, shutting the door once I sat.

"Blake, right?" Leon said as I put on my seat belt, "You had a little slip, I heard. Where you live, buddy?"

I winced, a cold shock going through my body.

Don't call me that...

"Just drop me off at 26th street east." I said, making sure Sophie had on her own seat belt. "I live right in the corner of the start."

"Isn't that a hotel?" He started to drive off.

"Yes," I answered, and felt it was best to explain, "I have one of the suites - lived there for over ten years."

"Aw, that's sick." He grinned, "Lots of rooms?"

"As manageable for a ten sibling family."

"That's so sweet! How much siblings you have?"

I don't think he noticed my sarcasm.

I shook my head, "None. Just me."

Sophie casted me a wide eyed glance. Sophie had once said she couldn't imagine being an only child. She never meets anyone with a lack of siblings, and said if she did, she'd be mortified.

Her look was, well, mortified.

Leon's reaction was completely different, "Man," He said with a laugh, "You've got the good life!"

Sophie screamed and kicked his seat in response.

The rest of the drive was quiet. After about ten minutes, we finally reached the hotel building. I opened the door and slipped off, "Thanks a lot - for the ride." Before shutting the door, I turned to look at Sophie.

A smile crossed my lips, causing her eyes to slightly narrow.

Don't worry, my precious Sophie.

I shut the door and walked off.

I will save you.

Hiyo! Thank you for reading! From here on, the POVs will switch, frequently. The next chapter will be Sophie's POV, but it will quickily go to Blake through half of it. Bye!

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