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"I need you to be quiet, okay?"

I didn't listen.

As soon as the cloth was pulled away from my mouth, I screamed. I just opened my mouth and let the noise escape my mouth. The noise. The loud blood curdling scream. It even strained my throat for a second there.

The sharp object was back against my throat. It just whipped itself there, but it never cut my skin. Not enough to cut a vein, anyway.

I didn't like knives. Not one bit. "They're bad, Blake, don't touch them." Everyone said that. Everyone. 

And here my Mother was, pressing it against my throat. 

I snapped my mouth closed, my body shaking like mad. The room we were in was a bit dark. However, there was a lantern in the corner, so I got a good enough glimpse. 

It was... An empty room. A cabin, I guessed. It was just empty. A wrinkled blanket lying in the corner, and that's it.

"You have to be quiet from now on, okay?" Her voice was shaking. But I could see the smile on her quivering lips. I didn't want to look at her dilated eyes. But I did, anything to look for an explanation.

She never, ever gave me one. Probably because I never asked for one. I was just scared and confused, wondering as to why... This would happen, I guess.

From the stuff she said, though, it was made very obvious.


"This house is far away from everyone,  but we don't want to risk anything, do we?"


"Please, Blake, listen. Do not ever leave this room - never utter a sound."


"I thought I told you not to speak!?"




"-I'm sorry!" The rope bound around my wrists were creating more scars as I struggled. It stung like crazy. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Those words. Whenever punishment was served to me for any reason... Talking back, any sentence starting with a questioning tone, trying to escape, trying to speak, making noise... I had to repeat these words. Sometimes she forgives me, but still leaves me tied up for more than a few hours. But if she doesn't forgive me...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so-!" Shock went through my body when I saw her raise the object in her hand. I tried to focus my vision, to see what she was holding.

My eyes went wide, "I'M SORRY!-"

The knife struck down on my shoulder. A scream escaped my throat. The pain just exploded, my skin mincing like meat when she twisted the blade.

I felt my hot blood stick to my clothes, yearning for something to hang onto.

I had nothing to hang onto.

Scream, scream scream. That's all I did. I didn't know what else to do in this pain.

She twisted the blade again.

My scream cracked there, it was too long and too loud. I shut my eyes tight, allowing heavy, hot tears stream down my face.

"Why're you crying?" The blade settled in it's place. I quivered with pain, not opening my eyes. "... Answer me." She pulled the blade out of my flesh. I cried out as the blood splat out for a second. The pain was still there... It hurt... It hurt!

"... WHY'RE YOU CRYING!?" The knife whipped right across my face. I grit my teeth as it cut some of the skin on my cheek, "WHY'RE YOU CRYING?!" The blade slammed across the room. She caught a fistful of my hair, "WHY'RE YOU-" She slapped me hard across the face, "CRYING!?"

"I'm not-!" I managed to choke out, "I'm not crying!"

She wasn't listening. "WHY'RE YOU CRYING!?" The slaps came from left to right. Each one felt more than just a slap. It was like a punch from a bear... "WHY'RE YOU CRYING!? WHY'RE YOU CRYING!? WHY'RE YOU CRYING!?"

The repeated slapping stopped after half an hour. She never stopped, not for a second after that. My eyes were shut, I tried very hard not to let my tears slip, or be seen at all. Mom stood up from her spot.

"... Don't cry. It hurts Mommy when you cry."

It's been two months.

"I'm sorry!"


"I'm sorry!!"












"I'M NOT-!"

Black out.

"I love you and your Daddy." She'd say, "I love you two so much... You know, Blake?" She smiled at me. I remained sitting there, against the wall. My eyes were wide.

Daddy wasn't here. She just took me. I don't know where he is. I want him here. He could help me. But no one's here...

"I love you too so much. More than one could love..." She walked over and knelt down in front of me. She embraced me. My entire body exploded with the pain of being thrown around, as she wrapped her arms around me. "That's why..." She ran her hand through my curls of hair, "I'm keeping you here. I went through a lot to do this. That's what makes this love stronger... I'll protect you from those vile people, Blake. I love you."

"... Love?" I whispered into her arm, "Protect...?"

"Yes." She said. I felt her tears press onto my shoulder. The one wrapped in bloody bandages. "I love you so much, I'm going to protect you. Love you so, so much. That's why I'm doing this. To take care of you."

I never let go of those words.

awh man. I got so much inspiration for this story by fucked up events, the whole deranged abduction thing something that scared me since I was little. So, naTURALLY let me make a character of mine go through it - damndamndamn. Also, sorry for the slow updates recently, I've been a little - nono really really sick. I'll try to keep up, thank you guys for reading!

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