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It was all very vague. But I felt myself running. Each step I took felt like hours, no matter how far I jumped. Everything got quicker by each passing second.

I see the bodies standing there. I couldn't see any of their eyes. Some lips were smiling, some were frowning, and some were missing just as the eyes. 

Suddenly, they all turned, like paper. My eyes went wide, "Hu-? Wa-Wait!" I reached out, and again, my pace got slow. Everything was turning black and white, "Wait, please! I'm-!" They just got farther, their legs weren't even moving. It's like they were just standing there, while I was dragged back. "I'M RIGHT HERE!-"

The background blasted, turning pitch black. A gasp escaped my lips, the air being pulled away. A hand gripped my wrist.

"Tag..." The person in front of me was shaking horridly. Like a malfunction. They rose their head to reveal a grin, blood streaming down their forehead and to their lips, "You're it," Blake said.

I awoke with a gasp. I just stared in front of me, lying on my side. My hands were slightly against my chest, unbound. My fingers sank into the cloth of my white nightgown. My eyes widened more upon remembrance of those dreams.


Blake was standing at the door, holding a full tray. His eyes were wide, "Did I wake you, from closing the door too loud?"

My teeth grit, I shivered. I glanced to the end of the bed to see my feet, unbound. My eyes found my hands again. I just stared distantly, still in horror. 

Blake walked over and placed the tray on the wide table, before setting up the small one, "What happened?" He placed the plate, cup, and the utensils wrapped in a napkin down. "You look tense."

"... I just..." My voice was shaking. I sat up, "Woke up from a bad dream. That's all."

Blake softened before looking down with a soft sigh, "I... Everything's fine, now." He pulled out the swivel chair between the wall and back desk, and sat on it, in front of me. The back of the seat was against his chest, his arms folded, "Are you okay?"

This was driving me crazy. Every word, every syllable that comes out of his mouth in nonsense. It's...



"Is there anything in particular that you'd like to eat later in the day, Sophie?" Blake asked. I looked at him, and just stared blankly. He frowned stubbornly and tilted his head, "I'll just assume on the spot, if you don't tell me."


"You had trouble sleeping last night." He commented. Oh yeah. I cried myself to sleep, but even then it was really late. "I'm thinking of getting you those sleeping pills you used when it was too loud out and you couldn't sleep. Advil PM, was that it? Would you like to take some each night, because I think you've been having problems sleeping."

I wasn't sure either to think 'surprisingly', or 'of course'. I'll go with of course. Of course, Blake knew I used that every few nights, due to noise from either the neighbors, or a TV somewhere in the house.

When my Dad got off work earlier than normal, him and my Mom would watch TV in their rooms, it was loud to me. Brooke did the same thing, either with her TV or laptop. Leon would do the same, but in the living room, when he wanted a bigger screen to see what he was seeing.

Fuck... No, don't tear up.

"Sophie? Would that be alright?" Blake asked, "Would you like that?"

"... Yeah." I hung my head, "Thanks." I tried my best to muffle out Blake's words, and his horrible smile. I gulped down the orange juice.

"Sophie, would you like anything?" Blake was leaving for awhile. Outside. With people. While I was trapped here. 

I didn't answer. I just looked down at my hands that were folded on my lap. "Sophie?" Blake's eyes narrowed slightly, "You don't want me to bring back anything else?"

"... No."

He softened with a frown. After a sigh, he walked over. He placed a hand on my forehead, brushing my hair out of my eyes, "I'll be back." He kissed my forehead, "Be careful."


The possible murder of Sophie and Tristan was already well known, especially in the town. Disappearances is the worst we've had in a long time. But this time, with Tristan's blood being found, everyone went crazy.

They weren't supposed to find that. I'm usually really good at cleaning things up and hiding it all. But I didn't have time, it's hard to get all that blood off the soil.

Everything was still very heated. Police were still roaming around, detectives were asking everyone questions. The school's field, the crime scene, was still under investigation.

I had also found that they found Joseph's car that I hot wired and abandoned in a parking lot. A new crime scene. I'm surprised they just barely found it, it seemed like they just did.

They found some sort of evidence. It was turned into a crime scene, after all.

Would Joseph be put at blame? It is, after all, his car. Then again, weren't the police called later that night, when Tristan and Sophie never showed up to their friends, nor family? Joseph had witnesses that he stayed in the bleachers to wait, for other people waited, as others went to look for the two themselves.

It can't be turned onto me. They didn't know of my and Sophie's deep connection. That's the good part of watching from afar, I suppose. I won't be suspected.

Nearly two hours later, the crime scene was gone. I stared at it with wide eyes as I walked by. Had they found something? By the huge amount of detectives there a few hours ago, I think they had.

No one was around the school. No one really passed through. There was some mobile homes nearby, but not close enough that many pass through here. Other than that, it's a pretty empty area, one of the desolate areas of the town. Just streets that no one drives through.

Near the small boxes of classes in the back, the fence was cut. I remembered it been cut for a long time. Around in fifth grade I noticed it, but now it was completely worn out.

I went through and forced the gate's lining together. I walked down the field, but not before flashing my and Sophie's tree a smile.

On the side of the building that held some classrooms, the offices and cafeteria, there was a door, leading to the hallway. I pulled out the key from my pocket and unlocked the door.

I expected warmness, it was cold outside. But inside, it was just as cold. I looked around, my eyes narrowed slightly as I shut the door behind me. I walked down the hall, hugging myself. Why was it so cold? The two heaters, the one in Sophie's room and in the hall were automated together. If one goes on, the other would too. Probably it broke?

"Sophie?" I called and rushed down the hall. I checked the library, walking down each corner, she wasn't there. I went in the computer lab, went down every table, she wasn't there. I went in the two open classrooms. 

Finally, I went into her room and found her. I released a sigh. I had thought she'd be somewhere else.

She was lying on the bed, the blankets curled around her. She must have taken all the blankets from the basket in the office. A book was lifted over her head slightly, the blankets draped around her elbows, like she was trying to keep her arms in the blanket, too. 

Her eyes found me for only a second, and then she went back to reading. She frowned, scowling some.

I walked over with a smile, "Sophie," I sat upon the swivel chair, and placed my backpack over my lap, "I got some clothes for you. I know you can't wear those clothes and that nightgown forever. And don't worry, I'm absolutely sure these are comfortable." I waited for her to look at me, to say something. But she never did. Her frown just deepened. "I'll just..." I turned in my chair and shoved the clothes in the bottom drawer of the desk. "Put them here, and you could look at them later."

The cold whined, clinging to me. I looked back, "Why is it so cold?" I turned the notch to turn up the heat. I felt it for a second, waiting for it to fully take over, "Why'd you turn off the heat, and keep it off? It's very cold. I can tell you're cold, too." My eyes lingered on the multiple, thick blankets wrapped around her. 

She didn't say anything.

"... What would you like to eat? I got much more ingredients."


"... Sophie." I frowned, "Sophie - look - look at me right now." She refused my order. I shut my eyes momentarily, before yelling, "SOPHIE!"

She jumped, flinching. Her eyes went wide.

"Look at me."

Shaking, she slowly turned to face me.

I stared back at her, before sighing, "What - What would you like to eat? Tomorrow is Monday, so I won't be able to make you breakfast. Remember? I want you to get the sleep you enjoy. Despite that..." I rolled my eyes slightly, "You never sleep."

"... A-" She held her breath, "Anything is o-okay."

My eyes lingered on her for a moment. Then I sighed, heavily, "Alright." I went through my backpack and pulled out a bottle, "I got you your sleeping pills. Would you want any?" When she nodded, I asked, "At what time? Around ten? Because I'm afraid I'll have to leave at eleven." She hesitated, before nodding.


Again, all while he was gone, I was panicking. I went in every room, every corner and screamed and screamed and screamed. I tried to unblock the windows, but to no avail. After many failed, painful attempts, I had finally went back into this room. I didn't want the heater on, I wanted to face the cold and hopefully get sick or die from it...

Now my hands were aching with pain from all the banging, my throat was sore from all the screaming. My entire body wanted to shut down and give up. 

After I had ate, I took two of the pills from the bottle. Sleeping pills and pain killers, together. Just what I needed, I suppose. When I choked them down with my drink, Blake asked, "Are you hurt, Sophie? You keep wincing when you move, mainly when you move your arms and hands. Is everything alright?"

"... They're just..." I shrugged, "Sore."

A pause, "You took two pills right? So you'll be getting tired anytime soon, it'll also numb the pain. I'll leave two more sleeping pills, and one regular painkiller, okay?" He lifted his backpack from the floor and went through it, "Why are your arms sore? Did something happen?"

"I don't know."

After Blake put everything away, he came back into the room, looking down at his feet, "I'll be back at around five o'clock, six at most... Here." He went into his backpack and pulled out a wrist watch. Seriously. How many things does he carry around? He threw it at me, and I caught it, "So you'll know the time. For when you get hungry, the cafeteria and kitchen doors are open. Okay?"


He frowned at me. But after a moment, he smiled, "Get lots of rest, and be careful." He walked closer and caught my chin. Oh God. I shut my eyes, wincing and shaking. I resisted to shove him as he pressed his lips against mine. "Goodnight, Sophie, see you tomorrow."

Sleep took me over in an hour time. The room was pitch black, my half shut eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the darkness. Wrapped in the warmth of the blankets around me, I went into deep slumber.

Hello! I just wanted to clarify something, but I wanna make it as short as I could. I recently got a message on another site claiming that someone stole my story, and the link of course, ended up here. I've actually shared this story on another site, which was posted first, so I can see why this concern would be made. So, yes, I have posted this story on two sites. I want to keep my other account on this website hidden (for now, I might reveal it some other time), but on that account, it does show my Wattpad account, and my discussions to maybe posting this story here, but it is small, vague, and can easily be missed. So, yes, I have posted this twice on different sites, and I only intend to have those. The "thief" (wattpad me) is stating here, and the "original" (still me) have also the disclaimer on my account. So now that it's dealt with, I'd like to thank all of you for reading!

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