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That was a rare sight. 

I sank into my seat as Leon started to drive away. I haven't seen Blake smile in a long time. It was vague, but I know the image is there, Blake laughing and grinning.

That made me think of his earlier question. It made me shudder.

Oh, God. He remembers me, then. The old me. That's not good. Didn't I grab and pull on his collar and practically threaten him to play with me? Oh God, oh God, oh God.

I'm different now. I swear to God I'm different.

I'm not gonna lie, I had a wonderful childhood. The first few years of school had been rough, but not really. I just hated being alone and made it out to be a much bigger deal. The only real bad thing about it is the aftermath. What aftermath? Well, it makes me feel like shit.

The friends I soon gained, they're gone, never coming back. Tristan came back. But it's just awkward to me, how he just left me and basically disappeared in my eyes. I love him, of course I do - we're dating now. But that only adds to more awkwardness.

I don't like being abandoned or forgotten. I hate it, I hate it.

But Blake... He remembered me. Did he remember me as a good person, or a bad person? I hope good, but I doubt it. 

A month had passed. Blake and I didn't interact in any way. Again, I feel conflicted about that. Just conflict, that's all I ever feel. Mixed feelings, they beat me up.

What concerned me was that Blake has been absent some days. I never remembered him being absent from class - he was always there. Always. Probably his health. I mean, you can't suddenly pass out and be in good shape.

It almost made me want to ask if he'd be alright.

The football game.

I never really liked going here. Before, I would go because my sister was on the cheer squad, and I wanted to support her. Support, meaning giving her rocked out and silly faces. Also, embarrassing her in front of her cheer-leading buddies.

Brooke had graduated already, though most of the cheerleaders up there have, too. "We've decided to participate, too. With our own routines." She had said. No. It was a reunion. I liked that, it was sweet.

Not only was Brooke the reason I came, but Tristan too. He's friends with about all the guys in the football team. That, and, he likes to see people competing. Currently, we were sitting in the front row of the bleachers. Tristan practically dragged me all the way here - he wanted front seats.

So here I was, scowling through the noise, simply waited for Brooke to come out. Tristan kept talking all loudly to his friend that sat either behind us, or at the side of us. Mainly at my side. So, he kept leaning across and practically breaking my ears.

There's always a moment where you hate the one you love for a moment or two. I'm having that moment.

I looked around, seeing all the familiar, grinning faces. Oh God, when was Brooke going up? I just want to leave and sleep! My sleep schedule's been turning to shit recently.

My eyes lit up, a grin spreading across my face when the cheerleaders came out from their spots, going in the middle of the field, which the football players were exiting. 


I saw her. My Sophie. She was sitting between Tristan and his foolish friends. What does Sophie even see in him? Look at him, he's completely blowing her off, and on top of that, yelling in her ear - aiming for his idiotic buddies. Doesn't he know she hates noise?

Oh, but that's okay. Everything will be okay after this. I went through every little detail, planned everything, set up everything. I had to make sure it'd be perfect. 

My bags of tools were still waiting. Waiting in the back of the field in the bushes. I had it all. The bags, weapons, "medicine"... Everything was all set.

My eyes trailed and found Sophie again. I could see her grinning, leaning forward to watch her older sister. It made my blood boil, but I let it go. Better let her keep one thing to hang onto. 

That Brooke, getting in the way like everyone else. They all got in the way! Taking my Sophie, hurting my Sophie, when it's all for me! Brooke was one of them. And there she was, doing those throws and kicks and cheers that made Sophie smile. That made Sophie smile my smile.

It was my smile.

After what seemed like forever, the cheerleaders were finished. Everyone cheered for them as a gift as they grinned and walked back to towards the bleachers. My eyes found Sophie again. She had stood up, receiving a confused stare from Tristan.

Sophie merely smiled, "I'll be back in ten minutes." She laughed, "Bathroom and a little walk to stretch, remember?" She had to explain, for she knew his friends would get an idea. She walked down the lane in front of the bleachers, and I watched her vanish.

"Dude," One of Tristan's friends, Joseph, I believe, leaned over, "Why ten minutes? Dude, dude! That whore is cheating on you!"

She always does the walk and stretch routine.

"No, she's not." Tristan said with a sneer, "She just-"

"She's a skank," A girl said, her eyes wide with disgust. That made my blood rush to my face. Sophie isn't... Either way, this girl had no room to talk. That, and she isn't Sophie. Only Sophie could speak, only Sophie could breathe. "Look! Go check on her! Then bitch slap her for being a whore!"

I don't understand how these people could be linked to sweet Sophie in any way.

An idea popping into my head, my eyes lit up. I almost smiled, before I stood up from my spot in the middle of the bleachers. I walked across and onto the steps. I tried my best not to look at any of Tristan or his friends in the slightest. 

They went silent as I walked down the steps, and onto the lane. As I walked down the lane to head to the back of the bleachers - to the other field, I heard their whispers.

"Tha - That freak Blake! Didn't Sophie stay with him in the nurse's office and give him a ride home?"

"Ohmygod!" The girl squeaked, "Tristan! Him and that whore-..."

I felt Tristan's narrowed eyes on my back.

Yes, fool. Come follow me.

Once I reached and turned from the edge of the bleachers, I saw Tristan stand from his spot. I had to hurry...

As soon as I stepped foot in the dark field, I quickened my pace until I was running. I ran until I reached the end of the field's side, next to the gates. It was pretty dark, so it took awhile for me to find the duffel bag and zip it open. 

A smile curled my lips, as my fingers grasped around the machete's handle.


Ah, he found me already.

"Blake?" He repeated, his voice full of anger, "Have you seen Sophie anywhere?"

"... No." I hung my head, "I have not."

"... She came out here a moment ago." I could hear his shifting movement as he stumbled around, looking, "I can't find her anywhere."

You haven't been searching.

"... What'cha got there?" 

My eyes were hollow and blank, staring at what I held in my hand. "... Tristan," I turned around in an instant, hiding the machete behind my back. 

A wide smile was on my lips.

"Tristan," I said, and his brow furrowed in confusion. He was already shaking. "You know what I love, what I love and treasure more than anything else in this world?"

"... Being creepy as hell?" He sneered, "Stop being a retard, have you seen Sophie or not?" His look didn't waver anymore. I kept my wide smile, and started to side step, farther away from the bleachers - away from the people. Hopefully they won't even notice, they were so loud with their cheering and obnoxious talking.

I kept side stepping, and Tristan followed with a glare. A laugh escaped my lips, "What I love, more than anything else, is Sophie."

Tristan's face fell.

"I love her! She's so amazing. She's shy, yet outgoing. She's kind, yet short-tempered. She's everything! I love her more than anything else, I love her smiles, I love her tears, I love everything! And, yet, you..."

His face started to harden again. He glared, stomping over, "Cut the bull crap-"

"And yet, you robbed her from me! Why makes you deserve her? Huh? All you did was leave her and make her lonely. Then you think she belongs to you? No!" The smile wouldn't leave my face, it was glued on there, "I'm the one who - who protects her! What do you do?" I remember. The blood spilling my hands. That's right. I've kept her safe, I made sure those who hurt her would never come back...

And I'll gladly do it again.

"Shut the fu-"

"I promised... I promised I'd save her from you. Ahaha, I promised! She wants to be saved, and I'll be her savior! Her savior! I'll save her! I'll save her - save her - save her - save her - I'll save her!!"

His face started to fall again. It was getting hard to see. My laughter was so scratched up, I was starting to choke. "Dude-?"

"I'LL-!" I rose up my machete, "SAVE HER!"

And then I slammed it across his neck. And right at the perfect time, too, for the cheers became twice as loud.


The noise bothered me to no end. Not only Tristan and his friends but... Damn, every other noise. Sometimes I get too sensitive to sound. Every game, I've came out here for awhile. It wasn't that quiet, for I could still hear the cheering. But it was much quiet.

I wasn't a fan of the dark, but here was an exception.

Usually I'd rest for ten to twenty minutes. Or thirty, considering I'd walk around the field before going back to the bleachers.

My legs were crossed as I sat against the gate. I looked down, plucking off the grass and ripped each strand to sheds. I always wondered, since many people do the same, how long would it be until all the grass from a field is gone?

Okay, okay, trippy question. Let me make it sound more normal. What if the field was full of people who had to sit down on the grass. The field was full of people, a sea of gross organisms on top of others. How long would it be until the people tore off all the grass? I could sit in the same spot and rip off all the grass from my area, yet it will still be there. Trippy.

The wind rushed right at me, causing me to wince. As soon as I opened my eyes, lifting them just a little, I almost screamed, but it just came out as a wimpy squeak.

Someone right in front of me. 

After a quick recovering, I swept my hair behind my ear and looked up, only for the strands to get caught in the wind again. My eyes widened.

Hands behind his back, Blake had a wide smile on his face, his eyes softened. It was a look of sheer delight. The wind blasted at us again.

"Hey," He said, and he softened, his smile loosening some. Something entered his eyes then, it looked like sentimental happiness. His lips moved to let out his next words, words that confused me even more.

"Come play tag with me."

My face - my entire being was full of confusion. "... Wha-?" A nervous and awkward smile found my lips, as I tilted my head, "What?"

"... I said..." Though his smile was still there, I stiffened. He leaned down, making me lean back. When he crouched down, my heart began to pound. Then it almost burst out of it's cage when Blake grabbed my shirt's collar. He pulled, his face inches from mine. Something glinted in his eyes then, as a smirk crossed his lips, "Let's play tag."

"Bla-" I scowled and tried to pull away, "Blake, what the fuck are you doing? I'm sorry, but..." My eyes fell to his hand, and my face fell. The light from the football field was just barely enough to catch it.

But I felt it. The moist liquid spreading across my neck and chin. I smelt it, too.

Blake's hands were slathered in bright blood.

"Fu-!" I leaned back, letting my sweater emit a ripping sound. "Blake - what're you-!? Stop, this-!" I cried out. His face still held a smile. My eyes darted down, and this time, the scream exited my throat.

Behind his ankles was blood. All around one item: a machete.

As soon as the scream exited my throat, Blake rose his bloody hands over my mouth. My heart jumped up to my throat, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe! Through my short breaths, I tried to scream, though it barely came out as a scratchy squeak, due to Blake's hands.

I saw Blake's eyes widen, as well as his smile. I was panicking, so I just moved by impulse. I rose up my knee and kicked Blake right between the legs. I couldn't waste any time, as soon as he hurled over I scooted back. I scrambled up to my feet and ran.

"SO, I'M IT!" Blake's yell almost made me stop from fear. I kept running and running, and almost tripped over a duffel bag that was laying in the middle of the field.

The football field - the bleachers! People were there, they were there! "HEY! HEl-!" Something clasped right over my mouth.

"Tag..." Blake's voice was a hiss to my neck, "You're it."

I tried to scream through the cloth on my mouth, but it only made my eyelids get heavier. What? No...!

I slid down with Blake and I grabbed his wrist, tightening my grip as much as I could. Though, my eyelids just got heavier and heavier. My vision was going black, my mind was shutting down. I tried to keep my grip on Blake's arm and pull away.

It loosened until it fell. Just as my mind slipped.

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