Strained Promise

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I wanted to laugh. I really, really wanted to. These rats, they were so entertaining now! I had to pretend to be doing my work during class. They whispered - rather loudly. Again, the shock of no one else listening and going to the authorities themself.

"He said... That's what he said..." Sean whispered, shaking.

"... Goddammit." Susie scowled, "This whole... Shit!"

Yes, now you look like an idiot. Targeting both me and Sophie for weeks, only for you and your friends to think you're wrong. After all this. Yes, an idiot. You're an idiot. An idiot, an idiot, an idiot, idiot, idiot, IDIOT!

I rose my pencil before it could snap.

An idiot...

Susie most likely stopped her gossips, but the case still wasn't closed. I frowned at the whole scene as walking home. 

They never gave up. It was annoying. Why couldn't they just drop it? 

Yesterday, I was sure to tell Sophie I would be home late.

"I have to go somewhere tomorrow." I told her, "I'll be back home by the time you should be in bed. Make yourself some food, okay? And be careful."

God, what do they want?

When I entered the living room, I didn't see anyone there. With narrowed eyes, I looked around and then walked in. I passed the kitchen when I heard George.

"Oh," He said, looking through the fridge. He didn't look at me. "You're alive."

I scowled at him, "What? What do you want?" I looked around, "Where's Lauren? You said she'd be home today."

"I lied." He didn't even try to hide it. "She's coming back in a week. I only told you she was home today so you could come home, and act like you've been here forever."

I stared at him.

"Look." He shut the fridge and straightened up. "I made it very clear in the beginning, not only to you, but to your Aunt, too. I'm horrible at the parenting thing, the communication crap. Horrible. So, I need you to do me a favor."

I didn't nod or say yes. I just stared.

"I need you to grow the fuck up and realize you can't just live your own life."

My eyes narrowed, "... What? Di - Didn't you tell me I could do what I wanted - because it's my own life?!"

"That doesn't involve drifting off and going to hell knows where. I shouldn't have to look in your room to remember that you're living here."

"You - You said that it doesn't matter as long as I'm not hurting anybody. I'm not hurting anyone, so why does it matter?" My chest got tight. I wanted to vomit.

"That is bullshit." He glared. Shocked, I stepped back, shaking. "That is absolute bullshit. It even adds more shit to the cake due to the fact that I don't know what you're doing. So don't you dare go around saying what hurts people and what doesn't. Because you know nothing. You fucking know nothing."

I stepped back. I really wanted to leave...

"At first I let it slide, because I thought it was just a phase. But no. Phases don't last this long. They don't. And I'm full grown tired of it."

I tried to keep eye contact with him. I tried to appear mad, not sick. I hope I was succeeding. "Then what do you want, huh? What exactly do you want me to do? Because I can't spend every second here! You know that!"

"I'm not telling you to stay here every second of every day, goddamn it!" George stepped over, "I'm telling you to be... Here! Let us know you're okay, let us know you're alive, let us know you're here!"

No. No.

"I'm not..." I shuddered.

"You're not what?" George scowled.

"I-I'm not..."

"... Blake, I need you to grow the fuck up. Could you do that? Don't be so off, don't keep wandering out of reality. Okay?" He asked. I didn't want to. But I nodded. I just wanted to get out of here. I covered my eyes, my glasses sliding up. "Okay. So from here on out, you have to talk to me, and stop being so... Gone. Alright? Because this is not..." He froze. "Blake?"

I kept stepping back until I hit the couch behind me. "I'm not..." My legs were wobbling, "I-I'm not-t..."

George was silent.

My knees gave in. I slid down the couch, trembling, "I'm not..."

Realization fell over George, "Bloody hell..."

I covered my eyes. I heard George's footsteps draw near, but I didn't do anything to get away. I just sat there, "I-I'm not cr-crying-"

Once he knelt down in front of me, I felt George's arms wrap around me. I went still, however, still a sniffling mess.

"Jesus Christ," He sounded more than a little annoyed. He paused. "It's safe here."


I had went around the whole place. No cat. Blake did take her outside. Tch, who am I kidding? Why would I doubt him when he says he took the cat outside?

He had also asked if I knew out she got in... I really didn't know. When I found her, I immediately looked around to see if there was in fact a way out. There wasn't.

Blake said he'd be back really late. Wonder why. When I started to think of what he could be doing, my mind drifted off again, my eyes starting to sting.

Was it really over? Probably. Police might have given up by now. Was I presumed dead? No. I wasn't dead. I wasn't!

I slammed my fists against the wall in the hall.

I'm alive. I need to be found. Please, please, please...

I screamed.

And then, the door opened...

decdied to post earlier because christmas, yay! ah poor george. he had n o idea. omg you guys i'm gonna be sad when i get closer to the end with this, espessialy since i've been writing faster. well anayway, merry christmas to you guys! love you all so much

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