Fleeting Regret

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I was back in that room... I was back - chained to the walls. The walls that were littered in my photos. It was dark, it was cold. 

Just - emptiness... That's all I felt.

I ran out of tears. Now I just stood there, forced to by the chains. 

That scent... That sight... I can't - I can't get it out of my head! I - oh God, I'm gonna die. Blake really did kill Tristan then, and not only him. He killed others. He put their bodies in there. Oh God, I can't do this anymore!

I had woken up here about an hour ago. Blake wasn't anywhere in sight. It passed nearly two hours since I awoken, and there hasn't been one sound except for the wind outside. I shut my eyes, shuddering.


Tears slipped down my face, and I winced.


"Might as well."

Juan gave me a narrow eyed look, "Dammit, Leon. You really..." He sighed, "Okay listen, if I get caught doing this, I'm gonna make sure you get arrested, with no bail out. Okay?"

I stopped to give him a wide eyed look, "So, if Brooke is really in here, you won't get us in trouble?"

"Yeah. But if I get caught, I'm gonna have to bring you two down with me."

The adventures of your best friend becoming a cop. Oh man, this is awesome.

I released a sigh before smirking, "Okay." I grabbed the top of the fence and tried to make my way up, "If I find Brooke in here, I'm gonna have to kick her ass. Could I-?" I grunted when I reached the top, "Get in trouble for that?"

"I'll judge you, but that's all." Juan made his way on top and over the fence.

"Sweet." I jumped off, and a sharp pain entered my feet. I winced, staying crouched on the ground for a moment. Juan jumped right off, seeming to have no problem whatsoever.

"So," He waited for me to stand, "What makes you think she's been sneaking in here?"


Juan gave me one of his "you have got to be fucking shitting me" looks when I laughed, "No, no. I drove and followed her-"

"Okay, now that's not okay."

"Because she keeps walking around all day! I thought she might be doing some bad shit, you know." I'm her older brother, I can't help it. And with Sophie going missing, you don't know - No... Stop. I took a deep breath, "And she stopped in front of this shit house, staring at it. I drove by earlier - unintentionally - and saw her behind the building, right here. And she's not coming back home!"

Juan frowned and looked around. I followed his gaze, each turn. I remember this school. I went to it from kinder all the way through sixth. Brooke went here, Sophie went here-... Collect myself - calm down. 

In Sophie's last year here, the school shut down. Something about money. Let's just say everyone was very mad about it. Especially parents in other schools, when suddenly kids started to move in.

"Seriously," Juan scowled at me as I stood, "What would she be doing here?"

I shrugged, "Going in the building and creating her own 'lil drug house."

He gave me that look again.

"Just hurry." He walked towards the boxes of buildings, "Someone might see us."

I glanced at him and smirked, "Funny. How you're here. At least you're not wearing the uniform." Sometimes I feel I'm the reason Juan wants to get out of being a cop, or just my friend. I keep bringing it up.

He frowned at me, and glanced down to his ankle. I glanced down, too. There was a bulge right under his pant sleeve. I looked back at him, "Was bringing that - really necessary?"


It's unlikely.

I pointed to each area of classrooms, "Are the doors open?"

"Doubt it."

"You have the lock thingy opener, right?"

He nodded.

"I want to check the building over there."

"Well, I'm not going with you."

I gave him a look as he went past me and towards the buildings to open the doors, "You're just... Embracing the white person in you, if this was a horror movie."

"Well, you have a knife." We reached towards the doors and handed me a bobby pin. "If you don't fight then you'll be the dumb white fucker in the movie."

I stared at the pin with narrowed eyes before putting it up in his face, "What the fuck is this?"

"I don't have the lock opener. C'mon! You're a master at opening locks with bobby pins. Remember last year?"

I scowled at him before turning, "Alright. Hopefully we could play in the playground after this."

"I'd love to, too. But we'll be seen."

"Bummer... Ah," I looked up when I felt a trickle of water. "It's starting to rain."


The narrow windows were boarded on the top of the room. Drops of water were dripping down the window. It was raining. 

I started to pant again.

No... Keep your mind off of that. Please. Please...

It broke.

Bodies - three of them. Tristan had to have been one of them. Keep it together... Then... The other ones - who were they? I shut my eyes. I don't know. I don't know - and it doesn't matter. Blake was hiding corpses - people he obviously killed and... He killed them. Oh God, he killed them.

I tried to think of what to say - to do when Blake comes. There's no doubt that he'll come any moment.

You killed people... Why... Why, why, WHY!?

I bit my lip, shaking.

I had opened the door... I was so close. I was so, so close to making it out. No... If only I had.. Went through that door first. I wouldn't of had to see those bodies, Blake wouldn't have made it to me, I could have left and ran off...

Dammit... DAMMIT!

"DAMMIT!" It just escaped my throat. I tried to throw my hands forward. The chains rattled, but I couldn't move them any farther. I shut my eyes tight, "Damn..." I lowered my hands again, "It..."


I heard a clinking sound near the door, the knob. The lock was being opened. I started to shake, as I hung my head. The rain got heavier outside.


The door opened.

I waited for Blake to speak, to say some cruel tease. It passed a few seconds. I kept waiting, my eyes filled with tears.

"... So-..."

My eyes opened.


Slowly, I rose my head, my eyes widening with each movement. My body went still, my heart skipped a beat. 

There standing at the door way, was Leon.

Time started to take it's stand once again. Once my heart took a beat, it couldn't stop. It kept going, hard and fast.

"Sophie-" My name escaped his lips, desperation washed all over his face. After it left his lips, he moved. 

He ran over.

"So-!" His hands clasped on my shoulders, fingers on my neck slightly, "What - Is this-?"

I lost it. I couldn't speak. The tears flooded my eyes and escaped my eyes, my lip was quivering. I couldn't see, the tears were...

I could sense by Leon's voice that he was crying, too.

"It's - it's okay, alright? I'm gonna - I'm gonna get you out and - Oh my God..." His hand pulled away from me and I panicked. I felt him grab my wrist, "It's okay, it's okay." His voice, his movements were rushed. 

The cuff around my wrist clicked, and it fell to the floor. My immediate reaction was to reach for Leon. I grabbed his shirt and leaned against his chest, sobbing.

"Wait - wait, it's okay, it's-" He was grabbing my other confined wrist. After a few seconds, it clicked, falling to the floor.

I wrapped my arms tight around his neck and he fell back. My arms were tight around his neck, almost choking him. The tears kept escaping my eyes, and I couldn't form any sound. I just kept weeping against his chest.

"I-It's okay, it's okay," Leon hugged me back. He was shaking, probably just as much as me. I felt him look around, "Oh G-God..."

We sat and cried for nearly five minutes. Eyes shut tight, I kept trembling, clutching the back of his shirt.

"It's okay - it's alright now." He whispered, his tears against my cheek. I shuddered, nodding. "Oh m-my God," He shivered. The rain kept pattering hard against the top, narrow windows. "It's all g-good now."

Ye-... Yes. Oh my God, yes. Everything...

I rose my head slightly, my grip on Leon loosening slightly. I opened my eyes, though my vision was still blurred by my tears.

Upon looking behind Leon, my eyes went wide.

cons of the Clark children: they are nosy lil bastards. well they all raised eachother so, pff. leon you're to blame aND YOU EVEN GOT YOUR FRIEND INCLUDED //jk. who's excited!? my free days are coming to an end so updates might be a TAD bit slower but guess what, imma use it all up on writing. it'll pain me so, tho. Bye my loves, thank you all for reading, i appreciate it so much <3

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