Time's Up

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Sophie's eyes had found me.

I really have to hurry, make everything quick, before-

Upon his sister looking up and stiffening, Leon glanced over his shoulder.

My grip on the knife in my hands tightened, and my foot slammed against the floor. My heart slammed up to my throat when I ran over to Leon, and rose the knife above my head.

His eyes went wide as soon as he fully knew what was going on.

That's when I lunged down.

Quickly, I clasped one hand over his shoulder, turning slightly at his neck. My nails sunk in deep. The knife grasped in my other hand shot down and-


It's okay, Sophie.

I'm -

I'm getting rid of him right now.

Sophie's hand jumped and reached for me, but I quickly pulled back. Still grabbing Leon's shoulder tightly, I ran back and forced him to slide back. When he hit the ground, he screamed.

Huh? He hadn't screamed when I stabbed his shoulder earlier. Probably the pain and shock silenced him.

I made a quick glance at Sophie's direction. She was about to stand - her mouth was wide open in a scream, and she was reaching over.

I can't-

I looked at Leon's pained, horrified face as he grabbed his wound.

I can't let this happen.

I rose the knife.

"LE-!!" Sophie cried.

I can't let anyone...

As I lunged the knife downward, I dropped to my knees. When the knife plunged into Leon's chest, his mouth opened wider, his scream puncturing my ears.


I rose the knife, letting blood explode up and stain the floors. The knife high in the air, I then lunged it downwards again.

Away my...

I kept rising and lowering the knife, numerous times. The blood kept escaping Leon's chest. He had already stopped moving at the fifth stab, but I kept going.


I finally settled it with that. I plunged the knife down deep in his chest one more time. Blood was creating a puddle all around him. I pulled my hands away, which had speckles of his blood. Leon's eyes were shut, but it still looked stiffed and pained.

But he wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing.

I stared at his body, breathing heavily. Finally, I turned to Sophie.

She was at the other end of the room, against the wall. Her eyes were wide open, tears staining her paled face. She wasn't moving. It didn't even look as if she was breathing. She just kept staring at Leon's body with wide, horrified eyes.

I stared at her, my breath heavy and shaky. A smile finally came across my face.

"Sophie? Sophie, sweetie?" I stood up. My knees kept wobbling. "Are you alright? I was worried that I came too late... It's a good thing, too. I just barely made it, huh? I found another rat outside. And I managed to get his revolver." I reached into my pocket. My hand was shaking as I pulled out a fully-loaded revolver. "And - I found that knife - under the mattress..."

I was shaking. I started to walk, each step slow. "People are starting to come... Sophie, y-you... You know what that means, right? W-What I have to d-do..."

When I was in front of her, I dropped down, sitting. I couldn't stop shaking, "Sophie, now I-I... Now we have t-to..."

She wasn't paying attention to me. She kept staring at Leon's corpse.

"I-I..." My voice cracked. No. Don't cry. I can't cry and break here. I released a tense breath before leaning forward. My fingers tangled in Sophie's hair, I was leaning so close as to press my lips against her forehead.

My voice was shaky...

"Shh, it's okay..."

The room was lacking light. Almost as if it rejected it in any possible way. It just embraced the utter darkness. Occasionally, a very dim light would enter the room. Moon, unlikely. Street lights, unlikely. The thunder. I adored it. It helped me see the girl in front of me. My most precious...

Her hair was tangled in my fingers. My grip wasn't strong - I didn't want to hurt her, but strong enough to keep her in place. That wasn't very needed, though. She was frozen on the spot. The only moving she did was her continuous shaking.

My lips pressed against her forehead. I pulled away, but only for half a second. I leaned closer, my lips still softly planted on her forehead. A small smile found my lips, a shaky, ragged breath escaping from my teeth.

My beloved opened her mouth and spoke, her voice quivering, "Bla-"

"Shh," I shut my eyes, my lips pressing against her. I felt her shaking. The poor girl was shaking so much. I opened my eyes and looked down. I removed my hand from her hair, letting her bangs fall in place again.

Both my hands cupped her face. My thumbs caressed across her cheeks, wiping away the tears, "Shh. Don't cry. Don't cry, sweetie." I lowered my head, my eyes not leaving her quivering lips. 

I leaned forward, brushing mine against hers.

"It's alright," I breathed out, "The bad man is gone now."

The jolt of lightening rang outside. A bright light entered the room due to it. It mostly shot down on the fat lump of flesh that was once considered man. It was lying there, blood slathering it as well as the floor. At his side was a knife, decorated with blood. Just like him. Just like it was meant to be.

A smile curled my lips, "I'm here. I'm here."

My legs shifted against the floor where we were sitting. Between my legs sat the tear stained revolver. Sitting, waiting...

Mocking me.

"I love you." I breathed out, hushed, "My most beloved Sophie."


No... No... No...

Le-... Leon... Leon!

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think, I just couldn't! Blake just... Leon... He just... He just stabbed and - and...

Leon. He just killed Leon.

I wasn't paying attention to Blake anymore. I was just mortified. I didn't even think anything when Blake kissed me.


My vision was blurred. Leon's corpse was red and blurry, in this spinning haze.

Lightening erupted outside, letting a shot of light fill the room. I stiffened upon seeing more light shed on Leon's body. I just wanted to call his name out, tell him to wake up so we could leave.

But he would never wake up.

"I love you." Blake breathed out, hushed, "My most beloved Sophie."

No... No!

I couldn't fight him off. I was just sitting there, my body numb.

It seems hours passed when Blake spoke again, "Th-This gun..." He reached down to his lap and picked up the revolver. I finally looked at him, my eyes wide and filled with tears. What? Gun? What about it-... "Sophie, people are gonna start c-coming. That means... We won't get to be together anymo-more... They're gonna take you away and... H-Hurt you."

Don't tell me he intends to-... No... Oh God, no.

"S-So now..." His voice broke. He shut his eyes tight, and a pair of tears rolled down. His voice matched his expression, shaking and full of hurt, "N-Now..."

He really...

No! Jesus Christ, no! "Bla-Blake," I sat up, shaking my head, "N-No-"

"I'm really sorry." He rose his other hand and rubbed his eyes, trembling, "I'm so sorry, Sophie. I'm so sorry - that I couldn't-" He was trying not to sob, "That I couldn't protect you lo-long enough."

I stared at him in horror.

"... I'll follow you right after, okay, Sophie?" He placed his hand on my shoulder. The revolver was grasped in his hand, shaking. "I promise, right after you I'll follow."

"Blake!-" I went stiff.

He rose the gun, quickly pressing it against the side of my head, "I love you-"


My heart jumped up high and skipped a beat. I immediately reached forward and wrapped my arms around Blake's neck. He gasped as I buried myself into his chest.

"Bla - sto-..." I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stop shaking. It seemed Blake had the same problem. I shut my eyes, my arms tightening around Blake's neck, "Please Blake, do-"

"So-Sophie." He wrapped his arms around me. I went stiff, feeling that the revolver was still in his hand, nearly pointing at the side of my head, "It's gonna be a-alright, okay? It's gonna be quick, I'll follow you r-right away. Okay? Everything will be fine afterward, w-we'll be together forever and no one will be able to cha-change that. Okay? Just-"

"Blake, please-!" I tried to turn and grab his hand. I just barely managed as he pulled his hand away. I sunk my nails in his sleeve, "It's still gonna be alright! W-We could hide somewhere else a-and-!"

"Where else? There's no where-!"

"We c-could think! E-Everything will be fi-fine! Alright? Pl-Please Blake, just don't-!" I gasped when Blake pulled his hand away, "BLAKE!" I grabbed his arm. He went still again. I hung my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Please... Just do-don't..."

"So-Sophie, please don't cry. But... I'm sorry, but we ha-have to. There's nothing else-"

I had to keep pleading, I had to think of something. But I was in too much of a panic, I couldn't think of anything else to do! "BLA-!"

My eyes went wide, my heart skipping a beat when Blake wrapped an arm around me and forced me against his chest, "Just be quiet." He whispered, shakily. I felt the gun against my head. I breathed heavily, going through every bit of memory I held. "It'll all be over soon. I lo-"

"THE TREE!" I blurted out, trying to move, but Blake refused to let me. "THE TREE! TH-THE TREE OUTSIDE! OUR SPECIAL PLACE! LET US JUST G-GO THERE-...!"

Everything was silent.

"... Our..." He lowered the gun. His voice was empty. "Tree..."

"That's right! Th-The tree! The one we promised to meet up at! Just let us go there!!"

Blake paused, "... You remember it?"

I kept nodding.

After a moment, he shook his head, "We - We can't... People might see us."

"Just please," My fingers sunk deep in his jacket's cloth, "Please, Blake, please..."

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