Far Too Late

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... Dad...

I saw his smile as he picked me up from the courthouse, "Hey, kiddo," He held my hand as we made our way into his house. The house I was much more used to, the house I felt more at ease at. "What about today we..." He paused, then smiled down at me, "You told me once when I was working that you want to create a fort, right? We'll go to the store and get the supplies."

Uncle Liam...

"Hey, buddy!" Upon seeing me run up to him as he entered the house, he placed his hands under my arms and lifted me up. He swung me before setting me down and ruffling my hair, "Your Dad told me you saw a cat yesterday behind the house. Was it scary? Or are you strong, buddy?"


"Blake, sweetheart, I need you to stay right here." She said when I tried to leave the room. I looked at her, blinking. "I don't want you to run off and get hurt."


"Hey, sweetie," She called me as I was eating my cereal. I looked up at her, blinking with wide eyes. "You can't be waking George up every night, you know? Just because you don't like sleep, doesn't mean people share the same feelings." When I released a small smile, she shook her head, chuckling, "You just like to mess with him, don't you? Brat."


"How much times do I have to tell you?" His voice was groggy. He didn't seem to react as I got off my bed and lied down with him on the floor. "You have to stop doing this. Okay? Everything is fine here." I ignored him, getting under the covers with him. He finally looked at me. We both stared at each other, blankly. He smirked, "You know what? You're starting to grow on me."

That was when I smiled my first smile since entering that family. His eyes went wide, but then he calmed down. "... Jesus Christ," He smirked and turned around, "You're shitting on my sleep schedule."

And then...

"Be back." I kept hearing his voice, "You better as hell come back."

... I...


"TAG!" She grabbed the back of my shirt and made me fall back. I whined, rubbing my neck when I opened my eyes. She was standing over me, grinning. "Oh God! You're so slow! Snail, snail, snail!"

Everything. Her smiles, her voice, her face, they kept flashing in my mind.

... I...

The tears in my wide eyes overflowed. They streamed down my face. I hadn't realized I had let go of Sophie. Of the gun... Sophie had crawled away from me. The gun wasn't in her hands. She... She had thrown it over the fence.

Why? You could have just... Shot me... And be... Happy...

"Blake..." Her voice was trembling.

The glasses had fallen off of my face.

Ah... That's right...

"So-Sophie..." I looked at her. My vision was a blur for many reasons. I didn't have my glasses and... The tears... Holy God, the tears.

"Y-You..." Tears slid down her face, "You need help, Blake... You... You really need the help you need, Blake."

... I... Do? I do. I've needed it for so long. But now it's... Oh God, it's too late.

I reached into my pocket.

"I-It's okay." She quivered. "It's gonna be o-okay. Calm down, w-we'll figure something out, okay? Blake, let's wait here, you need to c-calm down and..."

"I'm so sorry."

Her eyes went wide.

"... I'm so sorry, Sophie. I'm so sorry." I pulled it out from my pocket. Sophie's eyes widened at the knife.

"Bla-" She looked up at me, "Blake - what're you - no, please-"

"I love you." A smile came over my face. The tears slipped down. Oh God, everything was so blurry, "I love you so much, Sophie." I grabbed the knife with both hands, holding it in front of my stomach, "Please forgive me..."

Her eyes went incredibly wide. Her mouth opened to scream and she reached over.

It was far too late. It's all too late...


The pain of being stabbed. Ah, it's all too familiar. But now by my own hands... It's much different. It doesn't hurt as much.



"It's gonna be o-... Let me-... Ju-... Oh my God, Bla-... Look at me!... Do-..."

Her voice kept fading away, coming back and leaving, back and forth.

I felt the rain hit my cheek. No. Not rain. Sophie's tears.


"Don't die-!..."


. . .

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