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"I need you to be quiet, okay?"

It was all very vague. But those two, that man and woman, I guess they were my first parents. Biological, I should say. I kept switching from house to house, though I spent a large majority of my time with my father. 

Things went downhill for them as soon as I was born. Once upon a time, a man and a woman met. They fell in love, and it seemed like they'd live happily ever after. It was that way for awhile. Until their son was born.

The court hadn't claimed that any of them have custody of me yet. But I didn't stay at another relatives place, either. I just switched. This week, my mother, this week, my father.

Though, I admit I preferred my father over my mother. I'd ask, no, whine if I could stay with him for another week. Sometimes two. Sometimes three.

However, that didn't mean that I had fun being near him. I didn't. It was just calm there, a stressed environment, what with Dad's soft curses and work, but it was calm.

Then, there was mother.

"Blake, come over here.", "Blake, follow me.", "Blake, you have to stay here."

And her eyes. Goddammit, her eyes. I remember back in sixth grade, Aunt Lauren got into one of her moods. 

"You," She smiled sadly, then looked away. She wiped the corner of her eye, "You have your mother's eyes."


"And her smile."

I pulled up my scarf to cover my mouth in response. 

I recall my Mother's eyes being eerily blank. Dilated pupils, the green was incredibly dark and fogged up. Swampy eyes.

They kept staring at me, clinging to my soul. It took a lot of effort to stay in my mind.

Then there was my father. Chocolate brown eyes, the same dark feathery hair I obtained. He was much different from my mother. He didn't cling to me, he let me do what I want, but not to an extreme point.

Being a parent, there were occasional, "Blake, don't wander off.", and "Blake, where are you going?". To make sure I stayed near and safe - that I wouldn't run off. Although, this behavior of his took over much more when I saw her there.

Dad's house was in the near wooded area of my town. When Dad said it was okay, I'd walk around the house, wielding my pointy stick. There were no kids in the neighborhood, so I was pretty alone. I could play for hours alone, though.

Like Sophie.

One day, when I was walking closer towards the dense trees and bushes, I heard the voice. 

"Blake," She was dressed in her thick black coat. Her eyes. Her goddamn eyes. It made me step back. Why was she there? Only Dad was supposed to be here.

"You want to come home, right? I've come to get you." She walked closer. I walked back, my grip on my stick tight. "Come on." She held out her hand, "Let's go home."

I watched her with wide eyes.

"What's wrong? Blakie?" She walked close, and I just stopped against the tree. "Hurry, before that man sees."

It wasn't right. Those people, that man in the robe in that court made it clear, eyes right on me. "When the child is at his mother's, the father is not to appear. When the child is at his father's, the mother is not to appear." That's what he said.

"... Blake!" She reached and grabbed my wrist. Her long nails sunk into my skin right away. I screamed, instinctively. "Blake! Be quiet, he'll-"

The sound of a door opening was already heard. Mom looked behind me, her eyes narrowing, "Shi-" She pulled me with her, and I tried to pull back, "Blake, hur-"

I felt the drops of blood escape my scratched up wrist. That woman, she could really claw. 

"Rachel?!" I heard my Father cry out, confusion and anger in his voice. I winced, still struggling, though it took a lot of will power.

It was a tug of war. 

In the end, I obtained a broken arm and sprained wrist.

I screeched like a banshee when it happened. They both panicked. They both let go, Dad knelt down to me. By the time I opened my eyes, even if for a second, Mom was gone.

I was crying the whole time. I whined about the cast, I didn't like it. Even when we got home, tears kept escaping my eyes, sliding down my red cheeks. Dad was stressed out beyond reason. I didn't help. He kept tucking me back into bed, but I always came back to his room and cry about how my arm hurt. I kept weeping, and he gave me some sleeping pills and tucked me back into bed. I slept soundlessly.

I had to stay in the house, mainly in my room. Uncle Liam always came and talked to Dad. Uncle would greet me with a ruffle of my hair, and a grin, "Hey, buddy."

Dad then sent me to my room. I went in and leaned against the wall, listening.

"They still can't find her?" Uncle asked.

"No." Dad sighed, "She's good at fleeing, I didn't notice she was gone until after I helped Blake up. And at hiding. I see she's good at that, too."

Before Uncle Liam left, he asked me, "Hey, buddy, have you seen your Mother after that little..." He nodded to my cast, "Incident?"

I answered, "Yes."

His eyes went wide. Dad looked over. "Whe-... When, where did you see her?" Liam asked.

"I keep going to sleep, and I see her. But when I wake up, she's gone."

Uncle stared at me for a long while. Then, he chuckled, "... That's alright, buddy." I liked how he called me buddy. He ruffled my feathery hair, making me smile, "See you tomorrow."

And then he left.

It was cold. I don't know why. Sure, sometimes during the night the heater would turn off, but now... I felt the wind. The cold wind hitting my uncovered feet. I lifted my legs, hiding them under the blanket. I reached and grabbed hold of the side, pulling it more over my elbows as well. I tried to remain warm.

A few seconds later, I saw something out of place at the side of my bed. Sure, the room was dark, but my eyes had adjusted to it, even if a little. And this figure was darker than the room itself.

A shadow.

"... Dad?" I whined and wiped my eye, "What is it? I'm tired, let me sleep." I received no response. "Could you close the window?" I assumed it was open. My assumption was correct. "It's too cold." 

Still nothing.

"... Daadd," I whined and rolled over in my bed. "Go away, I'm ti-" When I opened my eyes, the figure flashed right towards me. I only had time to widen my eyes before something was clamped over my mouth.

now the whole parenting and effects of it will be looked into this story. also insanity, it runs in blake's family. oh bollocks. Thank you guys for reading, I'll try to get more posted!

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