Twisted Love

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The rain was heavy, thunder erupting every few moments. I kept trying very hard not to cry.

It was time... My and Sophie's time - it had to end now. Brooke had realized it. Yes, I killed her before she could run off. But people will get curious over her disappearance, too. And then Leon and his buddy had to come, too. People will start coming, they'll take Sophie away...

I'm so sorry, Sophie...

I'm so very sorry...

The rain was washing away the blood on my hands and clothes. I watched it form down with the mud. Why...? Why does this blood... Make me feel sick?

What's this feeling in my chest?

I don't like it. It hurts. It hurts so much, I want it to go away. But it won't. Instead, it replays the memories of the knife going in the back of Brooke's neck, the knife repeatedly plunging in Leon's chest.

And Sophie's tear stained, horrified face.

Go away... Go away! I hate it, it's making me feel...

... What?

Sophie was sitting next to me, hugging her knees. Her hair fell in wet strands from the rain. She was shivering, her eyes distant. We were both sitting, our backs against the fence. We were almost entirely soaked by the rain. 

The tree was placed right behind the fence, still big like it always has been. The branches and leaves protected us from the rain, but not much. Some raindrops would pass through and hit us.

We sat in utter silence. The revolver was in my hands.

"... We'll hide." I whispered, thinking back years ago. I saw two little kids laying right in front of us, and then they were gone. I shut my eyes, "No one will find us while we're here..."

Sophie was quiet, then, with a shiver, whispered, "Our special place."

She's smart - knowing I wasn't serious.

"... I'm so sorry, Sophie."

She didn't utter a sound. She hugged her knees, shivering. I kept staring at the gun in my hands. I shut my eyes, shuddering.

"... How long..." She finally said, "How long have you been - ... How long have you been stalking me?"

Before I would have said I wasn't stalking her - I was just watching her and making sure she was alright. But now... I don't know. I just don't know what's happening to me.

"... Soon after our promise, I... I was just, watching you from afar. Like in recess. But it was in, uhm, eighth grade that I started following you home."

She went quiet for a moment. Five minutes passed before she asked another question, "Those bodies, just-... When did you start... Killing people? Who-...?"

"... The first one was... That girl, who always pretended to be your friend. The one that kept pushing you around and laughing at it, the one who considered herself your best friend..."

"Doris." Sophie's voice was lacking emotion. "She... Went missing, three years ago." She recollected. I nodded, slowly. "We were all... Just fourteen, back then."

I felt her eyes shoot at me, and I winced.

Memories of Doris' body slamming against the wall of that room, and falling shot right at me. I had raised my hands, to see drops of her dry blood.

It had been no problem at all. If anything, it was... Pure satisfaction. A smile was on my face.

"... Who else?"

I paused, "The next one was that guy. The one who kept bugging you and teasing you - throwing your bag across the hall. I decided to when - when I heard his plans to throw balloons filled with paint at you."

That was one year ago. He had quite a struggle. The only part I felt guilty about was having to lie to Lauren, and worry her.

Lauren - George... Guess I have to break George's promise.

Staring at Sophie, I considered telling her about me killing Brooke, throwing her into that room of bodies. The same with that family friend. I considered it for a long time.

I decided not to.

I already-...

... Already what?

"... Why?" Sophie asked, "Just... Why? Why did you stalk me? Why did you kill them? Why-" She gulped, "Why did you take me away?"

"... Because I love you." Why wasn't this sounding logical? What's going on with my mind? I can't think straight. "I - I wanted to look at you, to watch over you, to take care of you. I... I wanted to protect you. I just..." My body went stiff. I really can't think. What's going on? "Wanted to..."

Sophie shut her eyes momentarily. When she opened them, she turned to look at me. It made me jump and stiffen. "Ju - Just because of a game of t-tag? As children? How-...? Just..." She shook her head, her eyes filling with tears, "How?"

My eyes went wide.

"Th-That can't be the only reason..."

But... Wait... Is it? I... I don't know. Oh God, why can't I think?! My mind - it's all fogged up and cloudy. I can't...

"You made me feel alive." I finally blurted out.

She stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"... I was happy, I was alive. And I... Loved that feeling. I - I didn't want to share it, and I wanted to feel it again - more than anything. Being near you, it's the source of feeling alive and-..."

My head was pounding.

"I love that feeling. I love you, and..."

She kept staring at me.

"... You could have..." She whispered, "Approached me... Long ago. I wouldn't reject you, I'd listen to you and... Why couldn't you just...?" She shuddered, "You could have talked to me and I would have... If you did that then... We could probably be together - normally."

My eyes widened.

"I-I..." I looked down, trembling, "I... I don't know. I just know that I couldn't walk up to you, it was too hard and... I couldn't. I was too scared, I just wanted..."

What... What exactly... What did I want? To protect Sophie! But this isn't... What're you saying? - It's just as Mom said! But think back - was that really love? Of course it was, she said it was!

My thoughts kept throwing themselves around. I couldn't choose, I was gonna have a heart attack. I just can't think, they won't calm down. I can't choose one.

"Bl-Blake..." Sophie stared at me like I was insane. "Y-You..."

Why did I kill? They were a danger to Sophie, they deserved it! But what about Brooke? She was gonna steal Sophie away! But Brooke, she's Sophie's older sister. They love each other. Exactly! How dare Brooke, taking all that away! But... Brooke is... Her sister. I've seen it all first hand, how they interact. They love each other.

And Leon... What about Leon? Why did I kill him? Because of the same reason! He snuck inside and was planning on taking Sophie away! But... Just like Brooke, he...

Didn't I swear not to harm her family? The people she loved? 

She loves them, there! That's the problem here! It's all meant to be yours, the feeling of being alive and-! But...

... I...

"Blake, what-?"

Oh. I was saying all that out loud.

But... I still couldn't stop.

Why're you shaking? Because I don't know what to do. What did you plan to do? To... To kill Sophie and - what? Then do it! But I'm not sure anymore. Why not? Because there has to be another way. Sophie's right! We could go off and hide somewhere else and-! That's useless. Do it now so you two could be together forever and ever. But... But what? It's not...

It's not right.

... It is right. It is right, it's right, right, right, right, right, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT!


You love her, don't you!? That's why you went through all of this, right!? Because she's Sophie, because you love her, right?! YOU WANT TO BE TOGETHER WITH HER, RIGHT?! WITH NO INTERRUPTIONS!?



... That's right.

I love Sophie. So much. So, so, so much - more than anything. I want to be with her forever, I don't want to lose her, I don't want her sharing the love and...


We have to die. To be together forever.


I looked at Sophie, who was watching me with wide, teary eyes. Her teeth were clenched, her body shaking. I stared at her for a long time.

"... Sophie..." A small smile came across my face. Slowly, I rose my hand. Sophie was still watching in horror. I rose the gun, pointing it at her. "I love you."


My eyes went wide.


As soon as I saw his fingers move at the trigger, I tilted to the side and jumped at him. I saw his eyes go wide and then I wrapped my hands around his neck. My heart jumped up to my throat when Blake fell back.

"Blake, please, I need you to-!" My eyes went wide when he opened his eyes to glare at me. As he did, he rose his hand to raise the gun. "DON'T-!" My heart skipped a beat when I saw a flash of bright gold as the sound of the bullet going off rang, like a bomb. The leaves above me fell.

... He really-

"PLEA-!" I just acted on instinct again. I released Blake's neck to reach for the gun. I cried out when he wrapped his arms around me, tight. And then he flipped me over, slamming me against the muddy grass. One hand was crammed against my throat. I grabbed his wrist, wincing, "Bla-Blake-..." No. Not the blacking out again.

"Shh, it's okay." He was chuckling. The bastard was chuckling. "It's okay, sweetie." He leaned close, his lips just barely touching my cheek. I was already starting to lose my breath. "Remember, okay? Remember to calm down. We'll be together forever after this. Okay? It'll be wonderful. It'll be pure bliss."

The panic inside of me rose when I saw, in my blurry, spinning vision, the revolver aiming at me. 

No, I can't-! Not now!

I willed all my power into my knee and rose it, kicking Blake hard in the chest. As soon as he grunted and loosened his grip on my neck, I reached for the gun, my nails sinking hard in his hand.

I pulled my hand down, forcing his to. I bit hard into his wrist and he let go of the gun. I grabbed it, nearly wanting to shriek and drop it, but I managed to catch myself.

Blake just didn't stop. He acted before I could run off.

He reached towards me and wrapped his arms around me, managing to catch my wrist and raise it up. The gun was still in my hand, I could still use all the bullets before-

Blake's fingers tight around my wrist, he turned it. I almost screamed, the sharp pain shooting at my wrist. The gun fell, and Blake immediately caught it. We were both breathing heavily. His arms around my waist, he heaved me up higher.

He leaned close, and pressed his lips against mine. His teeth formed against mine, and he made it into my mouth.

He pulled away, "Pure bliss." Blake whispered into my ear. I felt the smile creep his face, "We could all be together. You could meet - it'll be so great." The pressed the revolver's muzzle against the side of my head. "I lo-..." He went silent, still. I felt him soften.

well if Blake wasn't crazy before he certainly is crazy now. he realized how crazy he is, but the realization of it made it worse. the guy's mental stability certainly reached it's climax. as well as this story, aha. ow it hurts. thank you guys for sticking through this story and reading so far, i love you guys <3 //another wham cliff hanger whoop sorry

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