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I had woken up an hour ago. I didn't even try to fight out of these chains. I was just mortified. 

I was standing in a room which I guessed to be a classroom. There was nothing placed in it, nothing at all. Just a chair in front of me, empty. The area I was chained to was one of the bricked areas. The wallpaper had been torn off slightly, showing some bricks behind it.

Ah, the walls.

Placed all over the walls were photos. Everywhere. Plastered to every spot on the wall, wallpaper or not. Each photo had me in it. Age ranged from nine to now. The ones when I was little, I was somewhere on the playground or black top, with my old friends. It was when the range hit fourteen that it got creepy. More creepy, anyway.

It was me. Lying and sleeping in bed. The others were just as similar, me sitting somewhere in lunch once high school started, then me laughing and talking with Tristan.


My eyes started to sting with tears again.

Blake had been in the photography club, yes. He carried around his camera on many occasions. I always thought he was taking pictures of other things. Not zooming in on me and snapping the shot. 

Yet here all the pictures were.

He had stalked me before this kidnapping. He had entered my home at night. 

The pictures of me started when I was little... So he started all the way back then... He's been keeping it up for nearly ten years.

For nearly ten years... After we had played tag, he started this, I'm guessing.

I remembered his question, "Do you remember me?" 

I'll always remember you now. No matter how hard I'll try to forget... If I ever get out of this.

My legs were giving up on me, I wanted to sink to the ground. But the chains pulling my arms up slightly refused. I had been struggling at first, causing the stress on my wrists, which were confined. 

I had given up.

I don't want to give up, but it just happened. I won't give up forever. I swear I won't...

I won't give into that murderer...

I didn't look up when I heard and saw the door at the end of the room open. More light cast in, though the shadow blocked most of it.

"... I didn't want to put you into punishment here, Sophie." Blake sighed and walked in, "But, your behavior earlier... It was not acceptable. I'll forgive you, though, but I won't forget."

I won't forget, either. I won't forgive you...

"But," He walked closer, "Are you ready to behave?"

I'll kill you.

"... I hope you are." He was right in front of me now. I could feel him smiling down at me, "I really don't like to put you here, Sophie. But whenever you act out, I'll have to."

I'll kill you in the worst way possible.

"Sophie?" His fingers caught my chin, and he forced me to look up at him. I immediately put my eyes downward. "... Sophie? Look at me." When I refused, he sighed, "You're mad at me, aren't you?"

I'm outraged. All I want more than anything is to kill you.

"Aw, Sophie," His arms wrapped around me. I just stared blankly in front of me, most of my sight blocked by his shoulder. "I don't think you fully understand. Tristan - he was putting you down. He wanted to hurt you. Just like everyone else..." I wonder why he always went for my neck. His breath was warm, his lips against my skin, "I'm here now. We can finally be together... We can be together forever and ever..."

He pulled back and looked at me. I averted his gaze again, but the feeling of him watching me was still there. It wouldn't go away...

His placed his hands on the sides of my head. He forced me to raise my head again. He leaned close and pressed his lips against mine.

My heart pounded with anger. I bit hard on his bottom lip, pulling my head back. Blake cried out and pulled away. I spat, and looked up at him, seething.

He wiped his bloody lip and panted. He scowled at me, "I don't know what's gotten into you, but you need to stop. I don't want to be angry at you, Sophie."

We both glared each other down for what seemed like eternity. Blake's face finally softened and he reached into his back pocket. He rose up a syringe, instantly making me stiffen.

"I don't want to drug you constantly. Getting chloroformed daily, it could kill you. I don't want to have to put this in your veins to keep you motionless. I don't want to force tranquilizers and other types of sedatives down your throat. I really don't."

I stared in horror, and started shaking when he walked closer, "Blake - do-don't, please..."

His eyes went wide and I shook my head, "Please, don't..." Tears ran down my face, "Pl-Please..."

Blake winced, "Don't cry... It hurts me when you cry. Do-Don't..."

... So, that's it. My crying is what...

I winced, and lowered my head, "Pl-Please..."

Blake took a step back, covering his eyes, "Sophie... Please don't-..." He froze, then took a deep breath, "You have to behave. Please behave."

I'm a coward. 

I keep telling myself I'd kill Blake. But... I just can't. I want to, I really want to. But I just can't move. This body of mine is refusing to accept my mind's orders.

I just felt so empty and sad, I couldn't move. 

On the way back here, Blake had to even help me walk. Even walking was a challenge. I just couldn't... Move. It took a lot of effort to breath, too.

The - my room, according to Blake, was the same as before. Blake had picked up all the fallen objects and placed them back in their place. 

I stared blankly at my lap, which lied my hands. Handcuffs. I was...

I rose my hands and sobbed into them.


"Don't cry."

I'm not.

"Why're you crying?"

I'm not.

"Don't make me do it again."

Please don't.

"I told you not to cry!"

Please stop.

It hurts.

No, stop it! It's not here. It's not here. 

But no matter how hard I convinced myself, I kept hearing that woman's voice. She kept taunting me. That can't be... She's not supposed to be here anymore!

"You're still crying!?"

"I'M NOT!" I threw the plate across the kitchen. It shattered, the glass and food falling to the ground in a heap. I covered my eyes, shaking as tears slid down my face. "I'm not..." I slid down the wall, "Crying..."

The image in my mind kept changing. It went from the shadow of that woman to Sophie, her head shaking with tears falling down her face.

Don't cry...

It took a long while for me to stop sobbing. I cleaned up the mess and started making more food on a new plate. 


I finally stopped crying. Although, I kept wiping my eyes, over and over again. 

I decided: I have to deal with this. I have to put up with it for awhile. No more outbursts... No more. I had to put up with it all. I had thought I had a chance out there. Blake's phone had rung, I thought I would make it, that I would answer and call for help.

I thought I had the chance of killing Blake. I really thought.

Next time... When I was absolutely sure I'd have a chance... I'll go for it. But I have to be sure. I was sure back then. But it was ruined.


The door swung open and I looked over, nearly wincing. Blake practically ran in, his face filled with concern, "Sophie!" He practically threw the plate on the table and jumped at me. I cried out in surprise when he embraced me, tight. I almost couldn't breathe.

"Sophie!" He cried out, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, Sophie!" His grip on me tightened, causing me to pull in a stiff breath, "I'm sorry for making you cry! I'm so sorry! Can you forgive me? Please forgive me, Sophie, I'm so sorry!"

Now I really couldn't breathe, "Bla-!" He practically pushed me onto the bed, and he didn't seem to notice.

"Please!" His fingers  curled in my hair, "Please forgive me!"

"BLA-!" I winced, trying to grab for him, but his chest was forcing my palms onto me, "Sto-! Okay!" I really hated myself for saying this, "I forgi - you!"

Blake went still, his grip on me loosening just little, "You..." His grip on my hair, however, tightened, "Will?"

No. I can't. I could never forgive you, not ever. I can never feel any emotion besides hate towards you for half a second. I hate you, I could never forgive you.


He started to shake, "So-..." He sat up, letting me finally breathe. As soon as I let inhaled a deep breath, he leaned towards me and pressed his lips against mine. When he pulled back, he was all smiles again.

... I...

My vision blurred.

Have to put up with this, until the time is right.

"Co-..."His voice was shaky. But with each word, it took it's normal pace and sound, "Come on." He wiped his eyes with a smile and turned. He pulled out a portable table and set it up, "I made you soup, the beef flavor, I know that's your favorite." Once he set it up in front of my knees, he placed the bowl and cup there, all will the spoon and a napkin. "Sophie? Come up, sit up."

Slowly, I rose myself up.

"Here," He grabbed my wrist and pulled out a key from his front pocket. Front pocket, I'll remember that. He turned the key in, letting the cuffs click. He pulled them away, "Go ahead and eat. Oh, and the drink is raspberry lemonade, the kind you like!"

I kept remembering it. The sedatives. The sedatives Blake said he might cram down my throat. I stared at my drink for a long time.

Who cares?

I gulped down the lemonade.

I just don't care about it anymore.

Blake didn't sit in front of me like he normally did. He sat right next to me, making me tilt to the side. It made me almost drop the spoon, from shaking so hard. It took a long while for me to finish eating. 

When I was finished, I mumbled a small "thank you". Blake beamed and took the plates, "You're welcome. Oh, and would you want me to bring you a glass of water, in case you get thirsty in the night?"

I blinked at him. In the night? Did he mean sleep? Just what time was it, anyway?

His smile widened, and he tilted his head, waiting. "O-Oh," I jumped and looked down, "Yes, th-thank you."

He beamed before heading towards the exit, "Oh, and if you're interested, the hot water had started to come. That bathtub in the restroom is pretty normal, and there's lots of shampoo and soap and conditioner and a towel on top of the down sided bucket."

I couldn't sleep. It had passed hours.

Blake had said he's sleep with me in the bed. Of course, that idea came to mind when he lied down with me. Once he was asleep, I could escape. Maybe, I could just make it out without waking him. Or I could choke him, preferably with a pillow.

Or the syringe he had in his pocket. 

But Blake had other plans.

"I'm sorry," He had said as he pulled out a cloth, and wrapped them around my hands. He didn't even say why, when he usually does.

So now my wrists were bound together, with the other stretch of cloth tightly tied to the edge of the bed, the frame. So were my ankles, although not bound together. Instead, each ankle was tied to the end edge of this bed.

I was restricted, I couldn't move. 

I was forced to look face Blake. Though it was dark, I could see his sleeping face. His hand was over my bound ones. Occasionally, I tried to hide again and scoot back to go into the covers.

It was true now. I knew it now. This was real, an actual situation I was stuck in.

How... When... Will... I ever get out?

Tears stained my pillow.

As if being kidnapped was too much. As if finding out I was being stalked...

Blake killed Tristan.

The blood Blake was in before was Tristan's. Blake didn't even try to hide it, he tried to justify it.


My fingers sunk into the pillow and I started to weep.

Tristan, who had made me happy in second grade. Tristan, who finally appeared years later. Tristan, who still never failed at making me laugh and smile. Tristan, who... 

I can't think anymore. I'm so mortified, so upset, so... I can't even find a perfect word to describe how I was feeling. It was all utter chaos.

I'd been weeping for another hour, I'm guessing. I heard Blake shift in his spot, "... Sophie? Are you alright?"

No. I didn't stop.

Blake was silent. And just like he did earlier in the morning, he just reached other and wrapped his arms around me. He scooted closer, letting me sob against his chest.


I didn't want to show it. I really don't know why. Why didn't I want Sophie to see me cry? But her crying almost broke me. 

I rubbed her back as she wept. A sigh escaped my head as I leaned against her.

Would it just be like this? Me having to comfort her as she cried? While I was trying to hold back my own tears?

Then again, I don't know what I expected. To take care of Sophie, have her all to myself, it was always my dream. I made it that far, it's just Sophie's reaction I'm stressed about. She's overwhelmed, stressed, like a child forced to change their surroundings. Tantrums, that's what they throw. Then they cry. Sophie was doing exactly that.

That worries me. She worries me constantly, but when she's stressed out? I just want to rip my hair out. It was stressing me out, her being stressed out.

That's how it works. Sophie's sad, I'm sad. She's scared, I'm scared. She's angry, I'm angry. But when she's happy... 

I desperately want her to be happy, it'll be the best for both of us.

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