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When I made it to the school, I found Sophie in bed. I walked over and brushed my fingers through her hair. I moved her hair out of her eyes and saw she was sleeping. It made me scowl a bit. Sleeping? It was nearly five.

I decided to go and make her food. I had left her all alone yesterday, I didn't make her any food. Hopefully she made some herself. 

When I entered the kitchen, my face fell.

Across the room was the shattered remains of a plate.

I stood there and stared at it for a moment, trying to figure out how it was there. When I realized why, I sighed heavily.

She just needs more time. Just give her more time.

I cleaned up the mess.

"Sophie?" I asked her when she was finished eating, "Did you throw that plate in the floor yesterday - in the kitchen?"

She went stiff, her eyes going wide.

"It's okay, I won't get mad. I just want to know if you did it."

"... I..." She looked down, "I - I accidentally dropped it."

I tilted my head, "How'd you drop it? I mean-..."

She paused, "I put the plates there before I - before I was gonna put them in the cabinet and I turned around and they fell and... They fell. I - I didn't clean it up, sor-"

"It's fine." I reached over and brushed my fingers through her hair. I smiled, softly, "It's fine, I just wanted to know."

For once, I was really excited to head to school tomorrow. I couldn't wait to hear the conversation between Sean and Susie, and the rest of their little friends.

From Sean's expression, it seems he fell for it. He looked flooded in confusion. He surely heard that I only went to get a snack, only to take over twenty minutes. Hopefully he fell for that story, hopefully my voice and expression helped. That idiot obviously knew nothing about being stealthy, he wouldn't know I was lying.

I was doing homework on the desk while Sophie was reading when I heard something fall near off in the attendance office. 

I widened my eyes and turned towards the door. I looked at Sophie. She was still reading, her full concentration on the book's words. I looked back at the door. After a moment, I stood up from my spot. 

Sophie jumped and looked up at me as I walked towards the door, "I'll be right back, Sophie, just have to check something."

My fingers brushed on the door knob when Sophie spoke.

"Blake, ca-" She seemed to be hesitating. I blinked at her. "Can I ask you something - when you get back?"

I wanted to sigh. Again? Although, honestly, I wasn't complaining. I just hoped it wasn't another hard, complicated question.

I rubbed my hand.

"Yeah, of course you could." I smiled at her and opened the door, "I'll be right back."

I looked around the attendance office to see if anything had fell. It came from this direction, not anywhere near the cafeteria. But nothing here was on the floor. I looked towards the doors leading to the hallway. Probably.

I got a little paranoid. No. No, that can't be, because... No! Probably something wasn't set right. A book - that's right! The library. Probably one of the books were a little off off the shelf, and it finally gave in and fell.

When I reached the library, I reached into my pocket. After seeing that the knife was in fact there, I took a deep breath and opened the door. I flipped the lights on in an instant. My eyes kept searching the room until I found a book on the floor, next to one of the shelves.

"... Honestly." I scowled, and walked over. I knelt down and picked up the book, then looked to the side to the shelves. My eyes trailed up. Yeah. Probably it was set closer to the edge.

It was when I heard a soft, squeaky noise that panic went through my body.

I pulled the knife out of my pocket and snapped it open. I had stood up from my spot and taken a step back. I was seething, ready to strike. 

Until I saw something come out from the box across the room.

My face fell, "O-... Oh."

The cat jumped out of the box and ignored my presence completely. It just roamed to the other side of the room, jumping on top of one of the shelves.

"It's..." I blinked, "It's a cat..."

I remained still in my spot, before letting out a heavy sigh. I straightened, looking around the room. 

Seriously. A cat? How did it come in? If it was able to get in, then there has to be some opening somewhere. I thought I checked everywhere, to see if there was any opening. There wasn't... So how...?

The cat jumped off the shelf and made it's way across the room, going right past me. I glared as it passed. 

How long was this thing in here? Considering the fact that it's still messing around in this room, I bet it just got in. But how?

I went around the room, but couldn't find any opening. Windows, blocked and locked. Doors, locked. I tried to open all the other doors. Locked. Computer lab, the door leading outside was locked, windows blocked and locked. The other two classrooms, again, locked rooms and windows, no openings.

I doubt it passed through me when I entered the building. I didn't see anything. 

After checking all the rooms four times each, I went back to the library and knelt down by the cat as it was messing in another box. I reached in and picked it up. Surprisingly, it didn't make a fight. I'm not complaining - not in the slightest. I'm rather happy it didn't hiss and fight. 

If it did fight, I would have killed it.

I stopped at the back doors.

I looked down at the cat in my arms.

Would Sophie-? No. Or, I hope not at least. I debated this for more than a few moments.

I finally decided. No. She won't. If she does, then I'm sorry. 

I went out the doors and made my way towards the gate. I kept looking around, checking if anyone was watching. 

If this vile thing came back, then I'll highly consider. However, why will it come back? It won't. That's why.

When I reached the gate, I debated if I should throw the thing over the fence or just let it slip through the opening. I decided on the opening. I knelt down and pulled the edges of the fence open, and pushed the cat through. I made sure to set it firmly back. The cat waited in front of the fence.

I sneered at it. After a moment of having a glare down with the cat, I sighed and shook my head, standing and walking away.


I wanted to change my mind. But when I thought of it, I knew it wouldn't work out. I imagined it, Blake coming in all chirpy, "Okay, I'm back! What is it, Sophie? You wanted to ask me something."

"Never mind." I'd say, "I changed my mind."

"Just come on." He'd say, like a stubborn child. "Please ask it, Sophie - please talk to me. Please."

More imaginary conversations. Perfect.

Probably I could make something up-

The door opened, and Blake walked in. He gave me a smile before shutting the door. He walked to the desk. I was hoping for him to sit down and go back to his work - to forget about my question. Instead, he just slid his seat out and put it in front of me. He sat down. He seemed to hesitate, before smiling and saying, "Sophie, guess what I found in the Library."

My eyes went wide. What? Okay. I guess he found something in the library and-

... Oh God. Oh no, no, no, no.

"Wha-" I sat up, "What?"

"A cat." He chuckled, "I found a cat running in the library."

I stared at him, wide eyed, "A - A cat?" I asked. He nodded. I sputtered, "What - What did you to her?"

Blake's face fell.

We both stared at each other. I, wide eyed with grit teeth - anxious, and him, empty eyes and a frown.

"Did," Blake blinked, "Did you see that cat before?"

I didn't say anything.

"... You saw the cat. You... Gave it some food - when I was away, didn't you? When... When did you see it?"

I remained silent.


"I saw the cat." I said, "Last night - I think, yeah, last night, I saw it in the hallway. I put her in one of the classrooms and gave her some water and some tuna from the kitchen."

He kept staring at me. "... Why didn't you tell me?"

"I..." Oh God, I was gonna puke. "I... S-Sorry. I didn't think that you... Wanted to know." He didn't stop staring at me. Those blank eyes of his, those large pupils. I can't take it.

He paused, "I took it outside, out of the property. It's fine. Don't worry, Sophie. The thing's fine, and I'm not mad, don't worry. Do you know how it got in?"

"No, I don't. I just saw it in the hallway, I swear-"

"It's fine." He leaned over and tucked my hair behind my ear, "Don't worry, Sophie."


I sat back in my chair, and let my head fall back. I shut my eyes.

So Sophie-? Okay, okay. This isn't a bad thing. It's perfectly okay. She found the cat while I was gone, and fed it. Okay. Okay. I could get past this. It's fine.

I opened my eyes.

The only thing I wasn't pleased about was her not telling me until now. Like the plates, too - why didn't she tell me? The dropped plates were much more minor compared to this. But still...

I took a deep breath.

I could get past it. I could get past it...

I lowered my head and looked at Sophie.

"You wanted to ask a question before." I wanted to smile. But I couldn't. "What is it?"

Sophie paused, "... I changed my mind."

Now I smiled, but it was strained. "Sophie, come on." I reached over. My hands clasped on the side of the bed. Sophie stared at them, wide eyed. "It's fine - just ask. Ask anything."

"It's nothing." She said, wide eyes still on my hands.


"It's nothing!" She leaned away and reached for her book, "I forgot most of it, anyway."


It took awhile for Blake to go back to his work. He had remained in the same spot, staring at me for a long while. Then he finally turned and moved himself back behind the desk.

I don't know how I was supposed to ask the question.

"Blake," I'd say, "How much people did you kill?"

Or even, "Would you kill me too?"

I was still unsure.

i'm on a writing streak, haha. setting daily word counts for myself, with the seperations and limits of all my stories. but this one is at top cuz you you guys yaay. so expect some quicker updates (cOUGHoncefinalsareovercOUGH) THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING. got some plans and end set out

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