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I was still a sniffling mess as I was walking to the school.

"Be back." George had said when I finally, calmed down, decided to leave, "You better as hell come back."

I shut my eyes tight and wiped them, my glasses almost falling down to the pavement. I took a deep breath and looked forward again, shaking.

It was already dark, around eleven. I was starting to pass the school. I tried to keep my eyes off of it. I was still taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. Calm down, calm down, collect yourself, yes. Calm down and stay that way.

I wasn't looking forward much. Most of the time I kept my eyes on the ground. I started to count my footsteps. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...

The fences were reaching their end at this corner.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...

"So you're gonna vandalize some more?"


I looked up, and then to my left, where the other side of the fence was. Brooke was there, as if she was waiting. I stared at her with wide eyes, stopping right in my tracks. "... What?"

"You're the same guy." She said, voice and eyes soft, "Who I saw leave this school? Yeah. I always walk past here and I notice you leave a couple times."

She... She saw me more than once.

I kept staring.

She gave me a look, "Just curious. Why do you go in here all the time and leave hours later? I also saw you go inside once, around four o'clock."

She... She saw me get in, too...

"I-I..." My chest was growing tight, "I told you. I was just... Walking along the grounds. I just... Like to..."

"To just walk around in an old school's campus? Yeah, totally nice."

What was she trying to get at?

"And I just caught you in a lie." She tilted her head, "Because I saw you go inside the building."

She was watching me.

"What? Do you like to chill there, knowing you're alone?"

I didn't answer.

We both stood in silence for a long while. She kept staring at me, waiting. I stared back, but I really didn't see anything. Just a blur. I tried to clear my vision.

When it finally cleared, I saw Brooke's eyes slowly widen.

... She...

She stepped back.

She knows...

"Ha-" She stepped back again and tried to calm her features. "Have fun in your isolation." And then she walked past me, and down the sidewalk.

She knows.

I looked over at her as she walked away.

She knows...

She figured it out. My silence answered her question. The puzzles pieced together and... She knows. She's gonna - She's gonna go home and tell the authorities and then-!

... And then they'll take my Sophie away.

Brooke kept walking off. I noticed her shaking.

They'll take Sophie away and hurt her...

My eyes went wide at Brooke, my jaw tightening. Blood rushed to my face.

My Sophie...

I reached into my pocket.

My Sophie-!


Oh God, oh God. Could it-? No, no. It can't be - but what if-? Oh my God, I was gonna puke. What if it wasn't? But it could also be true.

I have to get home. When I get far enough, sure that this freak wan't nearby I could call the police and tell them to search the school. Oh my God-

I heard quick footsteps jumping towards me.

My eyes went wide, and when I turned around, I saw the guy's eyes flash towards me. As soon as I noticed it, I panicked and tried to jump forward and run.

But then a hand clasped over my mouth, and a tight piercing pain came over at the back of my neck.

And then-

. . .


The door... It just led to another part of the hallway. Was this always here - when it was a regular school?

Shaking, I walked in. There was two doors. One right in front of me, and one on the side. What if - one of them led outside?

I covered my nose in an instant, cringing. Holy God, it smells. It smells like rotting meat. Oh God, it stinks so much. 

I just puked a little.

Wincing, I looked at both doors. One had to lead outside.  I kept looking at both. I had to hurry. Blake should be back any second now. 

Still covering my nose, I walked over to the one in front. I reached over, and my fingers brushed against the door knob. I trembled.

My fingers curled around the knob, and I pulled it open.

My eyes slowly widened. My hand dropped down to my side. My heart jumped all the up to my throat. It was gonna explode...

I literally couldn't breathe.

The smell washed right over me as I opened the door. It also stung in my eyes. Not only the smell, but the sight... Holy God, the sight...

The room was empty of furniture, but the pillars were lying all over. There had to be about three. Only two were wrapped around in some white bag, but I still saw the brownish red all over. The horrid smell also gave it away.

Some were obviously reaching the skeleton's decay, and others - the skin was easily tearable. Sunken eyes, or shut eyes. Rotting...


They were corpses.

I hadn't heard Blake enter the hall. I felt his breath right at my neck. His voice was hollow with a small hint of sadness, and I could sense the tear sliding down his face.

"You were behaving so well, everything was fine and heading to perfect..." He said, "So then..." 

I started to tremble.

"Why?" He asked, "Why did you try to leave and find this?"

I went back to how it was before. Impulse - instinct. It took complete control of me, I couldn't help it. I didn't try to fight it off. I followed it's orders.

I immediately jumped to the side, reaching for the other door. I pushed it open. When it opened, I saw the dark sky, the fences, the boxes of classrooms.


I tried to run out, but then Blake's arm wrapped around my neck. I gasped for breath. He pulled me back. I pulled up my hand to try to pry him away, but then he only grabbed my wrist. His nails sunk in deep.

"Sophie, come on." He forced me to step back. I winced. "Calm down, it's fine, everything is fine - calm down, sweetie."

"N-" I winced. His arm was crushing my neck. "Bla - you're ch-cho-" I shut my eyes tight when his arm tightened against my neck. 

"Shh, shh..." He hushed in my ear, "It's okay, just shut your eyes."

I tried to force my eyes open. It was a spinning blur. And it kept darkening. "B-Bla-" I shut my eyes and tried to open them again, "Sto-"

"Shh," He started to drop down to his knees, slowly. "Shh."

Once I hit the ground, I blacked out.


She went still. As soon as she did, I pulled my hand away and grabbed her shoulders. I forced her to turn to me. She lowered her head into my chest.

"Soph-" I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away. Her eyes were shut, and her breathing was faint. I let out a heavy sigh. I glanced back at the door behind us, that separated the hall.

Was it open? Did she break the lock? I hadn't-... Shit. I probably left it open when I checked it this morning. I knew I shouldn't have-

I winced and wrinkled my nose. Damn, the smell. I shot a quick glance to the room before quickly turning away.

I can't believe it. I got rid of them, and they're still annoying me.

My eyes went back to Sophie, who was leaning against my chest. I softened.

George's words kept ringing in my ears.

"Be back. You better as hell come back."

I will.

I lowered my arm under Sophie's legs, the other behind her back.


first off, happy new years to you guys! hope yall had a great time and remained safe! and eep, that escalated quickily. brooke, sopie warned you many times that your nosy curiosity was gonna get you into trouble one day - okay that's still too extreme. So hopefully a chapter every week, if my writing and editing ability remains on the same task! everyone do a countdown, end soon. bye, luv u guys so much, thank you all for being such wonderous readers <3

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