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As soon as the words escaped my lips, my heart jumped up to my throat. I didn't even see much, all I saw was Sophie's eyes flashing towards me.

And then her hands were wrapped around my neck. 

I fell back in my chair, practically cracking my skull. I tried to react and get up, but immediately Sophie had gotten on top of me. "YOU-!" Her grip on my throat tightened, her nails sinking into my skin. It was blocking the air from entering my body. "YOU GODDAMN-!"

I rose my hands to wrap them around her wrists. Her grip on me loosened, but a few seconds after it did, she rose her knee and kicked me roughly in the chest, causing pain to explode.

I opened an eye and looked to the side of the room, which sat the tin box. I have to-

As soon as another kick rounded to my chest, I heard my cell ring in my back pocket. Sophie's grip on me when rigid, and she let go. Just as she did, she tried to penetrate my arms all while trying to find and reach for my ringing cell.

It hurt, though I managed to slip my arms away from her elbows. I reached for her shoulders and forced her onto the ground and I slid over her. She reached up to grab at my throat though I pushed her down as I reached for the tin box.

She delivered a kick to my side, causing me to cry out, "Damn-!" I grabbed the box and opened it. I slid back, the cloth grasped in my hands, "Keep calm! SOPHIE!-" When I placed the cloth over her mouth, her eyes went wide. It was just like before. She kept beating at my chest, but slowly, her eyes starting to shut, as did her punches. She kept her hands slightly up, as if to debate whether to hit me or not.

And then her hands hit her chest, her eyes shutting.

It worked? I thought it died out.

I let go of the cloth and wiped my hands on my jeans. My eyes were wide and bugged out, my breath ragged. With each breath I took, I felt all the pain on my body.

The cell kept ringing.

"Huh?" Panting, I reached back into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I didn't bother to look at the caller, I just answered. I tried to calm my breath, "Hello?"

"Blake," The man on the other line said. I frowned. "Where are you? There's some people who'd like to talk to you."

My face fell. "Uh," I turned away to cough into my arm, "I'm just taking another walk. Who's there?"

I waited, hearing some muffled voices. Then the voice responded, "They'd like you to come here as soon as possible."

That was good. I had thought they'd come looking for me. But that was also bad. It'd take awhile for me to get there, and with the scars on my neck and the aching pain I was going through, I don't think I'll make it to walk over, only for them to question the bloody scars.

"Yeah," I said anyway, "I'm on my way."

The caller hung up.

I sat there for a moment, then looked at Sophie. She was breathing pretty heavy, her eyes shut. I reached over and wiped her mouth with my sleeve.

"... Reckless girl." I sighed, and leaned close. I placed one arm behind her back, and the other below her legs.

I opened the door, and my eyes widened to see the living room filled with the police and some other unfamiliar faces. 


"Blake?" One of the men said as he sat up in the couch, "We have some questions for you."


"O... Okay." I nodded slowly and entered the room, closing the door behind me. I looked around, but I couldn't find that man...

"Have you heard about the disappearance and murder of those two students? The two who go to your school? Tristan Jacobson, and Sophie Clark?"

Wait, murder? No, how have they found out? I tried to look, act, surprised, "Murder? I - I heard the news report this morning, but I thought it was a disappearance."

"Yes, but that was a quick report. We had found blood on the back field, behind the football field, where the game was going down. It was Jacobson's." The man stood up and looked at me, "Did you know the two?"

"... Ye-..." I trembled, "I know who they are, we had school together all throughout elementary, but we never talked. They were both dating, I think." When the man opened his mouth, I added in a panic, "Although, Sophie, I kinda talked to her once. Her and her brother gave me a ride home last month." If he found this out later, he'd know I was lying.

They all looked at each other, and some nodded. That wasn't good. How could they know? And Sophie - no, I can't hand Sophie over to them, I can't.

"Jacobson's friends had claimed that Clark left the bleachers and headed to the back field for walk. A moment after, they and others claimed you had left the bleachers and to the back, as well. It was then that Jacobson left as well, to find Clark."

No. This can't... No!

"I had," I desperately wanted to step back, to run out from the building, "I went to get a snack."

"We know." His voice was getting cold, "But, do you happen to know anything? Did you hear anything at all that might link to this?"

"... I... I think I..." I said. They all rose their head, eyes wide. "I... I heard Sophie say she wanted to take a walk, just as you said. The two friends Tristan were with, they thought Sophie left to cheat on Tristan or something." This had to sound suspicious to them, "That's when I left. I heard his friends say it was me that Sophie was sneaking with and I saw Tristan walk to the back field a moment after that."

There. That had to count as something to these people.

They all exchanged looks and nodded.

"Thank you," They all stood, "Thank you very much." They all exited the room one by one. The man stopped in front of me to say, "If you have anything else to add, have some slight idea as to what happened, or see the two - because there's still a small chance Jacobson is still alive..." He pulled out a card and handed it to me, "Please give us a call."

I nodded, and they all left.

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