Chapter 9

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Andrea retreated to her room without saying a word to anyone. Madison and I got our stuff, and Madison went to her room to put her stuff away. I did the same.

"Mark! Maddie! Welcome back!" Aunt Adele said, hugging us.

"Hi, Aunt Adele." Maddie said, walking to her room. I went to mine. I put my things away, and sat on my bed. I picked up my remote, and turned on the television, Doctor Who was on, and it reminded me of Andrea. I turned it off so she wouldn't behead me later on.

She wouldn't do that, would she? She might...

I decided to give Andrea some space, it seemed like she needed it. Madison barged in and sat in my bean bag, watching Kitchen Nightmares with me.

"Um... Hi?" I said.


"How's Andrea?" I asked.

"She's just laying there staring at her ceiling. She ignored everything I said to her."

It makes sense, she just got pulled away from her dream... That was her shot at getting discovered. Well, she did get discovered. And she has plenty of fans.

An hour later, I went in to check on her. I came in and sat on her bed; Madison was right, she was just laying there.

"How are your doing?" I asked her. No answer. "Andy... I know you're upset, but staying quiet isn't going to make you feel any better."

"I just... It's either stay quiet or explode right now." She whispered.

I've already seen her explode... Or maybe that wasn't even exploding. Although, that one day, that was pretty bad.

"It's better than keeping it all in."

"I've just been really irritable since this morning; I have no clue why, but I just don't want to get mad at you for no reason!" She yelled, sitting up in bed. She ran her hands down her face in exasperation. "Like that." She mumbled.

"So basically, you're acting like a girl who's PMSing?" I blurted out, and she blushed.

"I am not!"

She totally is.

"You need to get out. Wanna go shopping?" I asked this, because I knew she loved to go shopping.

Just as I thought, her face perked up, and she jumped out of bed. She still had her shoes on and everything.

"Allons-y!" She ran out her door. "Oh- and Madison is coming."

I smiled.

That's my girl; Not the depressed laying around one.

I walked to Aunt Adele's room, and peered in her open door.

"Hi, Mark!"

"Hi, Aunt Adele! I'm taking Madison and Andrea out to the square for some shopping and whatnot."

"Okay, have fun!"#

"We will, bye!" I waved, and walked to the front door. Andrea and Madison were waiting for me. One look at me, and Andrea grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. I laughed, and we went to the square.

"How about we go into Random Fandoms?" I asked her; It seemed like her kind of store. She grinned and nodded.


The square was so cute, the road was paved with bricks, and there were flowers everywhere. People were busily walking here and there, and roaming around with shopping bags. We went in Random Fandoms, and I was amazed.

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