seungsik - sing your heart out

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• genre: fluff
• 612 words
• published: 07/02/18


I was at the mall on a weekend with my sister. We passed by several shops and stalls until we reached the plaza. We then saw a stage with a poster at the back that displayed the words "singing contest".

"Y/N, you should join the contest! You're good at singing anyway. This is a good time to use your talent!" My sister said. "I don't want to, I'm not in the mood." "The prize is that latest phone. You wanted a new phone anyway." "Fine, fine. I'll go join," I said and she cheered.

We went to the application booth and I filled up the form for the contest.

I was feeling nervous because there were so many other talented people than me. I was literally shaking on my seat.

Before my performance, there was this guy, I think around my age and he's so good at singing, And he's even handsome. He really fits an image of an idol and I don't think I could win over him.

I tried to be confident despite of being anxious of the moment. I kept thinking I can do it but my heart was feeling the opposite. I just breathed heavily and calmed myself down.

The contestant was ending his performance and I was up next. When the MC called my number, I stood up and people started clapping their hands. While I was on stage waiting for the audio to play on the speakers, my sister raised both of her fists at me and mouthed 'fighting'. I smiled at her and I faithfully sang my heart out.

My performance ended and the MC came up to the stage and I sat down on my seat. "That's our last contestant everyone. It was really hard who is the winner because everyone did a very great job!" Everyone applauded and my fellow contestants were giving me thumbs ups. I widely smiled at them and also gave them thumbs ups.

"Our winner is..." The MC made us wait a little more longer and I felt my whole body shaking. "There are actually two winners since the judges had an equal score, which are contestants..." "Contestants 7 and 8!" The MC said loudly, just then I realized. It was actually me and the guy before me.

I felt so excited and we both stood up on stage. I looked at him from head to toe and he looked so perfect. We both smiled at the audience and the MC gave us the prizes which were the latest phones. We both bowed at the MC, the judges and to the organizers of the event.

"What's your name?" He straightaway asked me. "My name is (Y/F&L/N). How about you?" I said in an affable tone. "I'm Kang Seungsik. Nice to meet you!" We did a formal handshake and left the stage afterwards.

"Hey, what's the name of the guy who also won? I saw you talking to him." My sister asked. "His name is Kang Seungsik." "Isn't he handsome? He looks like an idol as a matter of fact." She told me. "You know, you have a great sense in men." I answer while grinning at her blushing face. "Do you like him? " "Maybe? I think I do." I ironically said and we both laughed. "We both have good sense in men." She emphasized the word 'we' and we just can't stop laughing.

After that, we kept blustering about him while going around the mall. I had a great day today because of him. I never smiled at a guy that much in my entire life.

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