seungwoo - savior

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• genre: fluff
• 2577 words
• 04/16/20


Seungwoo's POV

The whole class was in chaos. Some were just talking and some were doing other things. I wasn't in the mood to do anything. Habitually, I'd be talking with the people beside me but I feel so drained because of school work.

When we heard the door open, everyone instantly fixed themselves and went back to their seats. We did the usual greeting and sat back down.

"Everyone, take out your assignments, pass it forward." The teacher instructed. When I looked for it in my bag, I realized I left it at home. I mentally slapped myself, knowing that our teacher is really strict.

She shuffled through the papers and counted them. "There's only one missing, who is it?" The teacher boldly asks. I slowly raised my hand while my head was down.

"Han Seungwoo, give me a reasonable explanation of why you don't have it." My heart started beating faster when he asked. "Sir, I did the assignment but I left it at home," I explained.

"I know those excuses well. You can't pass it anymore so write a reflection paper." He instructs and I just nodded. I didn't lie in the first place but it couldn't be helped.

"Sir," I heard someone from behind me. We all looked at Y/N, the president. "Sir, just give him a chance, he probably did just leave it. You know he doesn't do these kinds of things." Y/N says, defending me.

The whole class knows for sure that she doesn't always side on someone. As the class president, she always cares for the class and treats us equally. Even at times like this.

"Why should I give him a chance? The others worked hard to do it and pass it on time." He says in defense.

"Of course it's unfair. If you can't trust him, give him a chance to pass it. An additional deduction would be better than a grade of zero." She says, arguing.

"You know how to talk your ways through. Fine, Seungwoo, you have until tomorrow. You'll get a deduction of five points and I'll still need a reflection paper." He says and I looked up.

"Thank you, sir," I thanked him and bowed. "Okay, let's continue class. Sit down, the two of you." He instructs, Y/N and I sat down.

"Thanks," I whispered to Y/N. "No problem," She replies and smiles.


"Y/N!" I call her from afar. She turned around and waved my hand in the air so she could notice me. I ran to her before she could leave.

"Oh, hi. Do you need anything?" She asked. "Do you have anything to do after school?" I asked her, which she just shook her head.

"I wanted to treat you since you helped me out a while ago," I offered. "You don't need to worry about that. Not everything can be paid with money or even material things." She says and smiles.

Before I could insist, she walked away. She's wise enough despite her grades. She doesn't excel nor fail, so I couldn't quite understand her mind.



The swimming class just finished, and I know for myself that I didn't do well. Personally, I never liked swimming so I don't care much, as long as I don't drown or anything.

While I was changing back to my uniform, my blazer was missing and I was starting to panic. There were a few blazers around but none of them belonged to me.

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