subin - whiskers, lovers

569 10 1

• genre: fluff
• 4458 words
•published: 10/25/20

Subin's POV
Running out of activities to do during the term break's last week, I found myself scrolling through my camera roll. I thought I would stay in my unsociable state after moving schools, yet it wasn't so bad after all. It's not many friends but at least I improved on that.

I reached the middle part of the album and found images taken last year. Compared to this year, I had fewer friends, but it didn't matter as long as I was happy with them. "Y/N," I tapped on the picture to zoom it in. "How I never had the chance to tell you," Admiring the photo we had together on the last day.

That was one of the best days of my life. Reminiscing the last day, we all had together, most were taking pictures of whether one of them was leaving or not. To my surprise, Y/N thought of taking a photo of us together.

We weren't close but we had a few conversations here and there throughout the year. Despite that, my feelings slowly grew for her, yet I wasn't exactly sure why.

After all these thoughts came to my head, it made me drowsy. My cat, Toto, came running to my side and sat down. I just smiled and pat its head making it purr in response. I faced down my phone under my pillow and placed my arm over Toto, proceeding to sleep.


I yawned while my body was still curled up. Still tired, I laid on my bed for a few seconds and wanted to check myself on the mirror across me. I found it odd that I couldn't seem to see myself in the mirror since I normally could. I sat up in a suspicious way as well. My pupils widened after seeing my reflection in the mirror. "What the...?" I said, at least in my head yet all that came out was a loud confused meow.

I ran around my bed, filling the room with loud meows. How in the world did I get into Toto's body? When will I get back to my original state? Will I actually get back to my own self?

A lot of questions ran through my head as I walked in circles. Getting too immersed in my thinking, I slipped off my bedsheets and landed on my feet. "Wow, that's pretty useful," I thought after looking down on the floor and not getting hurt.

Come to think of it, maybe I could have fun with this while I have nothing to do. The problem is, I had no idea how to get out of my room. My best option was the window, so I came running to it.

I tried testing out if I could jump that height, and to my surprise, I made it to the windowsill.

I had to figure out how I could unlock the window. Looking at the sliding lock, I clawed the hook and swung across. After a few attempts, I got it to open. I lost my grip and landed in front of my gate.

Just opening the window made me really exhausted so I sat down and caught my breath. Unconsciously, I licked the back of my paw and sat back. I got surprised at my action, but I just shrugged it away.

I walked along the road, catching the attention of some passersby. I was a bit conscious thinking of why, but then remembered I was physically a cat. I mentally facepalmed at my odd thought, still not getting into this cat state.

Just realizing, I didn't eat yet although I wasn't sure where I could get food. While walking, I found a cafe with outdoor seats. I ran to the people eating at those spots and decided to pull off something.

I looked up to a woman who was having her morning coffee with a donut. I looked at her with large pupils to get her attention. She noticed me right away and smiled. She took a small piece of her donut and placed it down on the ground for me. I ate it all, yet I still wasn't full.

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