subin - missing you

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requested by @-CHL0E

• genre: fluff
• 1481 words
• published: 06/02/19


There he is again, sitting at the corner of the classroom writing in his notebook. It's already half the school year and I'm still curious what he writes there. It's almost gonna run out of pages though. Why am I even thinking about that if I do that myself? I'm probably just weird. I don't even have the guts to talk to my classmates since if I would they would think I'm a weirdo.

It was finally lunch and I headed to the cafeteria and ate there. I was lonely like always and I kept glancing at Subin. I don't have any idea why I keep looking at him every day. I keep thinking that we met before but that's just my imagination. While I was on my way home, I saw him again going the same route as mine.

I thought he lived in another neighborhood but I think he just visited someone. I saw him stop by a house beside the house in front of ours. I shrugged it off and went inside. It was already the semester break starting tomorrow so I just slept as I got home.


I was looking out the window as my small hands touched the glass. The highway looked amazing as a kid. "I can't wait to go to the beach!" I whispered to Subin. He didn't have a reply, when I looked he was already fast asleep beside me. I just looked back at the view. It suddenly went dark inside.

I checked the front and realized a truck that overpassed and it hit the front glass as it shattered into pieces. My eyes widened as I felt the car falling down the highway. The car's pieces were everywhere and people crowded around our car and the truck. My eyes instantly closed as I lost all the connections to my senses.

"What?!" I suddenly woke up as I hugged my pillow. I was panting quickly like I ran a marathon. Did I just see Subin in my dream? That's so peculiar and that was the six-year-old me for sure. But how is he there with me when he was also a kid there? My head hurts now. I was so curious so I decided to finally ask my mom since she should know about it.

"Mom?!" I screamed as I was going down the stairs. I found her on the couch on her phone. "Mom, can I ask you something?" "Yeah sure," She was still staring at her phone screen. "Have I ever got into an accident before?" I asked out of the blue. She suddenly turns her attention to me and closes her phone. "How did you come up with that question?" She asks. "I had a dream about it."

She was staring at the floor and thinking about it. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "It's nothing, but you might get shocked." "Why?" I asked as my voice became a bit shaky. "Well, you did. It was from a car accident." She says as my eyes widened.

I told her everything that happened in my dream, and she said that it was all true. "Why can't I remember it?" I suddenly got worried. "You were the unluckiest one out of all of us in the car since you had traumatic shock, not really amnesia. But you just forgot the accident as you grew up so that's why." She explained everything to me.

"Do you know a boy, just the same age as me? His name is Subin." I asked her again. Her whole face suddenly lit up. "You remember him now?" I was still confused. "Yeah, he's your childhood friend. You used to play here in the house. I have no idea where he and his family moved after the accident." "He was in the accident too?" Things started to piece out.

"He actually had the same problem as you did, but worse." I finally had the courage to tell her why I probably dreamt of that. "I probably dreamt of that because of something." "What is it?" She sat up straight and listened. "He's my classmate." My mom was in total shock. Probably just can't believe what she heard. "Really?" "I know for sure," I was really confident about it.

"He was just outside in front of our house." She was suddenly lost in her thoughts and didn't know how to react. I waved my hand near her face and she suddenly got back to reality. "Because from what I remember, his parents didn't tell him that they lived in this neighborhood before." "But why?" I asked. "He might get bad memories if he sees the neighborhood like what the doctor said." "I don't see any traumatic signs when I got out of the hospital," I explained. "I really have no idea," she said. "Just go back to your room. My head is confused, I need to rest." "Okay, thanks for the information." I thanked her and went upstairs.

When I got on my bed and checked my phone, I realized it was already noon. I suddenly had the courage to try to approach him after the semestral break. I just hope everything wouldn't go wrong or something false about my thoughts.

[After the semestral break]
After the last class, everyone exited the room except for me and Subin. I could be really weird and scary at the same time that's why I decided to use that skill. When he was about to leave, I pulled his backpack and he just froze in his spot. I realized what I did and my hands were shaking. I knew for sure and try to gather my thoughts and my control my emotions. I finally tried to speak.

"Can we talk for a while?" I asked as we were in the same position. He then nodded in, I guess, agreement. I sat down and he slowly sat on the chair beside mine. "Do you know me by any chance?" I shot the question at him. I could tell that he was confused since I never talked in class, never. He was just hugging his notebook and his pen. "I'm not trying to cause trouble here but try to think about it." I calmly said. He was thinking for a while and then shook his head.

My body suddenly reacted as I touched his hand. "Don't you remember?" He still didn't say anything, but instead, his eyes widened. "Can you at least say something? Anything?" He breathed in and out and thought of something. He ripped an empty page of his notebook and wrote something. It said: I'm sorry I can't say anything. I really can't talk. in short, I'm mute.

I suddenly pieced out something in my mind. He probably became mute because of the trauma that I also got like my mom said his case was worse. "Was it because of the accident?" I asked and he stole the paper from my hand. He wrote: How did you know that? "I was in there too. I also had amnesia. But I feel bad for you since your case is worse." I said

He wrote on the paper again: It's no one's fault. At least, I can do other things, right?

"I agree. Nothing or nobody is stopping you anyways." I replied. He then wrote: I think I knew you, but I'm not really sure about it. "Actually, we did meet. We were friends for 4 years until the accident happened. Your family moved out of the neighborhood that's why you can't remember me." I explained everything.

Subin's POV
How can I not remember her? If we were friends for a long time, I should know and remember that. The accident was probably really bad. I wrote on the paper: Don't worry about me Y/N. When she read the paper, she had a shocked face. "You remember me?" I nodded. She suddenly hugs me and I just froze there and did nothing.

She let go of me and I saw her crying. I wiped her tears with my thumb. Then my brain started to remember memories that I've never seen before. I touched my forehead and I suddenly remembered her as a child before. "Are you okay?" Y/N asked. "I don't know," I'm baffled by the sudden reminiscence. "I just remembered things I shouldn't have remembered."

"I know now," The memories finally stopped. "Know what?" She asked. "I can't remember the accident because I slept before it happened." "You're right!" She suddenly realized too. "But how did you know that?" "I dreamt of it before," I was shocked since it was coincidental. I can't even dream the moments I forgot.

"Thank you." "For what?" she asked.

"Thank you for everything. Starting from our childhood until to this moment."

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