hanse - parasite

1.3K 32 5

• genre: fluff, virus
• 2350 words
• 09/06/19



Recently, there has been an unknown virus spreading. It's turning people into zombie-like creatures.

I've been handing out canned goods and bottled water right after I got out of the laboratory. The other scientists and I have been trying to find out the source of this virus, and it's been days ever since it spread.

We didn't have much time figuring out the cause and cure by the fact that it's wiping out the country rapidly.

I got back in the lab, noticing that everyone had their eyes on me as if they were waiting for my return. I raised a brow knowing there's something suspicious going on.

"We have a task for you," Seungwoo, the leader of our team said, folding his arms. "W-what?" I asked, shaking in fear.

"You have to catch an infected human," I widened my eyes in utter shock. "Why me?" I pushed back my lab coat, resting my hands on my hips. "Don't worry, you won't be alone," He smiled, meanwhile I frowned in despair.

Someone from behind, causing me to jump. Hanse smiles at me."You?!" I half screamed. "What's wrong with me being your partner in crime?" Hanse wiggles his eyebrows at me. I scoffed at his actions.

Hanse always annoys me by pranking me and doing unnecessary jokes. Sometimes, he would take it too far. Though, those were back in the high school days. He changed ever since we graduated. He became more upright and misbehaved less. I wish he always acted like that.

"What do you say?" Seungwoo tilts his head to the side. As a matter of fact, everyone else has done tasks like this. But mine is complicated. I couldn't say it's easier with a partner, and I don't know how to think about it.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat. "That's the spirit!" Hanse gestures his arm enthusiastically."Follow me then," Seungsik led us to a metal door behind the lab.

My eyes widened at what I saw. There were weapons everywhere, literally. The walls were covered with pistols, snipers, and even submachine guns. There were a ton more than I expected so it will take long to enumerate them one by one.

And now I know why they chose me. I knew myself well by knowing weaponry. Hanse was roaming around, hands at the back so he wouldn't touch anything. Seungsik handed us two guns and a pocket knife each.

"Please be careful," Seungsik said, smiling. You knew Seungsik is thoughtful and caring so you loved that side of his."We will," I smiled in reassurance. Hanse and I left the room, pistols, and knives in our pockets and a rifle in hand.

As we walked out, it felt like an action movie scene."So you guys ready?" Seungwoo asks and we nodded with composure. We followed out Seungwoo as he tossed Hanse a key.
As we got in, Hanse started the vehicle and we drove out of the quarantined area.

As we got farther from the protected area, my heart started beating rapidly out of fear.

We got to the plaza and it was empty. The stores were covered in dust and cobwebs. Everything else was trashed on the ground.

I held my gun tighter in case of a sudden event. "Are you scared?" Hanse asks, focused on the road. "No," I monotonously replied. He just smirked at me, still had eyes glued on the road.

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