byungchan - sticky notes

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• genre: fluff
• 920 words
• published: 09/12/18


Write, post, wait, receive. I love using my sticky notes to send messages to someone. Someone who has great personalities and love almost everything about me. My friend, Byungchan. We always leave sticky notes on our desks or our lockers if we want to do something, and almost every day we would do this.

Both of us may not be in the same class but at lunch, we always do that and do whatever we want after reading them. We reply with another sticky note or in person.

'Meet me in front of the school after dismissal.'

- Byungchan 

I saw a sticky note posted on my locker. I should clean my locker door since it's filled with Byungchan's sticky notes. I removed some of the old ones and I just saved around 10 notes. I checked from afar Byungchan's locker and it was also filled with my notes too.


I looked at my watch and class was almost over. I was taking down some notes on my notebook and the bell rang. After fixing my stuff, I headed out in front of the school and went to our meeting place, which was near a tree.

"So? Why here? We haven't been here for a while." I said. "I don't know. I kind of missed this place." He looked around. "Yeah, me too." "I wanna go to that new ramen place near here." I thought he was craving some. Well, me too so, I agreed.


"This place is quite nice," Byungchan said. "I could smell the ramen and I bet it's delicious." We sat down at a table near the counter.

We were eating the ramen and it really tastes good. I noticed Byungchan was writing something on his lap under the table. "Hey, what are you writing?" I asked curiously. "It's nothing important." He said. "Oh okay," I said and just shook the thought of it.

I had a weird feeling about what he was writing. But it'd be kind of rude if I would force him to tell me. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked. "Oh sorry." He slurped the soup and savored the noodles and I could feel his satisfaction.

I then notice that he kept crumpling several sticky notes for a lot of times, so my curiosity burned up. 

"Is it really important? You keep crumpling them." I said. "Am I bothering you? I'll just do this later." He kept his pen and his notes. I just saw he kept his crumpled notes in his bag when there's a trash can at his back.

"I need to go home now. I have a test tomorrow." Byungchan said. "Okay, you can go. I'll just finish this up." I waved goodbye at him and he left the place.

I wonder what he was writing, which I think was really important. A secret, perhaps?

Byungchan's POV

How am I suppose to write this in words? I'm not good at conveying feelings even though I write notes to Y/N every day. I don't really use a lot of creative grammar since we're really close friends. This note is for her, but this is something different than what I normally write.

I think I might be flooding my room with crumpled sticky notes, but then I had an Idea. I went out and bought 2 packs of sticky notes. I went back and sat on the floor. I put the notes in a form and wrote something on each of the notes.

Then, I transferred them to a one-whole illustration board. It looked amazing that I felt so proud of myself.


I went to school really early just to put the illustration board inside Y/N's locker. I was surprised it actually fitted, at first I didn't know where to put it. Turns out, if you believe in yourself, you could do anything.


I came to school and went straight to my locker. As I opened my locker, I realized something was blocking my things. I pulled it out and I saw a whole illustration board with sticky notes in a heart shape.

'I realized that it has been 5 years and I am now willing to tell you this. As time flew by, I had the greatest and happiest times with you and there was probably one thing I ever wanted in my life; it's you, Y/N. I'm sorry, but I think I like you.'

- Byungchan

That was what the notes said. Everyone in the hallway started to stare at me and the notes. Everyone was frozen in their places and I saw someone in the corner of my eye, walking towards me.

"Can you accept me as your boyfriend, and not just a friend anymore?" Byungchan asked. I looked up at his tall figure smiling widely, almost tearing up from my legit contentment. 

"Yes!" I said and hugged him tightly as I felt my heart beating rapidly. I dropped the board and can't control myself because of the intense emotions I'm experiencing. 

"I love you, Y/N," Byungchan whispered in my ear as we were hugging. "I love you too." Everyone was squealing and applauding at the two of us.



i don't know what i'm writing but this idea just suddenly popped up in my mind. anyways, hope everyone liked this one. at first, i thought i already wrote for each and every member but then i realized, "wait, i hAVEN'T WROTE A BYUNGCHAN IMAGINE YET," so yeah :')

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