byungchan - moving on

768 19 8

- a sequel to the previous chapter
requested by: yanagirenjiidealtype 

• genre: fluff
• 1950 words
• published: 04/01/20


Byungchan's POV

"Hey, Y/N. You don't look so well these days, is something wrong?" I asked a worried Y/N.

No response. But I do notice her looking at Subin for a while now. And I think I knew why.

"Is it because of him?" I ask, pointing at Subin's direction. She just nods, not looking away.

"Just tell me what happened," I said.

"You don't know what happened? Almost everyone here knows." She said, slightly shocked.

"Come on, you know I'm not a fan of these things," I said. "Okay sure, I'll tell you then," She replied, sighing.

"You know I like him, right? You better know that." She asked and I just nodded.

"So I confessed, and..." She cuts off her sentence. "And, what?" I ask.

She took a deep breath before replying. "He kinda rejected me." She said, slightly disheartened.

"What do you mean kinda?" I asked, puzzled.

"How he rejected me isn't as painful as a rejection." She said emphasizing the word 'rejection'.

I tilted my head to the side, not quite understanding what she meant.

In the next few moments of our conversation, she explained what actually happened.

She said she felt like she's hurt yet happy about it. It is quite confusing but I still understood how she felt.

"How about ice cream after practice?" I offered.

"I don't like ice cream, and you know I can't," She replied, making me flustered about it.

"Oh, sorry. How about a snack then?" I asked again, and she finally agrees.


"I appreciate this a lot, really," I smile after munching on the chips he bought for me.

"Really? It isn't much." Byungchan says.

"It's okay, at least I know someone cares about me. You don't need to be so grand just to make me feel better, you know?" I said, making him satisfied as well.


Hey, are you on? A chat head pops up on the side of my screen.

Yeah, why?
I replied back to Byungchan.

You know about the application Seungsik and I
made for the Student Concert next week?

Well yeah, what about it?

Seungsik had to bail last minute
And the Student Council said they could give me
a chance on changing my partner within today or
I have to perform alone.

So are you asking me to be your partner?

It took him a while to reply back. He was probably hesitant.

Uh, yeah.

It probably took me long as well since I had to think about it.

Sure, I'm okay with it. I have no plans
for the next few weeks anyway.

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