seungwoo - hide & seek

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requested by @hyvnjin_kkut

• genre: fluff
• 1181 words
• published: 05/23/19

"Hey, guys!" I said as I entered their dorm. "You're here," Seungsik said and patted a place beside him on the couch. I counted everyone in my head and they were missing a member. Seungsik, Chan, Sejun, Hanse, Byungchan, Subin. Oh! Seungwoo isn't here. "Where's Seungwoo?" I asked them. "He's just at the gym," Chan replied. "I shouldn't have asked" I chuckled

"So what do you want to do?" I asked them. "Wanna play a game?" Hanse asked. "What game should we play?" I asked. "Truth Or Dare?" Subin suggested. "Nah, that's too boring," Byungchan said and we all agreed. Subin just pouted. "How about Hide and Seek?" Sejun suggested. "Why not?" I said but some of them were anxious. "Please?" I made sad puppy dog eyes. They just sighed and agreed. Always works on them.

"Rock paper scissors so we would know who's it!" I said and we stood up and made a circle. "Rock, paper, scissors!" We said in unison. It took us a while since we were so many. In the end, Subin was it. He just sulked and went to a wall and started counting. "30," he started counting loudly and we ran everywhere in the dorm.

I wanted to hide in the kitchen but Seungsik and Sejun were already hiding there. I ran near the comfort room and checked. I had an idea and went to Seungwoo and Seungsik's room. I hid in the closet and closed it. I stood up and breathed heavily. "Ready or not, here I come!" Subin started screaming through the hallway. My heart started beating quickly and I was still panting really hard. "Should I find Y/N first?" I heard Subin shout as he was clearly targeting me. I didn't reply since he might find me if I would reply.

I've been sweating in there since there were other clothes that weren't hung in the closet. How are they so messy though? It's so simple to hang the clothes. I heard footsteps going near the room. I heard the door squeak as it opened. I covered my mouth in case I would make unnecessary noises.

"Is anybody here?" Subin started going around the room. He was stomping while going around. I felt like my heart was going to explode. Please stop making noises oh my gosh. I heard him leave the room quietly and I sighed heavily in relief. "Hanse?" I heard Subin outside the room since he didn't close the door. I remember Hanse hid at the balcony near my spot. "Fine, I give up," Hanse said from afar.

I heard the door open slightly again. Ughh why is he back here again? I peeked through the gap in the closet door. I realized it wasn't Subin anymore. "Make sure you don't break anything, okay?" The person said to Subin. That voice sounds oddly familiar though. I went nearer the gap and realized it was Seungwoo. "Yeah, sure hyung," Subin replied.

I covered my mouth and I thought I would die at this moment. I heard him open the lights of the comfort room.

Oh shit.

Subin's POV
So far, I've found 3 people: Hanse, Seungsik, and Sejun. As I was walking through the living room, I heard someone sneeze. I tried to detect where the sneeze came from. I checked the living room and saw our jacket rack looked a bit messy. "Is someone here?" I sarcastically said when I realized Chan was hiding there. He was panting hard and I was laughing in my head.

I tickled him from behind and we fell on the floor. "What the- Subin oh my gosh stop," Chan said while I was tickling him. He fought back and tickled me and we were so loud. Hanse slapped my shoulder and said, "Guys, stop being all lovey-dovey. We haven't found Byungchan and Y/N yet." I glared at his statement as we stopped and continued to find the two people left unfound.


It's so hot and uncomfortable in this closet that I feel like I was going to die at any moment. Suddenly, I hear faint footsteps and the lights of the room is turned on. I peeked through the closet door and gasped internally.

Shit, it's Seungwoo.

He goes out the comfort room and he was just wearing his shorts and he was topless. I felt my cheeks heat up the moment I saw him. I know he's my boyfriend but I don't know why I was blushing so hard even though it isn't the first time I'm seeing him like this.

My heartbeat grew unsteady as I heard another set of footsteps in the room. Seconds later, somebody spoke up.

"Hey hyung, have you seen Y/N?" Subin asks Seungwoo. "Huh? She might be at home or something. What's with the sudden question?" I listen to their conversation while cautiously peeking through the closet's hole. Subin raised his eyebrow at him and Seungwoo runs his towel through his damp hair looking clueless, making me giggle silently.

Right, I didn't text Seungwoo that I'm here at their dorm.

"So she didn't tell you she's here? I'm asking because we're playing hide and seek and she's the only person I still can't find." Subin states. Seungwoo then understands Subin's intention. "I'll help you find her. It'll be fun." My heart raced more rapidly as I grew more nervous.

Suddenly, my phone notification went off as my eyes grew big. I then look through the hole as I see them look suspiciously at the closet. I grabbed a shirt in the closet and tried to cover my body. I knew what was coming and braced myself while counting down in my head.

So much hate on you, phone.

"Aha!" a familiar voice exclaims as he steals the shirt that was covering my figure. "Fine. Y'all got me. Stupid phone notif." You say whispering the last part. Subin then says, "Finally everyone is found! I wasted like thirty minutes of my life for this game." I laugh at him and pinch his cheeks as he pouts.

Then from behind, Seungwoo pulls me, making me face him. "Now young lady, I never received a message informing me you're here," he complains and crossed his arms."Sorry?" I grinned as he cocked his eyebrows at me. He then tackles me onto the bed, cuddling me. I tried to get out of his grasp but he was too strong.

Then it hit me; he's still only in his towel.

I panicked and squirmed under his body. He then crashed his lips on mine, making me respond eventually. "Hey Subin, is Y/N-" Seungsik gets cut off. "Everyone, don't go near here, they're making out!" Subin screams and runs out of the room while some followed him.

Seungsik then stands by the bedroom door, "You two better keep quiet or I'll both throw you out of that window." He then slams the door loudly as we were left perplexed.

"Go back to what we're doing?" Seungwoo smirks. "Shut it, dumb ass."

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