sejun - lights out

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• genre: fluff
• 609 words
• published: 09/23/18


"Let's do it at your place," I said to Sejun. We were deciding on who's house we are going to for our project in science. "Fine," "Just because there's no one at home doesn't have to be my house." I heard him mumble. "I heard that."


Sejun opened the door for me. I started to scan the living room. "Your house is nice." I compliment. "Thanks." "Did you bring all the materials?" He asked. "Yup, It's complete." I made sure by showing the materials.

We started to do our project and we weren't talking a lot. After a while, it suddenly rained and a few claps of thunder strikes. "My gosh-" I said automatically as the lights went out.

"Where's my phone?" Sejun was trying to find his phone despite how dark the room was. I was also finding my phone but failed. "I can't find mine either," I informed him. "Looks like we have to find candles through the dark by ourselves," I said.

As I was walking around, I reached a huge door along the hallway. I grabbed the doorknob until someone caught my wrist.

"Sejun?" "Don't open the door." He warned me. I didn't know where he was exactly but I knew he was in front of me.

As I was thinking if I should open it or not, the light suddenly went back on. When we saw ourselves in an awkward state, we moved away from each other since our faces were really close.

"Let's go," He said. I was really curious why he was stopping me from entering that room but when I thought, I decided to run away from him and go back to the room.

"Hey come back here!" Sejun screamed and chased me down the long hallway. I was running as fast as I can just to open that door but Sejun grabbed my wrist again and made me face him.

"Hey, seriously. What is in that room?" I asked him. "Just don't mind it." He said nearly going to the point of screaming at me. "Okay, I'm sorry. Let's just finish our project." I said and just left.


After completing our project, I picked up my stuff. I was about to leave when he grasped my wrist one more time. "Can you stop grabbing my wrist?" I said getting slightly annoyed. "Oh, sorry." He apologized and let go of my hand.

"What is it?" "Uh, I have something to say." He said. "I- Uh, I," He said in a shaky tone. "Just go straight to the point." "About that room..." "What about it?" I asked getting more interested. "It's my room but just don't mind it please." He requested me to stop finding out.

"Whatever-" I ran off again using all my leg strength to reach it. Since I knew it was his room, I really wanted to know this time.

I finally reached it and twisted the doorknob. The door was wide open and saw a white room and it looked normal to me.

"What's wrong with your room? I don't see anything off about it." I said staring at him while panting from chasing me around.

" I told you don't mind it. Just go already please?" He said and I just left his house.

Sejun's POV 

Wow, that was so close. I said to myself while breathing heavily. It's a good thing she didn't check the room in a so detailed way. I can't let her see my song for her yet. I really can't make her know I have feelings for her. Not right now.


part two? MAYBE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

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