To Beacon

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Weiss POV

As I walked around my room packing my bags I made sure to pack everything I needed. It was then I heard a knock at my door.
Weiss: "Come in." I said as the door opened to reveal my mother. "Oh hello mother." I said bowing slightly.
Mother: "Hello Weiss." She said as she walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. I then returned the embrace. She then let go and we stood staring at one another. "I'm so proud of you my dear." She said as I grew a smile. "You are moving towards the future you want and I couldn't be happier for you."
Weiss: "Than you mother. It's my dream to become a Huntress despite what father thinks. I will become a successful Huntress and bring the Schnee name back from what it is now." I said as she smiled and nodded. It was then we heard a knock at the door. It then opened to reveal Klein my favorite butler.
Klein: "Are you ready to depart Lady Weiss?" He asked softly.
Weiss: "Yes I am than you Klein." I said as he nodded and closed the door. I then walked over to my bed and closed my suitcase. I then picked it up and walked to my mother. I then gave her one last hug. "I love you mother."
Mother: "I love you to Weiss." She said as I let got a walked towards the door. I then opened it and left my room. I made my way downstairs and out the front door. I then saw the private bullhead and made my way towards it. I then boarded it and set my suitcase on the floor. I then sat down in my seat and looked out the window as the bullhead began to lift off the ground.
Weiss: "I will become a success." I said as we took off into the sky.


As I scurried around my room making sure I had everything I heard a knock on the door.
(Y/N): "It's unlocked." I said as I kept looking for my stuff. I then heard the door open and I looked to see mom and dad walk in.
Dad: "Missing something champ?" He asked.
(Y/N): "Yeah I can't find Dust Necklace." I said starting to panic a little.
Mom: "(Y/N)." She said as I turned around. I then saw my necklance hanging from her hand. I then rushed over to her and grabbed it. I then let out a relieved sigh as I looked at the white crystal wrapped around the black string. I then placed it around my neck and hugged my mom.
(Y/N): "Thanks mom." I said as I then let her go and rushed to my suitcase. I then closed it and lifts it off my bed. My parents and I then walked out of my room and out of the house. We then entered the old pickup truck we had and made our way to the bullhead landing zone. As the truck came to a stop I hopped out of the back an my parents followed me to the bullhead. My mother them began to cry a little. I then wrapped her in a hug and she hugged me back.
Mom: "I can't believe my little boy is all grown up!!" She said through tears.
(Y/N): "Don't worry mom I'll always be your little boy." I said as I let her go. "And when I come back I'll be a successful Hunter." I said with a smile as my dad pat me on the shoulder.
Dad: "We are so proud of you son. You worked so hard to get where you are today. You will be the best Hunter." He said as I nodded and hugged them both.
(Y/N): "I love you mom and dad."
Both: "We love you to son." They said as I then walked onto the bullhead. I then set my suitcase next to me and sat in a seat. I looked out the window to see both of my parents waving at me. I waved back as the bullhead took off and I kept waving until they were out of sight.
(Y/N): "I will become a success." I said as the bullhead speed off.

Timeskip 2 Hours

Both POV

As the bullhead land and came to a halt I stood from my seat and grabbed my suitcase. I then made my way towards the doors of the bullhead as it opened. When it opened it revealed the placed I would train to become what I wanted.
Both: "Beacon Academy the place my legacy will start." I said as I exited the bullhead and walked towards the school not knowing what to expect.

Thank you all for reading the first chapter of The Queen and Her King. Again this story will not follow the RWBY storyline. And again thank you all for 50 followers. Anyways I hope to see you in the next chapter.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now