Every Power Has A Price

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Timeskip - 3 Months

(Y/N)'s POV

I let out a slow and deep breath as holograms filled the arena. I could hear the cheering of my classmates while I just smiled.

Weiss: "You can do it baby!!" She shouted from the stands as I felt my body surge with energy.

Ruby: "Yeah represent Team RWBY!!" She shouted as the holografic grim came to life and began to circle me.

Blake: "You can do it (Y/N)!!" She shouted as the holograms growled with anticipation.

Yang: "Beat them to a holografic pulp!!!" She hooted as the crowd roared in agreement. A timer appeared above me as the crowd began to chant with it.

Crowd: "3!" They yelled as I pressed my crystal against my chest. The crystal slowly enveloped my body until my armor fully incased me. "2!" I lifted my hand in front of me as my signature twin headed lance appeared in my hands.

(Y/N): "1." I said as the buzzer sounded commencing the battle.

Third Person POV

The buzzer rang aloud as the holo-grimm charged forwards. Without a second though (Y/N) rushed forward to meet them. His twin headed lance never flattered as he pierced one of the holograms causing it to dematerialize on impact. (Y/N) twirled around and slashed an incoming beowolf causeing it to dissapear as the crowd cheered. However the small victory was short lived as a boratusk rammed itself into the side of (Y/N) causing him to roll on the ground. (Y/N) stabbed his lance into the ground causing his momentum to slow. Even with the slowed speed he still slammed into the wall leaving a dent. The crowd gasped in shock as (Y/N) hit the wall. He ripped his lance from the ground and kicked off the wall with immense force causing a crater to appear on the wall and for (Y/N) to skyrocket forward. Within seconds (Y/N) closed the gap between him and the boratusk. He raised his weapon into the air and plunged it downward through the boratusk killing and dematerializing it. (Y/N) let out a huff as he heard a loud screech from above him. He barely rolled out of the way as a gigantic feather embedded itself into the ground of where he once stood. (Y/N) looked up to see a nevermore hovering above him. Rolling out of the way he dodged another feather. He looked at the nevermore and took aim with his lance. Gripping it tight (Y/N) thought of a thunderous storm as electricity surge into the lance. He lunged forward and launched the lance towards the beast with ferocious strength. The electrified lance exploded against the nevermore shocking it to death. Before it could hit the ground it dematerialized and vanished completely. A buzzer rang out once again as the crowd cheered with furosity at the victory. (Y/N) smiled as he deactivated his armor and reverted back to normal. At first everything seemed normal, but (Y/N) soon found himself feeling dizzy. The world was spinning around him until he collapsed to his knees. The last thing he saw before he passed out was Weiss running towards him.

Weiss's POV

When (Y/N) deactivated his armor everything seem to be fine. At least I though it was until he began to look pale. I jumped from the stand and landed on my feet. I sprinted towards (Y/N) as he fell to his knees. I slid on my knees and caught him before he managed to hit the ground.

Weiss: "(Y/N)!" I said as I held him in my arms. I slowly placed him on the ground as I heard footsteps behind me.

Ruby: "Is he okay Weiss?!?" She asked concerned as I shook my head.

Weiss: "I don't know!!" I said as I placed my head against his chest. I listen to his heartbeat to hear it begin to slowly beat. I went wide eyed. "His heart beats dropping!!? We need to get him to the infirmary!!" I shouted as everyone looked at me shocked. Yang quickly came next to me and picked him up. We all turned and rushed out of the arena and to the infirmary.

Timeskip - 4 Hours

(Y/N)'s POV

Beep.Beep.Beep. I slowly opened my eyes as that noise kept ringing in my ear. Once my eyes had readjusted I noticed I was laying in a bed in the Beacon Infirmary. The door opened to reveal Weiss and Professor Ozpin. When Weiss noticed me she gasped and quickly made her way towards me. She wrapped me into a giant and hug and began to weep.

Weiss: "You're okay!!" She said as I wrapped my arms around he and began to stroke her hair. Within a few minutes she stopped crying but stayed in my arms.

(Y/N): "What happened Weiss? Why am I hear?" I asked.

Ozpin: "I'll be the one to explain it Mister (L/N)." He said as Weiss and I looked towards the Professor. "When you had finished your battle in the arena you blacked out and were rushed to the infirmary." He said as I nodded. "But there was a reason as to why you blacked out and it is rather unsettling." He said as Weiss and I looked at him worried.

(Y/N): "What did you find out sir?" I asked.

Ozpin: "You nearly died young man." He said as I looked at him wide eyed. "When you used your elemental attack it caused your heart rate to drop significantly." He said.

(Y/N): "How it that even possible?" I wondered.

Ozpin: "Perhaps your new powers have come with a cost. You have barely used them but when you do it seems to take a sever toll on your body." He said as he turned and walked towards the door. "I advise we run some test on you Mister (Y/N), but in the mean time I suggest you avoid using your elemental powers for your own safety. If you use them it may lead you to an untimely dead." He said as he left and closed the door behind him. I didn't know what to think about this whole situation. My thoughts were cut short however as I felt Weiss begin to cry in my shirt again.

(Y/N): "Weiss?" I questioned softly as she just silently cried.

Weiss: "Promise me." She said as I looked at he confused. She looked up at me with a sad look and tears in her eyes. "Promise me you won't use those powers." She said.

(Y/N): "If the situation is bad enough I will have to use them Weiss." I said as I felt a sting across my cheek. She had slapped me as she looked at me mad.

Weiss: "I don't care what type of situation it is. If you continue to use those powers you'll die!!!" She yelled at me. I wrapped my arms around her even tighter as she just stay in my arms. "I don't want I lose you (Y/N)." She said.

(Y/N): "I promise Weiss." I said as she looked up at me with a slight smile. I pressed my lips against her as she pressed hers against mine. The passion I felt in her kiss was nothing I had even felt before. She let go of the kiss as I looked into her eyes. "I won't use these powers." I said as she rested her head against my chest.

Weiss: "Thank you." She said as we both just stayed there in silence unsure of what to say or think.

Thank you for reading. So I took some advice from one of my readers to try and space out the sentences to make it a little eaiser to read. I want you guys to let me know what you honestly think. Should I do the stories like this from now on or should I stay with the other one? Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now