The Exam Part 1

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As I awoke from my slumber I noticed I was the first person to wake up. I then looked to my side to see Weiss sound asleep. I had to admit she looked quiet beautiful in her sleep. I then got up silently and made my way towards the door. I then exited the Auditorium and decided to go get breakfast in the Cafeteria. As I entered through the Cafeteria doors I noticed the lunch ladies had just finished preparing breakfast. I then picked up two trays and began to stack food on them.
Lunch Lady: "This is the first time I ever see a young person get up this early." She said to me.
(Y/N): "I've always been a early riser miss." I said as she nodded with a smile. I then finished placing food on the trays and decided to head back to the Auditorium. As I walked I made sure not to spill anything. I then entered the Auditorium and noticed people starting to wake up. I then made my way back to my sleeping bag and noticed Weiss was still asleep. I then placed one tray next to my sleeping bag and one tray next to hers. I then began to shake her gently.
(Y/N): "Weiss wake up." I said as she groaned.
Weiss: "Five more minutes." She said lazily.
(Y/N): "You don't want your breakfast to get cold do you?" I said as she huffed. She then sat up and stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes. I then went sit on my sleeping bag and began to eat. Weiss then grabbed the cup of coffee on the tray and took a big gulp.
Weiss: "You didn't have to do that (Y/N)." She said.
(Y/N): "Well I was raised to be a kind and nice." I said as she smiled. "And plus it's a nice way to wake up a friend." I said as she chuckled slightly.
Weiss: "Well thank you (Y/N)." She said biting into a piece of bacon.
(Y/N): "You're welcome Weiss." I said as I took a bite from my toast. As we ate I could have sworn I saw Weiss's cheeks turn a bit pink but I was probably just seeing things. As we finished eating we got up and threw away our trays.
Speaker: "Will all student please report to the cliff side." It said. We both then went to the changing rooms and changed into our normal clothes. After a bit of commotion that ended up with a boy pinned to the wall by a spear we made our way towards the cliff. As we made it to the cliff we were instructed to stand on plates. As I stood on one Weiss stood on the one to the left of me and Professor Ozpin began to speak.
Ozpin: "Good Morning students today is your exam." He said as he paced back and forth. "You're objective is to find a relic on the other side of the forest and make it back to this cliff side in one piece. The first  person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. The plates you are standing on will launch you into the forest and you will have to work out a landing strategy." He said.
(Y/N): "Um Professor isn't that a little dange-" I said until my plate activated and flung me into the forest. "Of course I would be the first one." I said while I flew through the air. I then grabbed the crystal from around my neck and focused. After a couple of seconds my hand had turned into a crystal grim claw. As I neared a tree I stabbed my claw into the tree and I corkscrewed down it causing the tree to fall over when I reached the bottom. My hand then turned back to normal and I placed the crystal around my neck. I then looked up to see people being flung into the forest as well. I then noticed Weiss flying through the air using some kind of glyphs to help her land. I guessed it was her Sembelance as I made my way through the forest. As I continued my way through the forest I came into a clearing. It was then I heard the sound of growling and 4 beowolves emerged from in front of me. "I guess go fetch is out of the question?" I asked as they growled at me. "Guess not." I said as I then took the crystal in my hand and I focused. After a couple of seconds it transfigured into a twin head lance. The beowolves then charged me. I twirled my lance around causing the beowolves to stop charging and scatter around me. I then took my lance in both off my hands and readied. One of them charged me so I jumped and stabbed the lance through its head and into the ground killing it. As it vanished into smoke the second one charged from behind me. I then twirled myself around the lance and delivered a kick to his face sending him flying backwards. I then walked over to him and placed my arms around his neck. I then twisted his neck sharply earning a satisfying crack killing him. The third on then decided to rush me but I easily dispatched him by flipping over him and twisting his neck midair before I landed. The final beowolf was next to my lance and began to lick his lips. I then ran towards him as he ran at me. As I neared him I did a front flip over him and grabbed his back midway. I then threw him into the air and when he came down he was impaled on my lance. After he vanished I went to my lance and freed it from the ground. It then went back to normal and I placed it around my neck. "Whooo good warm up." I said as I continued into the forest. It was then I heard two girls scream. I ran towards the direction of the sound and found Ruby and Weiss being surround by beowolves. I then jumped in the middle of the hoard and scooped them each on in my arms. I then ran towards a grim and jumped on its head letting me get enough height to get into the nearby tree. I then placed them both down. "You two okay?" I asked concerned.
Weiss: "We're fine (Y/N) just exhausted." She said catching her breath.
Ruby: "Yeah thanks for the save (Y/N)." She said as I nodded. I then looked down to see the beowolves surround the tree.
(Y/N): "Guess i'm gonna have to fight our way out." I said as I stood up on a branch.
Weiss: "You can't take them all on (Y/N) that's suicide." She said worried.
(Y/N): "Still got this." I said pointing to my crystal. "Just watch." I said as I then jumped off the branch and soared over the hoard. As I fell I pressed the crystal against my chest and began to focus. Within seconds the crystal expanded and began to cover my body in the crystal material. It covered my entire body from head to toe in a crystal armor except for my face. I then landed on the other side of the hoard and they began to slowly surround me. I the extended my hand and a broadsword formed in my hand. "Let's dance." I said as I readied myself.

Thank you all for reading. If you are wonder what the crystal armor looks like look up Kain from Final Fantasy 4: The After Years. It looks like his armor when he became a Paladin at the end of the game. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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