Old Enemies, New Threat

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat under the cool shade of a tree in the Beacon courtyard with Weiss as she laid her back against my stomach. She sat in my lap reading a book called 'Dust and Its Many Properties' while I had my arms wrapped around her waist.

Weiss: "Although dust is used in our day to day lives it can still be dangerous. If manufactured or applied wrong it can cause a multitude of hazardous effects." She said.

(Y/N): "What are some of the hazardous effects?" I questioned.

Weiss: "Some of the effects include death, internal and external bleed, loss of regular body functions, and multiple others." She said as I looked at the book. I didn't even want to think about what would happen. While looking one paragraph caught my interest.

(Y/N): "What does that paragraph say Weiss?" I asked pointing to the paragraph.

Weiss: "It says, Although it has yet to be proven another side affect is the alteration of genetic code in biological species." She said as I drew a slight blank.

(Y/N): "Wait what?" I asked.

Weiss: "It basically says that if you are exposed to it for to long your body could mutate." She said as I nodded finally understanding.

(Y/N): "So basically I could get super powers?" I said as she just sighed.

Weiss: "Not that type of mutation you dunce. A mutation that could changed the way you look or cause serious damages to your body." She said a bit aggervated.

(Y/N): "I'm kidding baby." I said as I pecked her cheek. She grew a slight blush. "I know it can be very harmful." I said. Everything was silent until an explosion rang out from the outskirts of Beacon. The noise caused Weiss and I to both jump in surprise.

Weiss: "What the hell was that?!?" She questioned as I heard footsteps come from behind us. I turned to see the rest of our team running towards us with their weapons at the ready.

Ruby: "Are you two okay?!?" She asked concerned as we both nodded while standing up. Another explosion rang out, but this time it was closer to the school.

(Y/N): "What the hell was that?!?" I questioned.

Yang: "We don't know what's going on. The only thing we know is that it's coming from the front of the school." She said as Blake handed Myrtenaster to Weiss. Another explosion rang throughout the school startling us once again.

(Y/N): "Let's move people!!" I shouted as we all nodded and headed towards the front of the school. While running through the halls I saw multiple students getting ready for a fight. I just hope we don't have to fight a war. After a couple more seconds of running we found ourselves at the front gates of Beacon and saw a horrific sight. There were a multitude of the mutated grimm we had encounter at the mine running around the front of Beacon. We were about to engage the enemy until a certain grimm caught my eye.

Weiss: "Wait!!" She said. It looks like I wasn't the only one to spot it.

Blake: "Why are we waiting?!?" She asked ready to attack.

(Y/N): "Look at that grimm over there." I said as everyone look at the grimm I was talking about. It was extremely bloated unlike the other grimm and had more crystals excreating from it's back.

Ruby: "It looks like any other mutated grimm." She said as I shook my head.

(Y/N): "It looks dangerous. Ruby I want you to shoot it real quick with Cresent Rose." I said as she nodded. She transformed Cresent Rose into its sniper form and took aim. She pulled the trigger which sent the bullet wizzing towards the grimm. When the bullet penetrated the target it began to contort in a violent manner. Once a few moments passed the grimm exploded causing a crater to form where it once stood. We all looked at the crater wide eyed and in shock.

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