The Fight

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(Y/N)'s POV

As Miss Goodwitch shouted begin Team CRDL rushed towards me as I slowly walked towards them. I honestly didn't see them as much of a challenge so I decided I would go easy on them. As they finally reached me Dove jumped up and tried to swipe at me with his sword but I easily blocked it with my twin headed lance. I then saw Sky try rush me with his halberd but I side stepped it. I then jumped backwards as Cardin swung his mace barely missing my head. The thing I didn't notice was Russel sneaking up behind me. I then felt the blunt of his daggers hit the back of my head. I staggered just enough for Cardin to rush me and ran his shoulder into my chest. This caused me to sprawl to the ground and skid a couple of feet until I stopped. I then got to my feet and coughed a bit because the wind was knocked out of me.
Cardin: "Don't underestimate us sucker." He said with arrogance which caused me to laugh. "What's so funny loser!?!?" He said pissed.
(Y/N): "Oh nothing just laughing at how stupid you are. The only thing your stupid attack did was knock the wind out of me." I said which made him visibly shake with anger.
Cardin: "Get him!!!" He yelled as they all charged me again. I decided I had enough of them. I then ran at them and met them half way. I then slid under Dove's feet and hooked his ankle with my lance. I then stood up mid slid and flung his to the other side of the arena. He then smacked the wall and fell to the ground knocked out. I then blocked a incomeing attack from Cardin. He tried his best to throw me off but he failed miserably. I then pushed him back and hit him in the head with my lance causing him to crumple to the floor out cold. I then looked towards Sky and Russle to see them shaking in their shoes. I then walked up to them as they stood there paralyzed with fear.
(Y/N): "Boo." I said as they both fainted and fell to the ground.
Goodwitch: "And that's the match. The winner is (Y/N) (L/N)." She said as I heard clapping from the stands. I then let my armor dematerialize and I looked towards the stands. I saw Weiss with a huge smile and her clapping happily. I waved to her and she blushed slightly. I then made my way out of the arena and waited for everyone to exit the stands. After a while everyone exited and stood in front of me.
Ruby: "That was so cool!!" She said excitedly.
Weiss: "I told you he would be fine." She said with confidence.
Blake: "Well at least we know what he can do now." She said.
Yang: "Yeah and he's a stud as well~" she said a little flirty. We then began to walk down the hall.
(Y/N): "Ehh I guess." I said while shrugging my shoulders. For a while we began to talk among ourselves until I remembered something. "Hey um I catch up with you guys later." I said as I broke off from them. "I gotta go do something." I said as I waved goodbye. I then made my way towards the roof and stopped at the door. I then opened and walked onto the roof. I then walked towards the railing and leaned over it. I then pulled out my scroll and unlocked it. I then dialed my mom's number and let it ring for a while. After a while it went to voicemail.
Voice: "Please leave a message after the tone." It then rang and I began to talk.
(Y/N): "Hey mom it's me (Y/N). Sorry I didn't call you sooner but it has been a crazy adventure ever since I got here ya know. If you are wondering yes I have made some new friends. I've actually made a lot unlike the other school. I also met a girl I really like. I know shocker right you're 'little boy' has found someone he likes." I said as I chuckled a little. "She's really beautiful mom. I know you would tell me 'It's not the outside that counts it's the inside'. When I mean she's beautiful I mean she's beautiful inside and outside. She's really sweet from what I can tell. I mean sure she can be a little mean at times but hey who isn't." I said as I sighed a little. "The only problem is that I don't know if she'll like me. I mean she comes from a super rich family and me well you know. I just don't know if it would work out. And yes I know you would say 'As long as you both love each other nothing else matters' but I just don't know mom." I said as I looked towards the sky. "I bet you're wonder who this mystery girl is huh mom? Well her name is Weiss Schnee the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. I know stupid but I truly have fallen for her. I just don't know how to say it. Well anyways I guess I ran your ear enough so I'll let you go. I love you mom and I'll keep you updated whenever I can." I said as I then ended the call and locked my scroll. I then placed it in my pocket and turned around. I then walked towards the door and left the rooftop.

Weiss POV

As (Y/N) left I decided I was gonna follow him and see what he was up to.
Weiss: "I'm gonna go to guys I have to go." I said as I then walked away from everyone and followed behind (Y/N). He then walked onto the roof and I stopped at the door. I then pressed my ear against the door and listen. I then heard him began to talk.
(Y/N): "Hey mom it's me (Y/N). Sorry I didn't call you sooner but it has been a crazy adventure ever since I got here ya know." He said as I smiled a little. At least he keeps his family in mind. "If you are wondering yes I have made some new friends. I've actually made a lot unlike the other school. I also met a girl I really like." He said which caught my interest. Maybe I could help him with her. "I know shocker right you're 'little boy' has found someone he likes." He said as I chuckled a little with him. "She's really beautiful mom. I know you would tell me 'It's not the outside that counts it's the inside'. When I mean she's beautiful I mean she's beautiful inside and outside. She's really sweet from what I can tell. I mean sure she can be a little mean at times but hey who isn't." He said as I heard him sigh. "The only problem is that I don't know if she'll like me. I mean she comes from a super rich family and me well you know." He said as I began to think about who he was talking about. "I just don't know if it would work out. And yes I know you would say 'As long as you both love each other nothing else matters' but I just don't know mom." He said. "I bet you're wonder who this mystery girl is huh mom?" Her and I both. "Well her name is Weiss Schnee the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company." He said as I felt my face heat up. He likes me. "I know stupid but I truly have fallen for her. I just don't know how to say it. Well anyways I guess I ran your ear enough so I'll let you go. I love you mom and I'll keep you updated whenever I can." He said as I then heard footsteps so I hurried down the stairs and ran towards the room. When I got to the door I opened it and entered and closed it. I noticed that Ruby, Blake, and Yang were all looking at me. I then walked over to my bed and flopped on it and buried my face into the pillow.
Yang: "You okay Weiss?" She said as I lifted my head from the pillow. "Why is your face all red?"
Weiss: "If I say it then you guys can't tell anyone." I said as they all nodded. "It's (Y/N)." I said as they all looked at me confused.
Blake: "What about him?" She asked.
Weiss: "I found out who he likes." I said as they all looked at me shocked.
Ruby: "How?" She asked me. I then told them about how I followed him and eavesdropped on his conversation.
Yang: "So who does he like?" She said.
Weiss: "He like me." I said as Yang squealed with delight and Blake and Ruby clapped a little. "I just don't know how to deal with it though." I said.
Yang: "You don't like him Weiss." She asked as I shook my head.
Weiss: "No I do like him it's just I don't know how to tell him." I said a little discouraged.
Blake: "Well ask him see if he wants to hang out. You know get to know him better." She said as I smiled a little and nodded. It was then that the door opened and (Y/N) walked in. My face grew red as I saw him so I laid down on my side so he wouldn't see.
(Y/N): "Hey sorry about that I had to make a phone call." He said.
Ruby: "It's cool you really didn't miss anything." She said.
(Y/N): "Well that aside I think I'm gonna turn in early." He said as I heard him lay on his bed. "Night." He said. I then looked over my shoulder to see him fast asleep.
Weiss: "We should turn in too." I said as everyone nodded and we all went to bed. Tomorrow I would ask him if he wanted to hang out. I then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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