A Hero's Return

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Weiss's POV

As I watched (Y/N) fall into the abyss I felt my heart shatter. The man I loved was gone. Tears swelled in my eyes until they finally fell and raced down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. It was then I heard more howls in the distance. I didn't care anymore.
Ruby: "Weiss we have to go!!" She said as she tried shaking me. I just ignored her as I continued to stare into the dark abyss.
Weiss: "I can't live without him!!" I yelled as the tears fell even harder.
Ruby: "I know it's hurts be we need to go!! (Y/N) wouldn't want you to die!! He would want you to live not just for yourself but for him as well!!" I gritted my teeth and got up. I knew she was right but it still didn't lessen the pain I felt. I turned with Ruby as we ran towards the bridge. We rushed across the bridge as more of the hybrid grim appeared behind us. Once we were all across the bridge Qrow turned around and slashed the ropes cutting the Grim off from us.
Qrow: "That should buy us some time but we need to go now!" He said as we hurried down the corridor we entered form. As we ran I couldn't stop crying. I tripped over some stray rocks due to the tears and I fell to the ground.
Weiss: "I can't go on." I said as I remembered the vivid scene that happened just moments ago. "I can't go on without (Y/N)." I said as I pounded the ground softly with my fist. "Out of all the people why did it have to be him?!?" I yelled. After a minute I felt someone wrap me in a hug. I looked up to see Qrow.
Qrow: "I know what it's like losing someone in a single moment. The first second they're there and the next they're gone." He said as he let go and looked at me. "It hurts like hell having your heart torn out of you kiddo but he wouldn't want to see you like this. He would want you to live on and move forward for the both of you. It's okay to grieve for the ones you lose but right now is not that time." He said as I dried the tears form my eyes and nodded. He was right. (Y/N) would want me to live for the both of us. I quickly got up as we heard more howls from behind us. We continued down the corridor until we arrived at the cave entrance again. We exited the cave and ran through the forest. After a couple of minutes we burst into the clearing we landed at and began to catch our breath. After a few minutes Qrow pulled out his scroll and dialed it. "This is huntsmen Qrow Branwen. I need a bullhead sent to my coordinates ASAP." He said as he hung up his scrool. As he hung it up howls were heard all around us as the brush began to move. We backed up towards the center of the opening as the hybrid grim emerged from all over surrounding us. We got into fighting stances and prepared for the incoming threat. Just as the Grim were about to charge a firey explosion was let off in the crowd followed by another explosion made of ice. Two more explosions happened. One was made up of thunder and the other made up of water. No one had a clue what was going on until a figure fell from the sky and faced the Grim with its back turned to us as its cape flew in the wind. My eyes widen when I saw the armor the figure wore. It was completely made of crystal. The face was covered with a mask but I already knew who it was. My knight in crystal armor.
Weiss: "(Y/N)."

(Y/N)'s POV

The only thing I could see was darkness. I stayed motionless as my mind raced. Was I dead? My mind returned to me as I heard silent whimpering. I opened my eyes to see I was at the bottom of the dark abyss. It wasn't completely dark since my crystal illuminated the surrounding area. I kept hearing that same whimpering so I decided to look around. I slowly got up as I felt a stinging sensation in my ankle. I looked down to see three holes in my ankle where the grim had caught me. I grunted as I walked slowly towards the whimpering. After a few minutes of walking I came across a gruesome scene. The grim that had pulled me with him was impaled on a giant crystal whimpering in pain. I looked at the Grim as it looked at me in pain pleading for its suffering to end. I just nodded as I grabbed my crystal and transformed it into a dagger. I grabbed the dagger with both hands and plunged it into the skull of the beast killing it and ending its misery. Even though they were creatures of darkness they still felt emotions. I pulled my dagger from the beast as it evaporated in dark mist. I reverted the dagger back into my crystal and kept going forward. While I ventured forward the darkness became less and less as crystals began to line the cave wall and illuminate it. I continued until I came to a dead end with a weird looking crystal structure. It was a giant white crystal with four colored crystals sticking out from it on the top. The colors were red, blue, yellow, and pure white. I examined it closely as the crystal around my neck began to react violently towards it. I grabbed the crystal from around my neck and held it in my hand. I looked in the middle of the white crystal to see a small piece missing and it seemed to be the size and shape of my crystal.
(Y/N): "I wonder." I said as I took my crystal and placed it in the missing slot. At first it seemed like it did nothing but then it began to shine brightly. The four colored crystal began to lose their color as mine began to flash those same colors. After a moment the colors vanished from my crystal and it returned to its original one. I took it out of the slot and placed it around my neck one more. I decided to try and see if it would activated so I began to focus. I pressed it against my chest and it began to slowly envelop my body in the crystal armor but something felt different. It continued to cover me and it even covered my face. At first I freaked out until I noticed I could see through the crystal. I could even breath through it. I felt my face and I could feel the crystal. I looked to my left to see a reflection of myself in a giant crystal and I was shocked. My armor was completely different and a thin crystal like cape hung from my shoulders. I examined myself and took in the new armor. Since the armor worked I might as well try a to summon a weapon. I closed my eyes, held out my hand, and began focused. I decided to call for my twin headed lance and after a short while I felt a warm item enter my hand. Wait warm? I opened my eyes and looked to see my lance but it was completely red and gave off an unknown warmth. At first I was shocked until an idea popped into my head. I closed my eyes and focused on cold thoughts. After a couple of seconds I felt a cold presesnce in my hands as I opened my eyes to see my lance white as snow. My assumption was correct. I now have the ability to wield the elements. Now that I'm back to normal I need to get out of this abyss. I guess I'll just create lances and toss them up the side of the wall and I'll just climb them. I walked close to the wall and jabbed it into the side only for it to cause an icy explosion that sent be back a few feet. I went wide eyed as I say a sizeable hole where I stabbed it. So now I have exploding lances when using the elements. It was then an idea clicked into my head as I summoned another ice lance. I took aim at the wall I stabbed and tossed it causing another explosion and the hole to get bigger. I proceeded to do this multiple times until light poured into the hole revealing the outside. I nodded in success as I quickly made my way through the hole and exited the cave. I hurried my way towards the landing zone until I heard multiple howls. I quickened my pace to the landing zone and when I reached it my eyes when wide. There was a giant pack of the new grim spieces surrounding Weiss and everyone. At the sight of this I felt a fire burn in my chest. I felt a fire lance produce in my hands. I took aim and launched it into the air as it came crashing down like a meteor into the hoard killing multiple grim. I thought of the cold as an ice lance appeared in my hand. I threw it into the air and it came down with an the force of a glacier. I though of a thundering storm as a lance made of thunder appeared in my hand. I tossed it into the air and it came down with a thunderous clap. I though of a raging waterfall as a lance made of water appeared. I tossed it into the air and it came down like a tsunami that hit the shore. I ran forward and jumped onto a grim's back. I used it as a catapult letting me jump over the hoard and stand inbetween my friends and the hoard. As I stood there my cape flapped in the wind.
Weiss: "(Y/N)." I heard her say with a tone of relief. I looked over my shoulder and nodded as she grew a smile with tears in her eyes. I turned forward as the Grim looked at me in anger. I held my hand forward as I focused until my lance once again came forth but this time lance was completely different from the previous ones. This one was made of pure light. I grasped it with both hands and slammed it into the ground as one word came into my mind.
(Y/N): "Judgement!!" I yelled as the entire area was engulfed in a pure light. I watched as the entire grim hoard was eradicated in mere seconds as the light washed over them. When ever Grim was vanquished the lance slowly dissapeared into nothing as my armor reverted back into its crystal form. At first I was fine until I felt faint. I fell to my knees and fell forward but before I hit the ground I was met with a warm embrace. I looked up slightly to see Weiss holding me with both arms.
Weiss: "You stupid dunce." She said as tears fell down her face and hit mine. I raised my hand and placed it against her cheek as she nuzzled into it.
(Y/N): "I'm fine my beautiful snowflake. I promised I would keep you safe." I said as she smiled.
Weiss: "Don't you every *sniffle* leave me *sniffle* again." She said as I smiled.
(Y/N): "I won't." I said as I heard the sounds of a bullhead drawing closer.

Thank you all for reading. So a lot of you are probably wondering what the new armor looks like well I'll leave a picture in the header. The new armor is Terra's/Linguring Will's armor from Kingdom Hearts!!! I thought since new powers there should be a new armor and to be honest I've always like Terra's armor. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now