The Exam Part 2

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(Y/N): "Let's dance." I said as I sprinted forward into the hoard with my sword drawn. I then sliced through a beowolf with ease as another came up behind me. I then thruster my sword next to my side and stabbed him. I then turned and pulled my sword out and brough it down on his head decapitating him. A Boratusk then charged into me and caused me to fly backwards into another beowolf. The beowolf then wrapped his claws around me and it into my neck on for him to let go because the crystals from the armor tore his mouth to shreds. I then elbowed him in the chest causing him to let go and fall down. I then turned around and stomped my through its skull killing it instantly. As I turned around a Ursa appeared from the crowd and stood on its hind legs and roared. I then dematearilized my sword and focused again. After a second a giant battle axe appeared in my hand. I then slung it over my shoulder and charged the Ursa. It took a swipe at me but I easily dodged it and slashed at its right leg. It roared in pain as it swiped at me again hitting me in the side of my head. I was okay except some of my armor on the side of my head was missing. I then slashed his other leg causing him to fall on his stomach. I then slammed the blade of the battle axe into his head and chopped it clean off. I was then tackled by 2 beowolves and they began to chew at my armor. They did care if they were getting hurt they just wanted me dead. I then threw them both of of me and stood up. I noticed that my crystal armor was torn to shreds. I then decided I need to end this fast. I then dematerialized my battle axe and held out both of my hands. After focusing for a couple of seconds two twin bladed katana appeared in my hands. I then began to run around the battlefield slicing up whatever Grim I could. It seemed like hours until the hoard was demolished into nothing but dark mist. I then fell to my knees as my weapons and whatever was left of my armor dematerialized. As I breath in heavy breaths I heard a low growl. I then looked up to see one final beowolf inches away from my face. I then closed my eyes and waited for the worst... but nothing happened. I then opened my eyes to see a blade had pierced into the mouth of the beowolf from the top of his skull. The blade was then pulled from his skull and the beast fell to the ground and and vanished into black smoke. I then look up to see Weiss bolstering her weapon. I then smiled and my strength left me causing me to fall forward. As I felt Weiss dropped to her knees and caught me.
Weiss: "I got you (Y/N)." She said.
(Y/N): "And I thought I was the hero." I said through my raspy breathing. After a couple of minutes my breath calmed down but my strength didn't come back fully.
Weiss: "Can you walk?" She asked as I shook my head no. She then took my arm and slung it around her shoulder and hoisted me up. "Lean on me as much as you need to." She said as I nodded. I then looked down to make sure my crystal was still around my neck and thankfully it was.
Ruby: "Are you sure you can carry him by yourself Weiss?" She asked a little worried.
Weiss: "I'm stronger than I looked Ruby." She said as we then began to walk slowly through the forest.
(Y/N): "Thanks Weiss." I said as she just shook her head.
Weiss: "No, thank you (Y/N) if it wasn't for you I'm pretty sure Ruby and I would be dead by now." She said.
Ruby: "Yeah I mean you were all like 'Wahh' and the Grim were all like 'Ahhhh'." She said as I chuckled slightly at her antics.
(Y/N): "It was nothing." I said.
Weiss: "How was slaying a hoard of Grim nothing?" She said a little bewildered.
(Y/N): "It just is." I said as we continued to walk.
Weiss: "So (Y/N) was that armor what you ment about earlier?" She asked.
(Y/N): "About not spoil the surprise? Yeah that was it. I found out that my crystal can act not only as a weapon but as armor as well. When I was younger a beowolf was about to bite me and killed until the crystal acted on its own and surrounded me in armor." I said as she just nodded.
Weiss: "That crystal sure is something else." She said.
(Y/N): "Yeah it sure is." I said as we then emerged from the forest and into a giant clearing. At the center of it we saw what seem to be a ruined temple and multiple people stand near it. We then slowly made our way closer to it. As we drew closer I noticed some familiar faces and some unfamiliar ones as well. When we were close enough I saw Yang. She then turned around and noticed us.
Yang: "Ruby!!" She yelled as she ran towards us and wrapped her in a hug. "Thank god you're okay are you hurt?!?" She asked worried.
Ruby: "I'm fine Yang." She said. Yang then looked towards us and walked over.
Yang: "What happened to you (Y/N)?" She asked.
(Y/N): "Oh you know killing a hoard of Grim single handedly and saving people you know the usual." I said with a smile as she looked at me shock. Weiss then shook her head and spoke.
Weiss: "(Y/N) here saved me and Ruby from a hoard of Grim and then single handedly killed all of them." She said as Yang at me in awe.
(Y/N): "I told you it's not a big deal jeez." I said.
Weiss: "Yes it is." She said as I just sighed in defeat. "Hey (Y/N) can you try to walk my shoulder kinda hurts." She said as I nodded. I then lifted myself off her shoulder and balanced myself. I then took a few steps before I finally began to walk properly.
(Y/N): "Okay now that I can walk let's go find our relics." I said as we all nodded and entered the ruins. It took us only a few seconds until we found the relics. On pedestals in the room stood chess pieces. Everyone went to a pedestal and grabbed one. I decided I would keep looking around. I seperated from the group and went up a flight of stairs. When I reached the second room I found a single pedestal in the center of the room. On the pedestal stood a sapphire king piece. I then went up to the pedestal and grabbed it. I looked at it for a minute before I placed it in my pocket. I then returned downstairs and regrouped with every one. "Everyone got a relic?" I asked as everyone nodded. "Well then lets head back to the cliff." I said as everyone walked out of the ruins and we walked back to the cliff side.

Timeskip - Auditorium

Ozpin: "Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Rin you have all collected the white rook piece and will be known from now on as Team JNPR lead by Jaune Arc." He said.
Jaune: "Me?!?" He said shocked.
Ozpin: "Congradualtions young man." He said as they exited off the stage and more student went up. "And finally Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xaio Long you have all collected the white knight pieces and will be known now on as Team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose." He said as Weiss grew a shocked face. They then walked off and Ozpin got everyone's attention. "And we still have one final student to introduce. (Y/N) (L/N) please come forward." He said as I got up from my seat and went on stage. "(Y/N) (L/N) you have acquired a special piece the sapphire king." He said as everyone began to silently talk among themselves. "He is the only individual to acquire this piece so therefore he will be placed on a team as a fifth member. And the team he will go to is of his choosing. So (Y/N) which team will you join?" He asked as everyone became quiet. I already knew which team I wanted to be on so I didn't hesitate.
(Y/N): "I would like to join Team RWBY." I said.
Ozpin: "So be it from this pin t onward (Y/N) (L/N) you will now be the fifth member of Team RWBY." He said as everyone then clapped. "Now that everyone has been sorted into team please go to your dorms and rest." He said as everyone then began to leave the Auditorium. I walked down from the stage and met up with Weiss and the team.
Ruby: "Yeah we have a fifth member!!" She said excitedly.
(Y/N): "Geez how do you have so much energy in exhausted."
Weiss: "I would be to if I had to kill that many Grim." She said as I groaned at her remark
(Y/N): "You're gonna keep bringing that up aren't you?" I asked as we left the Auditorium.
Weiss: "Of course I will it was a amazing feat."
Blake: "Wait what are you guys talking about?"
Yang: "(Y/N) saved Ruby and Weiss from a hoard of Grim and then single handedly killed them all." She said as Blake's eyes went wide. We then made it to our dorm and entered it. When we entered I noticed there were five beds and all of our items were placed on the beds.
(Y/N): "At this point you girls can talk about it all you want." I said as moved my things to the floor and flopped on my bed. "I'm going to bed." I said as I pulled the covers over me.
Weiss: "Yeah we should all rest up. It was a very eventful day." She said as everyone else nodded. She then turned off the lights and everyone else went to there beds.
(Y/N): "Night everyone." I said.
Girls: "Night." They responded back. I then let my eyes drift close and I let nothingness cloud my mind as I fell asleep.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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