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Timeskip - 3 Years

Third Person POV

The wind blew softly against the lonely field causing the crops and trees to sway with the breeze. (Y/N) walked through the field picking whatever fruits and vegetables were ripe. Once he had gathered enough food he held the basket and walked towards a small home. When (Y/N) reached his home he noticed his wife sitting on the porch with their daughter on her lap. Once close enough the daughter looked up and smiled widely. The girl jumped from her mother's lap as he placed the basket on the ground.

(D/N): " Daddy!!" She said excitedly as (Y/N) picked her up and twirled her around a bit.

(Y/N): "I was only gone for an hour my little princess." He said as he placed on his shoulders and grabbed the basket. (Y/N) walked forward until he stood in front of his wife Weiss.

Weiss: "She wasn't the only one who missed you." She said with a smile as (Y/N) shook his head playfully. She planted a quick kiss on his lips and took the basket from his hands. "I'll get something cooked up." She said as she turned and walked into the house with the basket.

(D/N): "I hope mommy makes a pie!!" She said excitedly as he grabbed her from his shoulders and placed her on the ground. He knelt down to her level and ruffled her hair. She giggled at this until she starred at her fathers chest.

(Y/N): "What's the matter pumpkin?" He asked his daughter.

(D/N): "What's that necklace for daddy?" She questioned while point to the grayish black crystal around her dads neck. He just looked at it and smiled.

(Y/N): "It helps me remember sweetheart." He said as memories of his past flooded his mind. All the struggles he endured, all the hardships he dealt with, and the woman who was with him through it all.

(D/N): "Why are you crying daddy?" She asked her father. (Y/N) didn't notice, but he had begun to cry. (D/N) walked up to her father and wiped away his tears. She gave him a big hug as (Y/N) returned it. "I love you daddy." She said.

(Y/N): "And I will always love you my baby girl." He said as they let go of the hug. (Y/N) stood up and grabbed (D/N)'s hand as they walked towards the house. (Y/N) had a happy life and he wouldn't trade it for the world.

With this chapter the book finally comes to an end. Thank you all for supporting and read The Queen and Her King. The reason why I chose to end it like this is because I felt that with all the events that happened to (Y/N) he just wanted to live a peaceful and quiet life with his family. As to why I chose a farmer is because it kinda fit with the theme. Ya know rich girl poor guy. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this book and I hope you stick around for my other works. Peace out.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now