Love (Lemon)

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Timeskip 1 Week

My lance punctured the target with enough force to shatter it into pieces. I let out a aggervated huff as I walked to the other targets and grabbed them from the side. While I placed them my mind wandered about the battle coming in three weeks. What if I couldn't protect my friends from danger? What if I couldn't protect my home?.... What if I couldn't protect Weiss? Tears slowly streamed down my face as I conjured another lance. I gripped my lance so much that it shattered in my hands causing it to turn into crystal dust. I summoned another and hurled it towards the other target causing it to shatter. I was so mad. So angry.

(Y/N): "Ahhhh!!!!" I shouted as I unknowing conjured a fire lance and tossed it at the last target. The target erupted in flames as the wood burned to ashes. I felt myself get dizzy as I realized what I just did. I fell to my knees coughing as my breath left me.

Weiss: "(Y/N)!!" I heard her call out as I heard hurried footsteps. Within moments Weiss was kneeling next to me. "What are you thinking you dunce?!?" She asked me worried.

(Y/N): "I'm such a failure Weiss." I said as she looked at me.

Weiss: "No you're no-" she tried to say until I finally snapped.

(Y/N): "Yes I am god dammit!!!" I yelled as she was taken by suprise. "I've been training for a week straight trying make myself stronger for when I use these new powers!! In three weeks we will be at war and I need to get stronger!!!" I yelled as tears feel down my face like a waterfall. "If I can't even control these powers how am I gonna protect anything!!!!" I yelled while I punched the ground. "How am I gonna protect you?" I said softly as I just cried. "I don't wanna lose anything. Espically you." I said as I felt her wrap her arms around me. I hugged her as I cried into her shirt.

Weiss: "You won't lose me (Y/N). You'll get stronger and protect everyone. I know you will, but pushing yourself to the brink of death won't help." She said as she pulled away from me and lifted my head with her hand. She looked at me with her beautiful light-blue orbs as she pressed her lips against mine. My eyes stopped crying as we shared this tinder moment. She pulled away while I smiled softly. "You are my dunce after all." She said with a warm smile as I slightly nodded.

(Y/N): "I guess I am." I said as she helped me to my feet. We began to walk towards the infirmary.

Weiss: "Let's go out and relax tonight. You've pushed yourself enough tonight." She said.

(Y/N): "But where are we gonna go?" I asked.

Weiss: "I already have it planned." She said.

Timeskip 3 Hours

I looked in the bathroom mirror as I straightened my tie. I wore a (f/c) tuxedo and tie with my hair slicked back. Weiss decided we should go dancing tonight so I didn't object. Once I was satisfied with my looks I exited the bathroom and looked around to see everyone but Weiss.

Yang: "Looking good (Y/N)." She said as I nodded.

(Y/N): "Thanks Yang. Where's Weiss at?" I questioned.

Blake: "She's outside by the front gate waiting for you." She said as I nodded and walked towards the door.

Ruby: "Have fun!!" She said enthuasticly as I waved while leaving the room.

Quickly I made my way to the front gate to see Weiss. She must have heard me, because she turned to face me. She wore a beautiful sea foam blue dress the reached above her ankles. The moonlight shined down upon her which only inhanced her already beautiful form. She was like an angle that graced me with her presence.

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