War or Death

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat next to Weiss waiting for the rest of our team and friends to arrive. Moments passed by until a knock was heard at the door.

(Y/N): "Come in." I said as the door opened to reveal our team and Team JNPR. They all walked in and sat down wherever they wished.

Yang: "So what's the big news you guys wanted to tell us." She asked as Weiss and I both smiled.

(Y/N): "Well Weiss wanted to show you guys something." I said which left everyone a little confused.

Pyrrha: "And that would be?" She asked as Weiss nodded. She held up her finger and showed them the ring that was on her finger. At first everyone had a shocked expression across their faces but soon began to smile and clap.

Ren: "Congradulations you two." He said in his usual calm monotone.

Jaune: "So I'm guessing the war made you decide huh?" He questioned.

Weiss: "Well that and one other special reason." She said with a slight blush.

Ruby: "So what's the other reason?" She questioned.

(Y/N): "Weiss gave me the best news yesterday. I'm pretty sure it's the best news a guy could ever hear." I said with a smile.

Nora: "Just spill it already!!" She said anxious as we both nodded.

Weiss: "I'm pregnant." She said. Everyone went blank faced except for Ren as I held back a chuckle. I did however cover my ears as all of the girls shriked in joy. Jaune however didn't and suffered while Ren just stood there with his usual expression. I got up from the bed and walked over to them while the girls surrounded Weiss and began to bombard her with questions.

Jaune: "Well congratulations man." He said while giving me a pat on the back.

Ren: "So that's what happened when you and Weiss went away for the night." He said as I just scratched the back of my head. "Still congradulations (Y/N)." He said sticking his hand forward as I shook it.

Jaune: "Since Weiss is pregnant what is she gonna do when the war starts?" He asked me.

(Y/N): "We've already talked to Professor Ozpin and he said he'll guard Weiss. Her job is to basically be the medic while everyone else fights." I said as they both nodded.

Ren: "Aren't you scared about her safety?" He asked me as I nodded.

(Y/N): "I'm horrified Ren, but I can't let it show and worry her. She's in good hands with Ozpin guarding her. I mean he is the headmaster for a reason." I said as they both nodded. The sounds of scrolls rang out as we all got messages. I pulled mine out and looked to see a message from Ozpin.

Ozpin Text: "It's time. Meet at the front of the school." It said as I sighed.

(Y/N): "So I guess it's time." I said pulling out the last vial from my pocket. I pooped the cap and chugged the contents. I replaced the cap and placed the vial on my bed stand. "Let's go." I said as everyone nodded and left the room with me.

Timeskip - Front of Beacon

Third Person POV

The wind was still as the defenders of Beacon waited for war. Seconds felt like hours to those who stayed. The quiet air was cut as thunderous footsteps rang out from the forest. The ground shook and the forest life ruffled around. A gigantic hoard of mutated gorilla grimm exited the forest with Merlot leading the front. He stood with a smirk as everyone readied for the attack.

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