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As my eyes fluttered open I looked around the room to see everyone else asleep. I then threw my covers off of me and got up from my bed. I then walked over to my dresser drawer and pulled out a school uniform. I then made sure the girls were asleep before I changed into my uniform. I then placed my normal clothes on my bed and walked out of the room. I walked down the hall towards the classroom and entered. When I entered I saw a few students and Professor Port.
Port: "Ahh good to see another early riser." He said as I took my seat.
(Y/N): "Always have been professor." I said as I got my book out and began to read. After a while people started to show up and the class began.
Port: "Now today we will be-" he said before he was interrupted by the door flying open. I looked to see Weiss and her team along with another team come through the door.
Ruby: "Sorry we're late Professor." She said.
Port: "It is alright since it is your first day but please do be on time in the future." He said as they nodded and took their seats. Yang and Blake sat behind me as Weiss sat next to me and Ruby sat next to Weiss.
Weiss: "When did you get here (Y/N)?" She questioned me.
(Y/N): "Oh I've been here for a while." I said as I took down notes from the lesson and Weiss did the same. After a while the bell rang signaling us to got to lunch. As we left the class we walked as a group. As we entered the cafeteria we noticed it was packed. We then got our food and sat at a table.
Weiss: "Well that class was interesting." She said.
Yang: "No it wasn't." She said.
(Y/N): "Intersting and boring at the same time. How those two words work together in a single sentence I have no idea." I said as Weiss chuckled a little.
Weiss: "Okay yeah it was pretty boring." She said as we then heard a pained shriek from behind us. We noticed a bunny faunus having her ears pulled on by Cardin.
Girl: "Please leave me alone Cardin." She said.
Cardin: "See I told you they were real. What a freak." When he said that my blood boiled and I got up from my seat.
Weiss: "(Y/N)?" She asked worried.
(Y/N): "Be back in a minute Weiss." I said as I walked towards Cardin. I then grabbed him by his wrist and pulled his hand away from the girls ears.
Cardin: "Hey!" He yelled at me.
(Y/N): "You know it's not nice to pick on a lady Cardin." I said as he looked at me pissed.
Cardin: "She's nothing but a freak." He sneered.
(Y/N): "And you're nothing but a ignoramic neanderthal." I said.
Cardin: "Tell hell you just call me." He said getting close to my face.
(Y/N): "Oh sorry let me dumb it down for you." I said as I coughed slightly. "You're a fucking idiot." I said putting emphasis on the word idiot.
Cardin: "Why you little!!" He said as he cocked pack his fist. As he threw his punch I easily dodged it. As his fist passed my face I grabbed his wrist and turned him around twisting it behind his back. "Ahhhh!!!" He yelled in pain as he fell to a knee.
(Y/N): "And this just proves my point even further." I said as I twisted his wrist a bit causing more pain. "Now say your sorry to her." I said as I used my other hand to grab the back of his head and forced him to look at the girl.
Cardin: "I'm sorry freak!" He said as I tightened my grip harder. "Ahhhh!!" He yelled.
(Y/N): "Say it properly or I'm gonna snap your wrist!!" I said through gritted teeth.
Cardin: "I'm sorry Miss." He said as I then tossed him to the ground. He then looked at me with fear.
(Y/N): "If you ever bother her again or anyone else Cardin I will personally send you to the infirmary got it." I said as he nodded. He then got up and ran away. I then walked over to the girl and checked on her. "Are you okay miss?" I asked her as she nodded.
Velvet: "Thanks to you. I'm Velvet Scarlatina." She said shyly. I then placed my hand on her head and ruffled her hair a little causing her to blush.
(Y/N): "Well Velvet I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and if he ever bothers you again please come find me and I'll set the record straight again." I said as she nodded and walked back to her friends. I then walked back to my table and sat down next to Weiss. When I looked around I saw everyone staring at me. "What?"
Ruby: "That was so cool!!" She said excitedly as everyone else nodded with approval.
(Y/N): "Nah it wasn't anything impressive I was just doing the right thing." I said embarrassed a little.
Blake: "Why did you do that anyways?" She questioned me.
(Y/N): "I just don't like to see people being discriminated because of who or what they are. It just isn't right to judge a person like that and I just can't stand people like Cardin. I honestly believe Faunus should be treated the same as humans." I said as she Blake grew a smile on her face.
Weiss: "You did the right thing and that's all that matters." She said.
(Y/N): "Yeah that's all that matters is doing the right thing." I said as we then finished eating our food and headed off to our next class.

Timeskip - Goodwitch's Class

As we sat in the stands waiting for Miss Goodwitch to come in we sat quietly. After a few more minutes Miss Goodwitch finally walked in and class began.
Goodwitch: "Today we will be battling. Will there be any volunteers." She said as Cardin then placed his hand up. "Who would you like to fight?" She asked.
Cardin: "My team vs (Y/N)." He said confidently.
Goodwitch: "That's not a fair fight Cardin." She said.
(Y/N): "It's fine Miss Goodwitch I can handle four punks." I said getting up from my seat.
Goodwitch: "If you're sure." She said as she got the computer ready. We then made our way down to the arena and stood at opposite sides of the room. "The first match will be Team CRDL vs (Y/N) (L/N)." She said as a counter appeared above our heads. "3." She said as we all stood our ground. "2." She said as I then pressed the crystal against my chest causing my armor to form around my body. "1." She said as I formed my twin headed lance in my right hand. "Begin!!!" She yelled.

Thank you all for reading. I know cliffhanger but I just had to. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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