Meeting The Families

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(Y/N)'s POV

Weiss: "Say ahh." She said moving a spoonful of soup towards my mouth.
(Y/N): "Come on Weiss I can feed myself. My ankle is the thing that's hurt not my hands." I said pointing to my ankle that was in a walkable cast.
Weiss: "Dont care now say ahh." She said as I just sighed in defeat with a smile on my face.
(Y/N): "Ahhh." I said as I opened my mouth. She then placed the spoon in my mouth as I began to eat. This continued for a few more minutes until I finish. She just smiled and nodded as she got up and went place the bowl in the sink. Since my ankle was the only thing hurt I was able to stay in the dorm and was excused from my classes until I fully healed. Professor Ozpin also gave Weiss excuses from her classes so she could help me recover since he knew about our relationship. Once Weiss was finished cleaning the bowl she placed it in the cabinet and came lay down next to me. She snuggled into my side as I wrapped my arm around her. We stayed like that in comfortable silence until a knock came from the door.
Weiss: "Come in." She said as she sat up. As she sat up Ruby walked into the room.
Ruby: "Hey you two." She said with a wave as I waved back.
(Y/N): "Hey Ruby what's up?" I asked.
Ruby: "Umm well this is gonna be tough to explain but...." She said.
Weiss: "But what?" She asked
Ruby: "Both of your families are here to see you." She said as Weiss turned to me wide eyed as I went wide eyed myself.
(Y/N): "Why are they here?" I asked confused.
Ozpin: "I'll answer that one." He said as he came from around the corner of the door. "I informed everyone's families of the events that transpired. They were all very worried about you that they asked if they could see you in person. I sent out personal bullheads to each family and brought them here." He said as I nodded. "Everyone is currently in the Auditorium." He finally said as he turned and left followed by Ruby.
(Y/N): "I guess we get to see our families sooner than we expected." I said nervously.
Weiss: "Why do you sound so nervous?" She asked.
(Y/N): "I mean what if your family doesn't approve of me. I mean you come from a wealthy family and I come from a not so wealthy family." I said sadly. I then felt Weiss placed her hand on top of mine.
Weiss: "(Y/N) look at me." She said as I looked up. She slowly pressed lips against mine as we both closed our eyes. The sensation of her warm and delicate lips against my warm rough lips never fails to surprise me. After a minute of kissing she pulled away and we looked into each other's eyes. "I don't care what my family thinks of you. You're my dunce and I will  never leave you even if my family disowned me. As long as I have you I don't care. I love you and only you." She said as I smiled at her words. I truly love this woman.
(Y/N): " I will always be with you as well my beautiful snowflake. Even if the world turns against us. As long as I have you I will be fine." I said as a smile returned to her face. I turned my body to where my feet were hanging off the bed. Weiss helped me slowly get up and we began to walked towards the door with her supporting me. This is gonna be interesting.

Timeskip - Auditorium

We stood in front of the door to the Auditorium as my mind began to race. Weiss gripped my hand and squeezed it as I calmed down. I nodded and opened the door. We entered the Auditorium to see multiple people talking. While we walked in I heard the sound of multiple feet hitting the ground. I looked up to see my mother in front of me as she quickly took me from Weiss and engulfed me into a hug.
Mom: "Ohh my baby boy!!" She said with a sad tone. "Thank the heavens you're okay!!!" She said as I tried to breath.
(Y/N): "Mom can't *gasp* breath!!" I said as she quickly let go.
Mom: "I'm sorry sweetheart I was just so worried!!" She said as I just smiled.
(Y/N): "I'm fine mom I just hurt my ankle is all." She said as she calmed down and smiled a bit.
Dad: "The most important thing is that you're okay son." He said as he walked towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged him back and we both let go after a minute.
(Y/N): " Well it's like you say dad. 'Can't kill bad grass so easily'." I said as he laughed.
Dad: "That is true my boy." He said as I nodded. I looked behind me to see Weiss standing there with a smile. I motioned for her to come forward and she did as she stood next to me.
(Y/N): "Mom. Dad. I want you to meet my teammate Weiss." I said as my mom gasped.
Mom: "I got your message sweetheart. So this is the girl you like." She said as dad and I facepalmed and Weiss began to laugh.
Weiss: "I'm also his girlfriend." She said as my my slightly squealed with joy. My mom then scooped Weiss into a hug as Weiss hugged back laughing. She let go of Weiss and stood back next to dad.
Mom: "Why didn't you tell me sweetheart?!?" She said.
(Y/N): "I didn't have the time mom." I said.
Mom: "You were always like this growing up young man. You would always push stuff back to the last minute. I still remember when you-" she tried to say.
(Y/N): "MOM!!" I almost yelled which caused everyone to laugh.
???: "Lively bunch aren't you?" Said a stern voice from behind my parents. They turned around as a man in a white suit walked closer to us.
Dad: "Hello good sir. Who might you be?" My dad said politely as he extended his hand for a handshake but did not receive one from the man as my dad but his hand down.
Jacques: "Jacques Schnee head of the Schnee Dust Company and father to Weiss." He said in a stern tone as he looked towards me. He slowly walked towards Weiss and I to which Weiss shook a little. I felt uneasy about him so I side stepped and stood in front of Weiss. "Why are you standing in front of my daughter young man?" He asked.
(Y/N): "You did something to her." I said as I looked into his soulless eyes.
Jacques: "I haven't the slightest clue as to what you are talking about young man." He said with a stern tone.
(Y/N): "A child wouldn't shake in fear at the presence of there own parent." I said as he turned mad which means I struck a nerve.
Jacques: "You have no idea what you're talking about boy." He said.
(Y/N): "What kind of parent are you?" I said which tossed him over the edge.
Jacques: "You insolent little brat." He said as he raised his hand. He brough it towards me ready to slap me but was caught by my father.
Dad: "Dont you dare lay a finger on my son." He said.
Jacques: "Then teach your monster of a boy some manners." He said as he pried his hand away from my dad.
Mom: "We taught our boy well because we were good parents." She said sternly.
Jacques: "How dare you te-" he tried to say.
???: "Jacques!" Said a female voice. A older woman with platinum white hair walked up to him with a stern look.
Jacques: "Willow hone-" he tried to say but was cut off with a sharp slap to the face from her.
Willow : "Leave now." She said sternly as he looked at her angrily but soon huffed and left. She just sighed as she stood in front of us. "I'm terriblely sorry for my husbands behaviour." She said.
(Y/N): "Then you must be Weiss's mother." I said as I stepped to the left to reveal Weiss with a smile.
Willow : "Yes, my name is Willow Schnee." She said as Weiss quickly went up to her and gave her mother a hug. Her mother soon hugged back as both shared the embrace.
Weiss: "I missed you mother." She said as she let go of the hug.
Willow : "I missed you as well Weiss." She said as they both nodded. Weiss turned and motioned me to come forward. I walked forward and stopped by her side.
Weiss: "Mother I would like you to meet my boyfriend." She said.
(Y/N): "Hello Mrs. Schnee. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). It is a pleasure to meet you." I said as she wrapped me in a hug. At first I was shocked but soon returned it. She let go and then looked at me with kind eyes.
Willow : "Thank you for looking after my daughter." She said as Weiss snaked her hand into mine.
(Y/N): "I would do anything for her. She is my world as I am hers." I said as Weiss nodded with a wide smile.
Mom: "Ahh young love." She said as Weiss's mother nodded her head.
Willow : "Well now that everything is sorted out I would like to get to know my new in-laws." She said which caused Weiss and I to go red in the face and for them to laugh.

Timeskip - Dorm

I laid down looking at the ceiling as Weiss cuddled into my side. I thought back to today and all the events that happened. After the incident with Weiss's father her mother introduced us to her older sister Winter. She was stern but she was rather pleasant company. She said they had a younger brother as well but he was ill and didn't come. Most of the day was spent talking about how Weiss and I became a couple. When they asked about the mission I told them everything. When I talked about how my crystal got an upgrade dad and mom were shocked. They had no idea the crystal could even do what it did. Dad told me that grandpa had kept many secrets about the crystal hidden. I guess he wanted me to find out about them for myself. The rest of the day afterwards was my family talking with Weiss's family. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Weiss peck my cheek.
Weiss: "Thinking about today?" She said as I nodded.
(Y/N): "Yeah." I said.
Weiss: 'Sorry about my father." She said sadly as I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into my chest.
(Y/N): "It's safe to say he doesn't approve of me." I said which made us both chuckle.
Weiss: "Yeah but everyone else does." She said as my memory played back to what her mother said.
(Y/N): "Why did your mom say she wanted to get to know her new in-laws?" I questioned.
Weiss: "She's thinking way to far ahead I guess." She said.
(Y/N): "Maybe." I said as Weiss looked up at me.
Weiss: "Maybe?" She questioned as I looked down at her with a blush.
(Y/N): "Well it's not like I haven't thought about the future." I said as she blushed as well.
Weiss: "You see us getting married in the future?" She said a little shocked as I nodded.
(Y/N): "Of course I can Weiss. We have been through so much together. We have suffered and endured and we still made it through. I can't think of anyone else to sepnd the rest of my life with. I love you Weiss Schnee and when the time comes I will ask you to marry me." I said as she looked at me with a smile and tears in her eyes.
Weiss: "I'm glad I fell in love with you. There isn't another man in this world who I would rather be with. I will gladly spend the rest of my life with you. I love you (Y/N) (L/N) and when the time comes I will gladly say yes." She said as she wiped her tears and laid her head against my chest. I closed my eyes and slowly began to drift off to sleep with my beautiful snowflake in my arms happy we would be together forever.

Thank you all for reading this chapter. To start off I just used Wanda as the mothers name since it went with the whole W name in the family. Second no I am not ending it yet I still have stuff planned although I could but that would kinda be a dick move so not gonna!!! And third off I will try my best to update more often but like I said my life comes first. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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