A Day With The Queen

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(Y/N)'s POV

As I awoke from my slumber my eyes slowly adjusted. I looked down slightly to see Weiss fast asleep and cuddling into my chest. I just smiled as I gave her a slight peck on the head with my lips. I decided I wasn't gonna move and waited for her to wake up. After another hour or so Weiss began to stir and wake up.
(Y/N): "Good morning sleepy head." I said as she opened her eyes groggily.
Weiss: "Morning." She said as she slowly sat up and yawned. She then began to stretch as I sat up. I then wrapped my arms around her and dug my head into the crook of her neck.
(Y/N): "I'm glad this isn't a dream." I said as she then placed her hands on my arms.
Weiss: "Of course it isn't you dolt." She said as she then snaked her fingers inbetween mine. "I'm glad it isn't either." She said as I then lifted my head and she looked at me with a smile. I then gave her a quick peck on the lips as she slightly blushed.
(Y/N): "So what shall we do today?" I said as I let go of her and let my back hit the bed. Weiss then laid down and cuddled into my side.
Weiss: "We could get to know each other better?" She said.
(Y/N): "That sounds like a wonderful idea." I said as she smiled.
Weiss: "Okay then I'll start." She said as I nodded. "What are your hobbies?" She asked.
(Y/N): "I like to read, write, play games on my scroll, and relax." I said. "What about you Weiss?" I asked.
Weiss: "Dancing, reading, and singing." She said as I nodded. "When did you know you wanted to become a hunter?" She asked me.
(Y/N): "My dad was a hunter and his father before him was a hunter so I guess I'm carrying on the legacy." I said as I sighed a little. "But my reason is because I want to protect those who can't protect themselves. I want to rid this world of evil and bring peace." I said.
Weiss: "That's wonderful (Y/N)." She said as I smiled.
(Y/N): "What about you Weiss?" I said as she sighed a little.
Weiss: "My father dragged the Schnee name through the mud. Everyone thinks that a Schnee is a bad and untrustworthy person. I became a Huntress so I could prove everyone wrong and restore the Schnee name." She said as I then wrapped my arms around her. I then gave her a quick peck and the head which caused her to blush slightly.
(Y/N): "And you will my little snowflake." I said.
Weiss: "So what do you wanna do now?" She asked.
(Y/N): "I think breakfast sounds like a good idea." I said as she nodded. We then both got out of bed and took turns getting dressed. We then left the dorm and went to the cafeteria.

Timeskip - Cafeteria

As Weiss and I entered the cafeteria we got in line and got our breakfast. We then saw our friends at a table and we walked towards them.
(Y/N): "Hey guys." I said as they waved at us. I then sat down besides Ruby and Weiss sat down right next to me and we began to eat.
Yang: "So you two love birds finally woke up." She said with a smirk.
(Y/N): "Well my snowflake needs her rest." I said as I saw Weiss's face blush a little.
Weiss: "(Y/N)." She groaned a little as I chuckled.
Ruby: "So what's the plan for today?" She questioned.
Blake: "In gonna be in the library." She said from behind her book.
Yang: "Probably gonna hang out with my friends." She said.
Ruby: "In probably gonna rai-I mean visit a cookie store." She said with a innocent smile.
Weiss: "(Y/N) and I are gonna spend the day together." She said as she finished eating her breakfast.
(Y/N): "What we plan to do we have yet to figure out." I said as everyone nodded. We then all got up from the table and got rid of our trays. As we exited the cafeteria we said our goodbyes and seperated. As Weiss and I walked down the hall she snaked her hand into mine and we intertwined fingers.
Weiss: "So what do you wanna do baby?" She said as I began to think.
(Y/N): "You said you sing right Weiss?" I asked.
Weiss: "Yes I do." She said.
(Y/N): "Do you mind singing for me?" I said as she frowned a little.
Weiss: "I'm not that good (Y/N)." She said a little sad. I stopped where I was which caused her to stop as well.
(Y/N): "Weiss look at me." I said as she turned to look at me. When my (e/c) met her light-blue eyes I wrapped her in a hug. At first she was shocked but then hugged me back. I then let go and look at her. "You'll do wonderful." I said as a small smile came across her face.
Weiss: "Fine but we have to go somewhere private." She said as she then dragged me down the hall.

Timeskip - Music Room

As I sat in a chair in the music room Weiss was preparing the mic and music. After she finished she stood at the mic.
Weiss: "Ready?" She asked.
(Y/N): "Ready when you are beautiful." I said as she blushed slightly and nodded. She then pressed a button on her scroll and the music began to play.

Weiss: "Mirror, tell me something
Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

Mirror, tell me something
Tell me who's the loneliest of all?
Fear of what's inside of me
Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?

Mirror, mirror, what's behind you?
Save me from the things I see!
I can keep it from the world
Why won't you let me hide from me?

Mirror, mirror, tell me something
Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

I'm the loneliest of all"

As she finished her singing I just sat there awe struck. I then stood from my chair and ran towards her. I jumped up on the stage and lifted her up and spun her around.
(Y/N): "That was amazing Weiss!!" I yelled as she laughed while I kept spinning. After a few seconds I stopped spinning and put her down.
Weiss: "It wasn't that good." She said shyly while blushing.
(Y/N): "Are you crazy?!? That was the best singing I've ever heard." I said as she blushed even darker.
Weiss: "Thank you (Y/N). No one has ever told me that." She said with a slight smile. I then brought my lips down and closer to hers. I then captured her lips and we kissed. As our lips danced with each other's I lick my tongue along the lower part of her lip. Slowly she parted her lips and allowed my tongue to enter my new territory. After the heated makeout session we broke apart with a thin string of saliva connecting our lips. As our breathing became normal we just stood there looking into each other's eyes. After what seemed like a eternity we snapped out of our trances and noticed it was getting dark outside.
(Y/N): "Come on let's head back." I said as I extended my hand.
Weiss: "Okay." She said as she took my hand. We then left and returned to the dorm.

Thank you all for reading this chapter of The Queen and Her King and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now