Life Stories

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As sunlight poured into the room through the curtains my eyes began to open. When my eyes fully opened and adjusted I looked at the clock to see that it was 10:00 A.M. I then sat up yawning and stretched.
Weiss: "About time you woke up." She said as I turned my head to see Weiss sitting on her bed wearing a white tee and blue jeans. "Did you plan to sleep the day away?" She asked.
(Y/N): "No, I just wanted to sleep in." I said as o threw the covers off me and got out of bed. I then walked over to my closet and retrieved a (f/c) tee and blue jeans. I then walked to the bathroom and closed the door. As I change Weiss talked through the door.
Weiss: "Hey (Y/N)." She said.
(Y/N): "Yeah Weiss?" I questioned as I pulled my shirt over my head.
Weiss: "You doing anything today?" She asked.
(Y/N): "Nothing that I can think of." I said as I slipped on my jeans and buttoned them.
Weiss: "Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today." She said as I finished getting dressed. I then walked back to the door and opened it to reveal Weiss standing there with a slightly read face.
(Y/N): "I would love to Weiss." I said as her face grew a wide smile. She then gave me a hug as I returned it. She then let go and walked towards her bed. She then grabbed her purse and but on some sneakers. I then walked towards my bed and put on my sneakers as well. "So what did you have in mind today Weiss?" I asked as we both walked towards the door.
Weiss: "I was thinking we could go to a cafe in Vale and talk. Ya know get to know each other better." She said as I opened the door for her.
(Y/N): "Sounds like a plan to me." I said as we exited the room and closed the door.

Timeskip - Cafe

As Weiss and I entered the cafe we noticed that it wasn't busy. We then walked to the counter and were greeted by the cashier.
Cashier: "Hello what can I get for you today?" She asked politely.
Weiss: "I would like a Iced Coffee. What do you want (Y/N)?" She asked me.
(Y/N): "Oh don't worry about me I'll pay for mine." I said as she looked at me with a pouted face.
Weiss: "No, I invited you so I'm paying for it and that's final." She said as I put my hands up in defeat. She then smiled as I put my hands down.
(Y/N): "Okay I would like a (favorite coffee) with three scoops of sugar and two scoops of creamer." I said as the cashier nodded and rang up our total.
Cashier: "That will be 300 Lien please." She said as Weiss handed her a credit card. She then swiped it and handed it back to Weiss. "I'll bring them to you when they are ready." She said as we nodded. We then walked towards a two chair table next to the window. I pulled out the chair for Weiss and she sat down.
Weiss: "Well aren't you the gentleman." She said as I pulled out my chair and sat down.
(Y/N): "Well my parents taught me well." I said as she nodded. After a couple minutes of random talking the Cashier brought us our drinks. We thanked her and began to drink our coffee.
Weiss: "So have any questions you want to ask me?" She said.
(Y/N): "None that I can think of. What about you?" I asked.
Weiss: "A few." She said.
(Y/N): "Well I don't have nothing to hide so ask away." I said as she nodded.
Weiss: "Well what was you life like growing up?" She asked me as I placed my drink down.
(Y/N): "Growing up was rough for me." I said as she looked at me concerned.
Weiss: "How so?" She said.
(Y/N): "Well growing up my family and I never really had a lot of money. We struggled to make ends meet. My mom and dad always worked just trying to keep us afloat. I was always by myself as my parents worked so many odd jobs just to keep us in a house." I said as I then took a swig of my coffee.
Weiss: "I'm sorry to hear that (Y/N). I shouldn't have asked." She said with a small frown.
(Y/N): "Don't be Weiss." I said as she looked at me confused. "I'm glad I can tell you this because you wanna know why." I said as she slightly nodded. "You're the only person I have willingly told this." I said as she looked at me a little shocked.
Weiss: "Why tell me? Why am I so special?" She asked.
(Y/N): "It's because I trust you Weiss. Whenever I'm around you I fell comfortable. I can just tell you anything and you won't judge me for it." I said with a slight smile. I then looked at her to see her smiling and with a tear in her eye. She then wiped her tear away and looked me in the eyes.
Weiss: "Thank you for trusting me with this (Y/N)." She said.
(Y/N): "Of course Weiss." I said as she then took a deep breath.
Weiss: "So I guess you want to hear about my life?" She said.
(Y/N): "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said as she shook her head.
Weiss: "You trusted me with your life now I trust you with mine." She said as I nodded with my smile. She then took another breath and began to her story. "Growing up I was born into wealth and power. I was catered to my ever need and I didn't have to lift a finger. You may think it is a great life but in reality it's not." She said as she took a sip of her coffee. "Growing up my parents were never around. They would always be at meetings and would never have time to see there daughter. I grew up knowing only my butlers and maids. And when I went to school I never really had any friends. They were either scared of me or just wanted to use me. I was always lonely and had to bear a burden I was born into." She said as I looked at her with sympathy. I then stretched out my hand and placed it on top of hers.
(Y/N): "You're not alone anymore Weiss. You have use now." I said as she grew a smile on her face.
Weiss: "That I do." She said as we finished our coffee and left the cafe. As we walked the streets of Vale I never let go of her hand. She then slowly intertwined our fingers as we got closer towards the school. We then stopped at the gate of the school and Weiss turned to me. "(Y/N)?" She asked I I looked at her.
(Y/N): "Yeah?"
Weiss: "Thank you." She said as I blushed a little.
(Y/N): "For what?" I said as I saw her blush a little as well.
Weiss: "For everything. You were the first person I met her at Beacon. You were kind to me when we met." She said as we drew closer. "You treated me like a normal person. You became my friend even though you could have chosen someone else." She said.
(Y/N): "I wanted to be your friend Weiss. I saw you as a normal person because that is what you are. You aren't The Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company or some prize on a shelf. To me you're Weiss Schnee, the girl I trust with my life." I said as she then brought her face closer to mine. I then captured her lips with mine and we kissed. As we kissed she let go of my hand and wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. After a while we seperated and looked into one another's eyes.
Weiss: "I love you (Y/N)." She said with a smile.
(Y/N): "I love you to Weiss." I said as I smiled back. We then let go of each other and she clung to my arm. We then walked into the building and began talking. "So are we a couple now?" I questioned.
Weiss: "Of course we are you dolt." She said.
(Y/N): "Okay and another question. How did you know I liked you?" I asked.
Weiss: "I kinda listen to you on the rooftop." She said a little embarrassed. "But on the bright side you can tell your mom you got the girl of your dreams." She said as I nodded happily. We then came to a stop in front of the dorm door. I opened it and we walked in to see Yang, Blake, and Ruby doing their own things. Yang then looked towards us and smirked.
Yang: "Well look at you two love birds." She said as Weiss and I grew a little red faced. "So you two finally became a thing?" She asked as we walked to Weiss's bed. I sat on the bed with my back to the wall as Weiss in front of me and leaned her back onto my chest. I then wrapped my arms around her as she pulled out her scroll.
(Y/N): "That answer your question Yang?" I said as Weiss and I began to watch a video on her scroll.
Yang: "Yep it does." She said as she went back to whatever she was doing.
Blake: "Well congratulations you two." She said.
Ruby: "Yeah congrats on not disliking each other!!" She said a with enthusiasm as Weiss and I both nodded. After a while of watching video we noticed it was getting late so we decided to turn in. As I moved to get off of Weiss's bed she stopped me.
Weiss: "Wanna sleep together tonight?" She asked red face.
(Y/N): "I don't see why not." I said as I then laid down on her pillow. She then crawled towards me and snuggle her head into my chest as she pressed her body against mine. I then pulled the covers over us and wrapped a arm around her.
Weiss: "Goodnight (Y/N)." She said as she closed her eyes. I then gave her a peck on her forehead and closed my eyes.
(Y/N): "Goodnight Weiss." I said as I let my mind drift off into sleep.

Thank you all for reading. I just wanna say I am bad at this so do not shoot me if it is bad plz. I am bad at making a plot. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now