A Great Start

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(Y/N)'s POV

Location - Auditoruim

As I swiped through the missions I could select from I yawned in boredom.
(Y/N): "Man these mission are all so boring." I said as I looked to my right to see the rest of the team doing the same.
Yang: "Yeah there isn't a single exciting mission." She said disappointed.
Weiss: "Well they can't just give extremely hard mission to hunters and huntresses in train right off the back." She said.
(Y/N): "Yeah but they could at least give us a bone and put a hard mission in." I said as everyone nodded in agreement. It was then I heard the sound of footsteps and a cane. I then turned around to see Professor Ozpin as he stopped in front of me.
Ozpin: "We use missions like these as to not hurt the average student and so they can get used to being in the field." He said as I nodded understanding.
Yang: "Well can we take on a harder mission because we aren't your average day student." She said as Ozpin took a sip from his mug.
Ozpin: "That is true Miss Xiao Long." He said as he closed his eyes for a minute pondering the thought. He then opened his eyes and sighed. "If it is what you and your team truly want then I will allow it." He said as everyone cheered for a bit. "Under a few conditions though." He said.
(Y/N): "What are the conditions sir?" I asked as we all payed attention.
Ozpin: "The first condition is that I will be choosing the mission for your team." He said as we nodded. "The second condition is that you will be accompanied by a huntsmen of my choosing." He said as we all nodded again. "And the final condition is that you are to survive. Watch each other's backs and run from any danger that is too great. Do you all agree to these conditions?" He asked us.
Everyone: "We do Professor Ozpin." We all said in unison. He then nodded with a confident smile.
Ozpin: "Now that you all have agreed to the conditions I want all of you to return to your rooms and rest. You will embark on your mission tomorrow." He said as we all nodded and left. As we walked to our dorm we talked amongst one another.
Ruby: "I wonder who will be the huntsman who will accompany us?" She asked.
Yang: "Hopefully it's someone cool." She said.
(Y/N): "I just hope the mission isn't boring." I said.
Weiss: "Well Professor Ozpin is the one who is picking it for us." She said as I nodded.
Blake: "Well whatever it is we need to be prepared for the worst." She said as we all nodded in agreement. We then came to a stop in front of the dorm. I opened the door and we all entered inside. We all then took turns changing and then went to sleep so we can be ready for the mission tomorrow.

Timeskip - Morning

Location - Bullhead Pad

As the team and I waited for our bullhead to arrive we talked amongst one another. After a while we saw the bullhead come into view and then after a couple more minutes it landed. The bullhead door then opened to reveal a man with dark hair. He wore black pants, a grayish white suit top, and had a worn and torn red cap on his back. He also had a weird looking blade on his back. At the sight of him I saw Ruby and Yang go wide eyed and gasp. They then bolted towards the man and they both tackled him with a hug. I looked towards Weiss and Blake as they just shrugged there shoulders. We then made our way towards them as they all got up.
Ruby: "I missed you Uncle Qrow." She said as she latched onto his arm as she hung from it. "Did you miss me?! Did you?!? Did you?!?" She said excitedly as the man grew a slight smile.
Qrow: "Nope." He said as he ruffled her hair slightly as she giggled happily. She then got off of his arm.
Yang: "What are you doing here Qrow?" She questioned.
Qrow: "Well Oz needed me to keep you five in line." He said.
Ruby: "You're the huntsmen that is gonna be with us?!?" She said excitedly as he nodded. "Oh my gosh yes!!!" She said excitedly jumping up and down.
(Y/N): "Eh-hem." I said as the three looked at me. "Not tying to be mean here and interrupt the reunion but who are you?" I asked as he nodded.
Qrow: "Qrow Branwen. I'm the uncle of Ruby and Yang. Who are you three?" He asked as he pulled a flask from his pocket and took a swig.
Blake: "I'm Blake Belladonna." She said as he nodded.
Weiss: "I'm Weiss Sch-" She tried to say before he cut her of.
Qrow: "I know who you are pipsqueak." He said which ticked me off.
(Y/N): "Watch it old man." I said which caught his attention.
Qrow: "Oh a tough guy huh." He said as he walked towards me. He then stood inches away from my face. "And who are you punk?" He said as I gritted my teeth and clenched my teeth.
(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N) the boyfriend of Weiss Schnee." I said as he chuckled. "What's so funny?" I said aggravated.
Qrow: "You shouldn't trust a Schnee kid." He said which pushed me over the edge. I then jumped back a few yards and pressed my crystal against my chest causing my armor to appear around my body and my twin headed lance to appear in my hand. I then stood tall and pointed my lance at him.
(Y/N): "Say one more ill stricken word about her and I will cleave your head from your shoulders." He just chuckled as he moved his hand towards his head.
Qrow: "Alright then." He said as he slicked back his hair. "Come and try." He said as he took his blade off his back. We both then rushed forward and readied our weapons. As we were about to clash we both stopped a few feet from one another. I tried to moved forward but couldn't. I then looked at my feet and his feet to see them both trapped by ice. I then looked to my right to see that Weiss had stabbed her weapon into the ground and a small trail of ice along the ground towards us.
Weiss: "Enough." She said. "You two are acting like complete fools. We have a mission and we need to get going." She said as we both sighed and nodded. As we nodded Weiss then switched her weapon to fire and melted the ice around our feet. I then willed my armor to go away and walked passed Qrow.
(Y/N): "You will not talk ill of Weiss while I am present. As long as you don't we won't have any problems." I said as I kept walking until I was at the front of the bullhead. I then sat down in a seat next to the window. I then felt a hand on top of mine. I then looked over to see that it was Weiss.
Weiss: "You okay?" She asked concerned.
(Y/N): "I'm fine my beautiful snowflake I just don't like it when people bad mouth you." I said as she just shook her head playfully. She then placed a kiss on my cheek and placed her head on my shoulder. As she did this I smiled and placed my head on top of hers.
Weiss: "As long as I'm with you I don't care what anyone thinks." She said as the bullhead then lifted off the ground and started to fly towards the mission zone.

Thank you all for read. I'm sorry I haven't update this book in a while I've been occupied with a lot of stuff recently so again sorry. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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