The King and Queen Meet

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As I walked out of the bullhead I took in the sight of Beacon Acadamy. The Academy looked amazing from the walkway to the buildings. It all looked amazing. What wasn't amazing was when I tripped and fell over someone's suitcase.
(Y/N): "Ow ow ow ow!!" I said rubbing my head as I got up and looked at the suitcase I tripped over.
???: "Oh great now another person tripped over my dust." Said a voice as I turned around to see a girl with platinum white hair. She wore almost all white clothing except on some areas. "First it was that girl now you. What do you have to say for yourself?" She questioned.
(Y/N): "Sorry about that." I said as I then crouched down and began to pick up the dust vials and place them back in the suitcase. After I was done I closed the case and placed it on the trolley next to the girl.
Weiss: "Well that was nice of you. I'm Weiss Schnee Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company." She said.
(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) a resident of (Hometown)." I said as we decided to walked together towards the entrace hall.
Weiss: "I've never heard of (Hometown)." She said.
(Y/N): "It's a small little town off the coast of Patch." I said as she nodded. As we walked she stared at the dust crystal around my neck.
Weiss: "Where did you get that dust crystal from?" She finally asked.
(Y/N): "It was a gift from my grandfather. He gave it to me on his death bed and told me to keep it safe."
Weiss: "I've never seen a dust crystal like it before." She said admiring the white crystal.
(Y/N): "Well it has more value than just being a memory." I said.
Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked confused. I then stopped and she stopped with me.
(Y/N): "Do you have a weapon?" I asked as she nodded. She then went over to a suitcase and opened it. She then picked up a rapier and showed it to me.
Weiss: "This is Myrtenaster my rapier I designed. It has dust properties imbued into the chambers and I can switch to whichever one I want and use that element." She said as I nodded. I then took the crystal from around my neck and and I raised my hand level with her weapon as I gripped it tight in my hand. After a couple of seconds the crystal began to expand in my hand. It then began to mold into the shape of Weiss's Myrtenaster. After a couple of more seconds my crystal replicated her weapon down to the last detail. As we stood there her face turned to that of wonder.
(Y/N): "This crystal allows me to copy any weapon I have seen and I am able to wield it." I said as she then picked up her weapon in her suit case. When she returned I willed the crystal to go back to its original form and I placed it back around my neck. We then began to walk again.
Weiss: "What else can it do?" She questioned.
(Y/N): "What fun would it be if I spoiled everything?" I said causing her to laugh and I joined along with her. As we entered the entrace hall we pushed through the crowd.
Weiss: "You!!" She yelled as I looked to who she was yelling at. I noticed a girl dressed in red and a girl dress in yellow.
Red: "Ahhh she's back Yang save me!!" She said jumping into her arms.
Yang: "Oh my god you actually did blow up Ruby." She said with wide eyes.
Weiss: "You." She said point to the girl named Ruby. "Thanks to your little stunt we almost got blown to pieces."
Yang: "Look you guys just got off on the wrong foot so why not just start over."
Ruby: "Yeah how can I make it up to you?" She asked.
Weiss: "This is how you can make it up to me." She said as she pulled a pamphlet from her pocket and handed it to the girl. "Read up on this." She said as she turned around. "Come on (Y/N) lets go." She said as she walked past me. The girls then looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. I then caught up to Weiss and we sat down in our seats. This is gonna be a long first day.

Timeskip - Auditorium

As I sat on my sleeping bag I talked to Weiss who had set hers up next to mine.
Weiss: "So how much do you really know about dust?"
(Y/N): "It always interested me espically since this crystal is made of it. I mean other than this crystal it always fascinated me because of all the properties it had and the potential it could bring." I finished as she grew a smile.
Weiss: "Well at least someone here is informed on dust and shares the same ideas as me." She said as we then heard a commotion coming from across the room. We then got up and decided to check out what it was. As we drew closer we saw the girls from before and another girl laying against the wall.
Weiss: "Hey!" She said startling the girl know as Ruby.
Ruby: "You again!" She said aggervated.
Weiss: "Yes me again people are trying to sleep and you are causing a ruckus." She said as I stepped in between them.
(Y/N): "Okay enough you two. It is late and I'm pretty sure everyone wants to sleep." I said. I heard both of them huff and go seperate ways.
Yang: "At least you can defuse the situation." She said.
(Y/N): "I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Think they will ever get along?" I asked her.
Yang: "Give them time." She said as I nodded. "Well anyways it was nice meeting you." She said waving as she walked away. I then looked over to the girl leaning on the wall as she peered over her book. I waved as she then went back to reading her book. I then decided to call it a night as I went back to my sleeping bag. I looked over to see Weiss laying down wide awake.
(Y/N): "You know you can't stay mad at her forever." I said laying down and putting my arms behind my head.
Weiss: "She nearly killed us I think I have enough reason to stay mad at her." She said as she closed her eyes.
(Y/N): "Everyone makes mistakes Weiss." I said closing my eyes. "We just need to learn from them." I said as I finally let darkness take me.

Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

The Queen and Her King (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now