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It was a hot day. Summer had finally started and the children were all out of school. Olivia figured it was the perfect day to take Noah to the park. She decided to take the day off. She wanted to spend the day with her son. He was one of the best things to happen to her.

Noah was so sweet and innocent. He considered his mother as just an ordinary police officer. Little did he really know what she saw everyday. "Mama, push me!' He cheered from the swing.

"Sure, baby." She smiled, bending down to help give him a shove. He giggled like crazy as he went higher and higher. His laugh. God, she could listen to his laugh for hours and hours. She would much rather listen to his laughing than someone's crying. If only she could spend her whole day with him.

Don't get her wrong, she loved her job. Working at SVU was the best place for her. Sure, she had some terrible times with it in the past, but she wouldn't trade her job for the world.

A basketball hit her leg, making her glance towards the ground. She gently picked it up, feeling the smooth texture against her skin. This ball had been though hell and back. It had to be at least 20 years old.

She looked around, trying to find out whose it was. She heard someone running towards her, their feet sliding in the loose rocks. "Toss me the ball!" They called, holding their hands open.

She looked at the boy, his face so familiar to someone she used to know. Those blue eyes. God, she could never forget them. "Elliot?" She asked.

"Yeah?" He replied, confused. He didn't know this lady. He had never seen her before. How did she know his name?

"Elliot," she gasped, feeling herself getting weaker. She dropped the ball, losing feeling in her arms and legs. "Is it really you?"

He slowly walked towards her, unsure what to do. He just wanted his ball back, not some freak show. "Yeah?"

She covered her mouth, trying to keep her feelings inside. Over the years, she got used to sharing her feelings with people she trusted. She trusted him. She carefully walked towards him, holding her hand out. "Mama?" Noah asked from the swing, watching her walk a few feet away.

"Come here, Noah." She softly commanded. The little boy listened, hopping off from the swing to come to her side. Olivia knelt down in front of Elliot, looking eye to eye. This had to be a dream.

Noah was silent as he watched his mother gently trail her fingers over the stranger's face. Elliot stood frozen, confused about what was happening. She let out a little laugh, tears forming in her eyes. "You look just like your father."

He cocked his eyebrow as she enveloped him into a hug. She laid his head on her shoulder as he let his arms hang limp. "You act like him too." She chuckled as she patted down his hair.

"Dad says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." Elliot mumbled as she hugged him tighter. She laughed, memories of the baby running though her head, only, he wasn't a baby anymore. He was so grown up.

"Eli, I'm not a stranger." Olivia smiled as Noah tugged on her arm, softly whining. He felt left out and wanted some of her love too. She let Eli go, tears beginning to trail down her face.

He looked so much like his father, Elliot, her partner. Olivia hadn't seen him since the shooting. She figured he had left town and moved far away from SVU. "Eli, come on! Where'd the ball go? Let's shoot some more hoops!"

Olivia stood up. She could recognize that voice from anywhere. She turned around, her brown eyes locking with his blue ones. "Liv?" He stuttered.

"Elliot!" Olivia cried out as she ran to him. She jumped into his arms, both of them overjoyed. This was crazy. How did she find him again? "I thought you had left town with Kathy and the kids. I just figured-"

"God, I missed you." He replied, cutting her off. They hugged each other again, tighter than ever before. They felt complete just being in each other's presence. They missed this.

"Mama!" Noah cried, running towards her. He didn't want to be left alone with a stranger. Elliot let Olivia go as she bent down to pick him up. When did Olivia have a kid?

"Mama?" Elliot asked, his smile growing. Olivia nodded her head, pushing back Noah's hair.

"This is my adopted son, Noah." She introduced. Elliot grinned, rubbing the kid's head. He was glad she was finally a mother. This was something he had always hoped she would become.

"Hey, little guy! I'm Elliot." He smiled. Eli ran up to his dad, still very confused about what was happening. He held the ball under his arm, looking at Olivia and Noah.

"But he's Elliot." Noah spoke, pointing to Eli. Elliot laughed, surprised at how friendly Olivia's kid was. Most kids (his kids) at that age weren't very talkative to strangers. Noah had just warmed right up to him.

"Yeah. But we just call him Eli." Elliot smiled, wrapping an arm around Eli's shoulders, patting him. Eli arched his eyebrow, looking up at his dad. This was getting too weird for him.

"Dad, what's going on?" Eli asked. His dad was never this friendly. In all honesty, his dad scared the crap out of all of his friends and him sometimes. Elliot looked down at his son.

"What? You don't remember my partner in crime, Olivia Benson?" He boasted. Olivia laughed, shaking her head.

"El, why would he remember? He was about Noah's age when you left." She grinned, slightly bouncing Noah on her hip.

"Well, he should remember the person who saved his and his mother's life." He fired back, beaming. Eli furrowed his eyebrows. What?

Olivia grinned, shaking her head. "The world needed another Elliot Stabler." She repeated, making him laugh and think about the day he thought he lost his wife and baby.

"I missed you, Liv." Elliot stated, bringing her into another hug. Tears began to brim both of their eyes.

"I missed you too." She croaked, leaning against his chest. They stood there, taking in that they were in each other's presence again. She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, taking a deep breath. She never thought she would see him again.

They let go, laughing as they looked at each other's tears. It took a lot to make the other cry. They both realized how much they needed each other. "Wanna go catch up?" Elliot asked.

"I would like that, El," she smiled, gently touching his shoulder, making sure he wasn't a ghost. "Besides, Eli needs to hear about your past."

"What past?" Elliot chuckled, a smile growing on his face. Oh great, this was going to be interesting.

"I'm sure he would love to hear all about Detective Dick." She grinned, making Elliot burst out in laughter.

"I don't know. I don't think he'll believe you." He teased, sending her his smirk.

"Dad, Kathleen has told me plenty of stories about you when you worked as a cop. I think I'll believe Olivia." Eli butted in, making all of them laugh.


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