My Luna

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"Will somebody please help me?" A man shouted as he entered the squad room. Olivia quickly stood up from her desk, holding her hands up as she walked towards the victim. She was going to take this nice and slow.

"Hold on, I'm Detective Benson. What's happened?" She questioned. Quickly, she took in pieces of him that she could identify. Late twenties, about 6'2", blue eyes, and unmistakable white hair. He was clean shaved and was wearing a blue hoodie.

"Someone's kidnapped my baby!" He exclaimed, his eyes showing fear. He looked like he was about to cry as he tightened his fists.

"Where did you last see your baby?" Elliot asked, quickly joining in on the conversation. Children were Elliot's weakest points. If a child was in danger, he would do anything to protect them.

"Um, last night. I put Luna down for bed and when I woke up she was gone." He stammered, trying to remember everything. Who would take his baby? Why was this happening to him?

"What's your name?" Elliot asked as he quickly put on his coat. Olivia followed suit, going to her desk, grabbing everything she needed.

"Jackson Frost," He quickly answered. "Will you please find my baby?" He quickly pleaded.

"Sir, we are going to do everything we can," Olivia assured. "Now, do you have any other children? Wife? Girlfriend?" She rambled, trying to get an idea about their home life as Elliot called in a missing child report.

"My wife, Rapunzel," Jackson answered. "What does that have to do with anything? Go find my Luna!" He demanded, tears brimming his blue eyes.

"Where do you live?" She added, ignoring his questions. She didn't have time for it. A child was missing. They could be raped, tortured, or killed. If they were lucky, it was none of them.

"We live in Queens. A small apartment building by Perfect You, where Rapunzel works." He replied. He had to find his baby if it was the last thing he'd do. Luna meant the world to him.

"Liv, let's go." Elliot butted in, pulling her from the conversation. They headed out the door with Munch and Fin on their tail. Everyone was going all in to find this baby.


"Has anyone contacted the mother yet?" Elliot asked as they began searching the streets, looking for any evidence. Fin shook his head as they looked through trash bag after trash bag.

"Couldn't get a hold of her. 'Parently she's in some big meeting." He explained. Elliot shook his head, personal thoughts going through his mind. Every minute they spent wasting was another minute the baby could be killed. You would think the mother would care about her baby.

"Guys, I found something." Olivia stated, calling over the other three. She picked up a picture with her glove, trying not to get any fingerprints on the evidence.

"Looks like Jack and what must be Rapunzel." Elliot replied as he looked at the family. The edges were slightly ripped and it looked like it had been soaking in the rain. Whatever was written on the back was now smudged.

"Whoever did this obviously knew the couple well. Better start asking about friends and family." John added, walking back towards his car with Fin close behind. Olivia nodded her head and continued looking through the bag.

"Look, El," she commanded. "Baby clothes, baby toys." She explained as she sorted through the bag.

"Everything a baby would ever need. Whoever did this isn't going to kill the girl. They're gonna keep her as their own." He finished, looking at everything in the bag. Diapers, fresh clothes, even a few bottles.

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