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Elliot walked into his chaotic house, seeing the children running around like crazy. As usual, there were a few extras since some of the kids had planned to have a friends spend the night.

He entered the kitchen, taking off his coat. Kathy turned around, a smile growing on her face as she spotted her husband. "You're home early." She stated, as he walked towards her.

"Yeah," he grinned, gently placing a kiss on her forehead. "Cap't figured I should take the rest of the day off." He added.

"Well, that's lucky for you. Especially since Dickie and Lizzie both have a friend staying over." She replied, going back to finish making dinner. She had so many mouths to feed tonight.

"And our other two delightful daughters?" He asked, cleaning up the kitchen as he waited for her reply. When was the last time someone cleaned off the table? It was covered in who knows what.

"Maureen is spending the night at Kimmy's and Kathleen is probably in her room hiding from the rest of the kids." Kathy laughed, waving towards the upstairs. Elliot shrugged his shoulders, a smile on his face.

"Well, can you blame her?" He teased, making Kathy giggle and shake her head. Soon, Kathleen came stomping down the stairs, obviously annoyed. She cocked her eyebrow, looking at her father.

"What are you doing home?" She spat, glaring at him.

"Good to see you too." He fired back as she walked away. He followed behind her, not going to let her get away with sassing him. He was the boss and she was going to have to deal with it.

"Mom, can you please tell the kids to quiet down? I'm trying to work on my math homework." She begged, complaining to her mother. Elliot walked up beside them, his arms crossed.

"Working on homework? On a Friday?" He questioned, arching his eyebrow at her. She let out a groan and turned to face him.

"What? Is that a crime?" She growled, not wanting to deal with her father. He was always playing bad cop, even when he was off duty. Sometimes, she wished he would just lighten up.

"For you, yeah. You never do homework on a Friday, Kath." He answered. Sure, he wasn't home as often as everyone else would like, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew his kids well enough to know that they never do homework on Fridays. They always wait until late Sunday night.

"I like to change it up." She fired back, her voice getting tense. Why was he always on her case? Couldn't he just leave her alone?

"Kathleen, just ignore them. Besides-"

"You don't talk to me like that ever, " Elliot declared, cutting his wife off. "I'm your father and I deserve to be respected as such. If you want to talk to your friends like that, that's none of my business-"

"It's always your business! You make everything your business!" She shouted back, learning how to defend herself from Maureen. She had watched enough of their fights to know how it worked.

"Kathleen!" Kathy butted in, glaring at her child.

"What?" She groaned, quickly realizing it was two against one and she would definitely lose. Her mom alway sided with her father, which was never fair.

"Just set the table and call the kids." Kathy sighed, tossing her hands towards the table, making Kathleen storm off. Elliot began to walk away, slightly upset that Kathleen was turning into a cranky teen.

"Elliot," Kathy added, making him turn around. "Please just-"

"I'm not going to be disrespected by my daughter, Kathy. I'm trying to lay down some rules. She needs to know her limits." He defended. His voice soft enough so Kathy could hear but Kathleen couldn't.

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