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Requested by Detective_Cass

"Everyone welcome our newest member, Detective Cass," Cragen smiled as the woman beside him plastered on a gorgeous, white smile. Her long, dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and her brown eyes searched the crowd in front of her. "Munch, you'll be working with Cass."

John groaned, standing up to go met his partner. "Why do I always get stuck with the newbies?" He sighed. He gave Cass a smile, holding out his hand. "Hi, I'm John Munch." He greeted.

"Cass." She smiled, awkwardly shaking his hand. He nodded his head and headed back to his desk.

"Let's hope you can last longer than my last partner," he stated. "Ya know, you think you know someone but they turn around and stab ya in the back." He added, making Cass softly chuckle.

She was walking to her new desk across from him when a picture caught her eye. "Is that Kennedy?" She asked, curiosity clearly present in her voice. Everyone turned and looked at her.

"I'm what people would call paranoid or psycho. I believe that Kennedy's assassination had-"

"-more than one assassin," Cass nodded, a smile growing on her pale face. "I think that too!" She exclaimed. John brightly smiled at her.

"I think we'll get along just fine." He smirked, watching her laugh as she organized her desk. Never in his life would he have guess that he would finally meet someone like him. She sat down at her desk, throwing her dark hair over her shoulder. She traced her fingertips on the metal desk, feeling the coolness. She glanced her brown eyes up, meeting John's, a smile on her face.


"Hey, you two coming?" Olivia asked as she and Elliot grabbed their coats. As usual, Cass and John were deeply involved in one of their CCs, or conspiracy chats. Those two were like two peas and pod.

"Oh right! Coming!" Cass called as she slipped on her coat with John following behind her. John jogged up to her side as they reached the elevator.

"What's our case this time?" John questioned as they rode down to the ground level. Cass agreed, nodding her head as they looked at the lead detectives standing beside them.

"Well if you were paying attention you would have known." Elliot spat, keeping his blue eyes forward on the door. Cass and John furrowed their eyebrows, glancing at each other. What was his problem?

"Elliot," Olivia softly scolded. She looked back at John and Cass, sympathetically smiling at them. "We have a case about a little girl who was sick at daycare and her carer took her into the hospital to find out she had an STD." She explained. The doors opened and Elliot marched out, obviously upset. Olivia jogged up to him, leaving Cass and John behind.

"What's eating Stabler?" Cass whispered to John. John shrugged his shoulders.

"I would answer Big Foot, but I don't think he likes jackasses." John replied, making Cass giggle and cover her mouth. John looked at her, a smile growing on his face. He loved hearing her sweet laugh.

"John," she laughed. "I'm serious. What's his problem?" She grinned, bumping his shoulder.

"It's probably another personal problem that always gets in the way of his job. After working on the job for almost twenty years you would think he would learn how to keep pleasure away from business." John answered. Cass slightly rolled her brown eyes. She could read between John's jokes, knowing what he was trying to say.

"What? Can't answer a question without a joke?" Cass smirked as they entered their squad car. John hopped into the driver's side, buckling up as he thought of a witty response.

"Why must you question my jokes?" He fired back, making her chuckle and look out the window. He started the car and they took off. Cass gently smiled as she glanced at John.

"John," she stated, seriousness filling the air. "You're my best friend." She honestly declared. He looked at her, his brown eyes locking with hers.

"Cass, you're my best friend too," he replied. "In fact, you're the first partner I would actually take a bullet for." He added.





She panted her forehead placed against his. She grinned, glancing up into his brown eyes. They were stuffed in a janitors closet, currently trying to caught their breath from their latest make out session. "John," she gasped as he ran his fingers through her brown hair. "I love you." She confessed.

John tensed up, his eyes never leaving her's. "I love you too." He softly whispered. He had gone through three wives and thought true love was only meant for a lucky few and luck was never on his side. He always blamed it on his Jewish genes.

"I actually have some important news to tell you." She smiled, tracing her fingers on his face, trying to memorize it. His face softened as he noticed how nervous she was beginning to look.

She rested her hands on his chest, her fingers gripping his shirt. "What's wrong?" He asked, concern lacing his words. She looked up into his brown eyes, deciding to let the chips fall where they may.

"John," she began. "I'm pregnant." She confessed, her eyes quickly searching his face to see his emotions. His eyes went wide, unsure what to think. He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off. "It's yours, John." She gulped.

She felt like he was going to leave her. His eyes kept darting to the door. Terror began to course through her veins. She did ruin what they had? Would he ask for a new partner? What had she done?

Suddenly, his lips crashed against hers. He picked her chin up, looking back into her teary eyes. His fingers ran through her long hair. "So we're going to have a Munchkin?" He nervously chuckled. She nodded her head, tears began to stream down her face. He quickly wiped them away with his thumb. "I'm ready." He softly stated.

This request was for Detective_Cass. If you would like me to change this, don't be afraid to ask! I will fix it up for you! Thank you for requesting a one shot! I hope you liked it!

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