You wouldn't understand

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"Olivia, we're gonna need you." Fin stated, heading towards her desk. She furrowed her eyebrows as she rose from her seat.

"Why? What's happened?" She asked, following behind him towards one of the rooms. She looked inside, seeing a brunette whose face was red and splotchy. She was wearing a torn shirt and looked like she had a rough night.

"Her name's Rebecca," Fin started as they watched her fidget in her seat. "She came in here saying she was raped."

"Why don't we have anyone in there asking her about it?" Olivia quickly questioned. Fin shrugged his shoulders, looking into Olivia's eyes.

"She flipped out and won't talk to anyone. Says nobody understands what she's going through." He explained as the girl began to mess with the snarls in her tangled brown hair.

"Let me talk to her." Olivia replied, making Fin softly smile.

"Figured you would try." He added as she walked towards the door. Olivia gently opened the door, a smile on her face. She was going to make Rebecca feel as comfortable as possible.

"Hi, Rebecca. My name's Olivia." She greeted, taking a seat across from the victim.

"Hi." She softly replied, darting her blue eyes back and forth from Olivia and the wooden table. She gently traced her fingers on the table, trying to distract herself.

"A detective here says that you came in here saying you were raped. Would you like to talk to me about it?" Olivia asked, hoping she could maybe make the girl talk. Olivia has always had a way with victims.

Rebecca immediately began to close off, and Olivia could tell. She hunched over, hiding her face. "Actually, I'd rather not. It's personal, ya know?" She mumbled, looking at the table.

Olivia leaned over, gently touching Rebecca's hand. The teen looked up, her eyes meeting Olivia's brown ones. "I know. I know it is, Rebecca," she began. "But this is really important. I want to catch the guy who did this to you."

Rebecca's blue eyes began to swell with tears. "You wouldn't understand. This is a sin." She cried, wiping under her eyes.

"Rebecca, sweetheart, this isn't a sin. You were raped." Olivia quickly comforted. Rebecca nodded her head, tears beginning to trail down her face.

"Yes it is," she sniffed. "You don't get it. I'm Catholic. You're not supposed to have sex until you're married." She defended, her hands starting to shake.

"Sweetheart, this isn't your fault." Olivia persisted, trying to help show her that she had no choice in this. Rebecca pushed Olivia's hand away, hiding her hands under her arms, hugging herself.

"I want to talk to someone who understands." She sobbed, lowering her head. Olivia nodded her head, slowly rising from her seat. She wasn't going to get this girl to talk. Softly, she exited the room, leaving Rebecca alone.

Fin walked up to Olivia, a frown on his face. "What are we gonna do? She won't talk to anyone."

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows, an idea starting to rattle in her head. "We might not be able to get her to open up, but I know a guy who can." She stated.

"Who? There's nobody here who's Catholic." Fin fired back. He wanted to help Rebecca as much as he could, but it would be hard to find a rapist without a case.

"It's gonna be a long shot, but I think it'll work." Olivia replied, a smile growing on her face.


"Elliot, what are you doing back?" Captain questioned as the retired officer entered the squad room. Olivia rose from her desk, quickly running to meet her old partner.

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