Detective Benson

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"Look, Detective Benson is very busy right now. If you would like, I can leave a message for her." Munch grumbled into the phone. Just like the last five times, the line went dead, the dial tone beeping his ear. "Damn it." Munch muttered, slamming the phone onto the receiver.

Fin looked across his desk, eyeing Munch. "What's got your panties in a twist this time?" He asked. Munch leaned back against his chair, annoyance present on his face.

"This person keeps calling and asking for Olivia. As soon as I tell them she's busy, the line goes dead. Then they'll call again in the next minute assuming she'll suddenly answer the phone." Munch explained.

"Glad I don't have that problem." Fin replied, smirking at Munch. Immediately, his line began to rang.

"You spoke too soon, partner." Munch grinned as Fin quickly brought the phone to his ear.

"Manhattan SVU, this is Detective Tutola speaking." Fin greeted, ignoring Munch and his smug face.

"Is 'Livia Benson there?" The person on the other side of the line asked. Fin shot a glance at Munch then pulled out his notebook.

"I'm sorry, but Detective Benson is currently out on a field assignment. Can I leave a message for you?" Fin asked but like the last six times, the line went dead. Fin cursed under his breath as he put the phone back on the receiver.

Fin looked up to Munch, seeing Cragen zooming past him. "Cap't!" Fin called out, making Cragen stop in his tracks. "Liv back from the field?"

"Yeah. She's left her suspect on ice for about 20 minutes. Why?" Cragen answered, walking towards Munch and Fin.

"We have a caller requestin' to talk to 'Livia."

"And only her." Munch grumpily added. Cragen let out a sigh, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"Okay. I'll get her out here quick." He agreed, nodding his head as he turned on his heels. He headed towards the interrogation room as he listened to the phone ring in the background.

He slammed his knuckles against the glass, making Olivia and Nick exit the room. "Are you serious? He was just about to spill!" Olivia complained as Nick leaned against the door, about to protest with her.

"I know, I know. But we have a caller that's desperately trying to talk to you." Cragen argued.

"Are you kidding me? Munch and Fin can't handle it?" Nick scoffed. Cragen shook his head, shrugging his shoulder.

"Apparently not. So Liv, go check it out and you stay and try to get more out of Hank before he says the magic word." Cragen commanded. Liv groaned and headed to the front room while Nick went back to grill their suspect.

Liv entered the room, marching towards Fin's desk. "Okay! You got me out of an interrogation. Where's this caller?" She declared, propping her hands on her hips.

"Here." Fin stated, handing her the phone. Olivia took a deep breath, trying to calm her anger. She didn't want to scare away a victim. "Detective Benson." She breathed.

"'Livia Benson?" They clarified. Immediately, Olivia could tell it was a child.

"Yes." She replied, her voice going softer and slower. Children were unpredictable. She wanted to try to do everything to keep this kid talking so she could help them.

"I'm scared." They stated.

"Of what, sweetie?" She asked, pulling out her notepad and laying it on Fin's desk. He handed her a pen. She scratched it in the corner of the paper, making sure it was working.

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