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"Okay, so where are we on the case?" Olivia asked, following John and Fin to the board. After what just recently happened, everyone had been a little shaken. Nobody's head had been in the game.

"Rosa, three year old African American girl. She was raped and killed two weeks ago. They found her with this strange burn in the shape of a hook," Fin started, pointing to the little girl's picture. "Isabel, five year old Latino girl with the same burn. She was found a week ago."

"And just recently, we found Taylor, an eight year old Caucasian girl, also found with the same burn. She was just found yesterday morning." John added, also pointing to her picture. Olivia walked closer to the board, trying to get a better look at them.

"So all we have connecting them together is the burn?" She asked, trying to make sure everyone was on the same page. She didn't want to miss a step.

"So far," Fin clarified. "None of them are the same race or even look remotely alike."

"Or come from the same neighborhood," John butted in. "Rosa is from a rich neighborhood in Queens. Isabel is from a middle class area in Manhattan, and Taylor is from a broke apartment in Brooklyn."

Olivia shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. What could they all possibly share that would make them targets? She let out a sigh and sat down, resting her elbow on the counter. "Where's Elliot when you need him? He'd know what to do." She mumbled.

"Excuse me?" John asked, cocking his eyebrow. Fin and John turned around, looking at Olivia. She quickly sat up, realizing that she might have offended them by accident.

"It's nothing against you guys," she quickly apologized. "It's just that, well, children were always Elliot's best motivation. He always knew how to deal with them and how to find their rapists."

"If you consider almost snapping a man neck trying to get him to talk, then yeah, Stabler is great at this stuff." John fired back. Olivia groaned and rolled her brown eyes.

"I didn't mean-"

"We know what you meant, Liv. Munch over here is just messing with you." Fin replied, glaring at his partner. John shrugged his shoulders.

"Sorry, Liv." He apologized. She softly smiled and nodded her head. She shouldn't have let Munch's comment get the best of her, but after the last case, Olivia's emotions had been off of the charts.

"Olivia, I need to talk with you in my office." Cragen stated, walking over to his most trusted detectives. She stood up, walking towards Cragen.

"What is it, Captain?" She asked, letting out a little sigh as she snaked her hands into her pockets. She figured she would have to testify what Elliot was doing in the case, so why would he have to take her into the office? Everyone already knew what happened.

"I think it's best if I talk to you alone." He softly replied, making Olivia realize that this wasn't what she was thinking it would be about. She quietly followed behind him. They entered the office, Cragen shutting the door behind them.

"What's happened?" She quickly asked, her face turning into fear. She was hoping that Simon and his family weren't in trouble. After everything they'd gone through, the family didn't need anymore problems.

Cragen let out a little sigh, trying to think of a way to let her know gently, but it would be impossible. "Liv, I figured you should be the first to know," he slowly started, unable to look her in the eyes. "I'm just gonna say it."

"Then say it." She demanded, walking closer to him.

"Elliot turned in his retirement papers. He's leaving SVU. I'm sorry," Cragen explained. Olivia let out a gasp, her eyes widening in shock. Elliot was leaving? Cragen lower his head, trying to keep his feelings to himself. He had to be strong for Olivia. "I'll give you some time to yourself." He stated before he left the room.

Olivia took deep breaths as she ran her fingers through her hair. Her partner, her best friend, was leaving her. She slid down the door, tears starting to trickle down her face. This time, he was leaving her. She stayed in Cragen's office for about five minutes just trying to pull herself together.

When she finally left, she knew her face was red and puffy. She ignored the side comments and looks as she headed back to the board. Fin and John looked her over, both knowing something terrible happened. "You okay?" John asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Olivia lied, swatting air at her face. She just had to cool down, that was all. Not everything was about her and her feelings. They had to finish this case.

"Liv, baby, what happened?" Fin repeated slowly as the group moved closer to her. She held her breath trying to keep in her threatening tears, but looking at Fin and John's faces, she couldn't.

"Um, Elliot is leaving SVU." She croaked, wiping under her brown eyes. Fin and John arched their eyebrows, both of them unsure what she said. There was no way Stabler was leaving. Everyone knew he would be moving back in the next few days.

"What?" Fin and John exclaimed, leaning in closer to Olivia. She nodded her head, showing them that it was true. They both stood there, looking to the floor as Olivia gently cried to herself. Comforting people weren't really their strong suit, especially when it came to Olivia. That was Elliot's job.

"Do you-do you think that I'm the reason he left?" She hiccuped, looking up at them. Immediately, they both shook their heads, denying her opinion.

"Liv, you were Elliot's best friend. Sure, you both butted heads a couple times, but you always had each other's back. We both know why he left, and it wasn't 'cause of you." Fin argued. Olivia nodded her head as John sat down beside her.

"Olivia, I've worked with you and Stabler for over 12 years. We've seen detectives come and go, partners leaving after only a couple of months working together, and many, many ADAs," John started. "But you and Stabler have always been together, even since the beginning. Most of us have had bets over how long you would stay partners, and to be honest, most of them are gone now. Stabler would never hurt you by leaving unless it was the right thing to do."

"So you don't think it's my fault?" Olivia clarified, looking at both of them. They shook their heads slowly. "Then why would he leave me?"

"I think this last case is what finally did it to him. Stabler has always been okay with shooting someone when it was for a good cause, but never when it was a child." John answered.

She gently nodded her head, understanding what John was saying, but it was just too logical. It made perfect sense, but she didn't feel like that was the reason. "I don't think we'll ever know the reason, sweetheart." Fin added, looking into her brown eyes. She nodded her head, feeling the tears again. She wanted to be strong. God, she had to be strong, but the idea of moving on without Elliot was heart aching.


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