My Best Friend

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The doors to SVU pounded open. Everyone's heads turned to look at the man standing in the doorway. The moonlight shined on his body, leaving a shadow over his face. "Can I help you?" Olivia asked, rising from her chair.

He slowly walked into the light, his footsteps echoing around the room. Olivia immediately recognized those blue eyes. "Elliot." She gasped. Rumors had spread fast about his departure from SVU.

"Elliot, what are you doing here?" Fin questioned, walking towards their long lost friend. Even from across the room, you could see the bags under his eyes. Elliot glanced at him, spooking everyone who had known the detective.

"Is something wrong? I thought you were-"

"Liv, we need to talk," he hoarsely spoke, staring at his former partner, cutting her off. "Now." He sternly added.

"Yeah, sure." She quickly replied, nodding her head. They walked towards an interrogation room, heading past Captain's office. Just as luck would have it, Cragen was just exiting his office.

"Elliot? What's going on?" He questioned, holding the two of them back.

"Just leave me alone." Elliot answered, pushing past. He didn't come back for a trip down memory lane. He had to talk to Olivia. She was the only one he could trust right now.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and followed Elliot. Cragen furrowed his eyebrows, silently following them. He went and turned up the speaker as he looked behind the one way glass.

Elliot slammed the door behind him, leaving just him and Olivia together. She sat down, leaning her elbows on the table. "Elliot, what's happening?" She asked, watching him pace back and forth around the room. He was silent, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Did something happen to the kids? Are you okay?" She pressed. Elliot shook his head, still not talking. She let out a groan and rolled her brown eyes. "Elliot, you gotta talk to me. I can't read minds."

"I can't talk to you until we're alone." He stated, not bringing his eyes up. He looked at the floor, still pacing back and forth.

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows, watching him. "El, we are alone."

"No, no, no," he exclaimed, shaking his finger. "I've worked here for 19 years. I know we're not alone. I know Captain is listening to us."

"No, he's not."

"Damn it, Liv!" He shouted, pounding his fists on the table. "I know he's back there and I won't talk until he's gone!" He roared, pointing backwards at the glass. They stared into each other's eyes, knowing what the other was thinking. "I won't do it." He softly panted.

Captain knew it was time for him to go. Something was seriously bothering Elliot. Normally, he wouldn't leave a detective in an interrogation room without someone watching, but he knew he could trust Elliot.

Even though everyone else had thought the man had gone mad, Cragen trusted him. Sure, Elliot could get out of hand. He was known to lose his temper, but Captain knew he couldn't hurt Olivia, even if he wanted to.

Captain knew she would be alright. She was one of the few people who could handle him at his worst. After all, she knew him the best. She knew him almost better than his wife. Besides, she didn't even flinch when Elliot slammed his fists into that table. 

He turned off the speaker and headed back to his office. They'd be okay.

Elliot slowly walked away from the table, knowing Captain had left. He shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. He ran his fingers through his balding hair, watching the images play in his mind. "Elliot, just sit down and let's talk, just like we used to." Olivia encouraged.

Elliot nodded his head, liking the idea. He needed to calm down. He couldn't let his rage back out. He scrapped the chair across the floor and plopped into it, looking at Olivia. She nodded her head, glad he was making some progress. "Olivia, you're my best friend, right?" He asked.

"Of course, Elliot."

"And we've been together a long time. You know me better than I know myself." He added, looking into her brown eyes. She blinked her eyes, confused about what he was saying.

"I suppose," She replied, slightly furrowing her eyebrows. He licked his lips, the images coming back stronger as he stayed in the room. "Elliot, what's this about?"

He scooted his chair closer to her, not taking his eyes off of her. "Olivia, you're always the first one I turn to when things get bad."

"What about Kathy? She's your wife."

"No. I don't want her to leave me again." He quickly answered, shaking his head. He rubbed the side of head. God, the pounding was starting to get worse. He had to get this off of his chest.

"Elliot," Olivia softly spoke, gently rubbing his hand that was on the table. "Please, just tell me what's on your mind."

He gulped as his heart rate began to rise. How was he supposed to do this? "Are you sure you want to know? It's a little graphic." He gently chuckled.

She looked into his blue eyes. If anyone else even glanced at him they would have thought he was insane. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. "Yes."

He gave her his smirk. The smirk that everyone at SVU knew. "Everyone thinks I left SVU because I told the IAB 'to go to hell.' But that's not why I quit, Liv. Do you know why I quit?"

"No." She softly answered.

He let out a slow shaky breath. "I quit because I can't get the images of Jenna dying in my arms out of my head." He stated.

Olivia widened her eyes, processing what he had just told her. That had to be absolutely horrible. No one could tell that to their wife. Olivia was the only one he could turn to. "Elliot, maybe you should talk to Huang. Maybe he could help get rid of those images."

He shook his head and scoffed. "Liv, don't you get it? If I wanted to talk to Huang, I would have. There's a reason I had to talk to you about this. As I said before, you know me better than I know myself."

"I know you won't label me as insane and leave me lonely. Whenever this world is cruel to me, I know you'll be here and help me forgive it. You're my best friend, Olivia. I'm happy just being around you." He added, sadness growing in his eyes.

Immediately, Olivia rose from the table and walked to him. She gave him a hug, hoping he would return it. As usual, he just let his arms hang limp as he rested his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry I left you." He cried.

"Elliot, it's okay. I'm okay." She comforted, gently rubbing his back and they cried together. She felt his strong arms tighten around her. They needed this closure. He had felt guilty for leaving her and she felt terrible for blaming him. They were best friends. They would always come back to each other in rain or shine.

They would always have each other's backs, on duty or off. They were partners for better or for worse.


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